
Audiovisual Cultures episode 74 – MasterTalk with Brenden Kumarasamy

automated transcript

hello and welcome to audiovisual cultures with me paula blair i’m delighted this time to be joined by brendan kamara sami to talk about his most excellent youtube channel master talk brandon and i connected using and this is a website that connects podcasts with potential guests huge thanks to our members at forward slash av cultures for your tremendous support membership grants early access to new episodes if that entices anyone to help fund the podcast on a regular basis for other ways to support the show and to be part of the conversation i will be back at the end with further details and for now i just want to say i learned loads talking to brandon and he’s doing some really great work with speech coaching and if you’ve been listening regularly to the podcast you might know that this is something i’ve had my own issues and battles with over the past few years so i was really really delighted that he got in touch so i’m sure you’ll learn something from him too and he seems like just a lovely person so do enjoy

brendan hello it’s lovely to connect with you how are you doing today i’m great paul how about you i’m well thanks very much so are you based in montreal is that right that’s correct born and raised excellent um can i just double check the pronunciation of your name just because i don’t want to get it wrong is it okay absolutely yeah of course feel free to just say brendan from master talk when my last name is pronounced kumar sami kamara sami lovely um so we’re gonna talk about your master talk project so you’ve got this brilliant channel on youtube could you tell us a little bit about that absolutely i’m happy to so so master talk is is a channel i started last year to help the world master the art of communication and public speaking and how that got started was when i was in university i used to do these things called case competitions so think of it like professional sports but for nerds so other guys my age or you know playing sports or rugby or cricket or something you know i you know it was clearly it wasn’t built for those kinds of things so what i did instead was i would still eat the same junk food but i would watch other people present presentations and i did that competitively so for in three years presented over 500 times coached dozens of people on public speaking and then after i got a job in the corporate world i just asked myself the following question what can i do to make a difference in the world what can i do to make a change and the idea for master talk came to because i realized that a lot of the content on public speaking on youtube isn’t really good so i started making videos my mother’s basement one thing led to another people started watching it for some reason and then the channel grew and i ramped up production wonderful excellent yes um yeah because i was wondering why would you want to get started and something like that but the more i’ve worked in audio production the more i can hear the sorts of texts that we all have and that compulsion to just fill the sonic space really quickly um yeah so it’s really really looking forward to hearing more about what you do of course of course i’m happy to so so basically what i do is uh from the youtube channel like that’s where i i guess most people interact with me and then of course i have my own clients on the side that i started coaching a couple years ago great and um yes uh because yeah i was i was thinking as well because i think you actually in one of the videos of yours i watched you do point this out that of course you’re making videos and you’re editing them and when i make this podcast i edit it i edit the death out of it um and yeah so i was just because it’s something i’m really conscious of is not taking those moments to pause to get your sentence straight before you speak and those tips that we have so saying um or like all the time and that sort of stuff and i’ve got into the habit of just editing that out so i’m really keen to learn more about how you actually help people overcome those habits when they’re really hardwired when they’ve become really developed embedded in of course it’s not really it’s not easy for sure paul but but the idea is simple the difference is mindset not tactic so for example let’s say an exceptional speaker and an average one we’re always going to forget what we want to say next we’re not geniuses you know there’s always someone a presentation or a conversation like this one where you kind of just say what am i supposed to say next so naturally whether you’re great at public speaking or not we’re both going to get nervous we’re all going to get nervous and think about it what was i supposed to say next but the difference lies in the third bubble because the the speaker’s still trying to practice will do the following uh you know i’m nervous i don’t know what to say next and uh and and i use the filler words to buy time so i figure out what i see next in the sentence but if you’re really good at public speaking that same space you fill with nothing with absolutely nothing and that’s definitely not easy to get right the first time it took me four months to master um personally practicing me two three times a week but i didn’t have the technique i didn’t have a coach so now with the videos my hope is that people can do it in a couple of weeks instead of a couple months so the idea is to always prioritize the removal of the filler words and then over time as they see the number go down like exponentially their confidence as a speaker will increase they’ll say wow i’m really good at this thing and then they’ll stop saying them brilliant and i was wondering as well if you have any tips about the differences between talking for a presentation or a lecture where you have the floor it’s yours people are there to listen to you so they’re going to wait for you and when you’re in a situation where you could be interrupted at any time so such as a meeting or that kind of scenario do you i mean do you have any tips for how to build confidence for different situations as well of course so the way that i see this paula it’s more of a personal take is you should always practice the harder thing so if you want if you’re scared of presenting a topic that you’re passionate about they have an expertise in learn to present something you have no expertise in if you’re worried about meetings and getting asked questions put yourself in a meeting and get people you hate to ask you hundreds of questions so that way you’re always prepared for the easy case center i’ll give you an example to demonstrate this live uh give me a random word

picture sure okay you you let me off really easy so what i have to do with pictures i have to create a presentation of thin air okay so here i go lights camera action whenever we take a snap in our lives pictures come to life and in a picture it is not just an image but thousands of words thousands of meanings and thousands of ways of looking at the same exact picture pictures are snapshots of memories that we hold on for a lifetime when we get older and we see our children playing in the grass at five years old or that eight-year-old birthday where their sister runs a piece of cake into their face pictures allow us to capture moments that matter and that’s exactly when this presentation i’m going to be teaching you the history of peaches and how you can take a snap of every important moment of your life so notice how i just did that like randomly this is what i call the random word exercise obviously the first time i want to point out don’t compare yourself to me i literally do this thousands of times like it’s always the first time i got pictures like uh i don’t know and then over time you get better all i’m asking for five minutes of your time with five words spend 60 seconds and just do a lamp post a table you know teapot door one minute each five minutes a day and if you do that for a year you’ll have done the exercise 1800 times and here’s the beauty of this whole thing is that if you can do hippo randomly and you’re passionate about writing and that’s your presentation well if you’re able to present hippo what’s a presentation on writing you’ve been writing for years it’s going to be easy it’s that mindset shift okay that’s really excellent exercise that’s something to try i think um let’s see so you do quite a lot of those types of uh examples in your youtube channel as well and um i mean just like what like what is maybe you’ve said this before but i sort of want to see if we can drill down on this a little bit like what what is it that has really made you want to try and help people with their public speaking you know is it something that you’ve noticed and was it bothering you hearing people not being able to to do that on the fly or stumbling over their words you know what what really was it that made you really want to get into this kind of career pathway yeah absolutely i think it really stems from a value system paula like for me life and happiness stems from just doing great things doing important things doing things that matter and what i realized was you know like the world tells us to find a passion and to figure out what you’re passionate about i honestly think that’s a bad question and the reason is because it’s general it’s vague what does a passion even mean and we’ve spent we try and spend our whole lives trying to chase something that’s so vague in nature that you can have unlimited amounts of and that’s why most people don’t follow their passions because they don’t know what it is here’s a better question what does the world need you most to do right now and why by answering that question you’ll make a decision which is more important than any passion you can ever have when i was 12 i made the decision to not be poor so i went to business school and i wanted to get a job to get out of the poverty line and provide my mother with an opportunity she never had then after that it was to get a job in technology consulting which something i always wanted and then it led to youtube before those decisions i never wanted to be a youtuber which is of all things it’s so scary being on camera like looking at all these weird influencers but the punchline is if i never made the decision to be an accountant i never made the decision to be a technology consultant i wouldn’t have the expertise today to even teach people master talk so i think the point of the conversation is figuring out what you’re willing to stand for for me i realized that there’s a lot of introverted clients that i had back in the day that i still have to this day that had amazing ideas but didn’t want to share it because they thought public speaking was only for extroverts that’s a good category or people who are startup founders really smart individuals you know we’re literally going to change the course of pretty much every human’s being on earth and they were too afraid to share an idea in a presentation i was like seriously you spend like code like years like building this product you can’t spend like 10 minutes presenting it so i just got really passionate because i realized a lot of people had great ideas did not have access to free communication tools because they couldn’t afford rates of like of mine or any other speech code so i wanted to democratize the content and public speaking in a way that someone like dale carnegie couldn’t because he was born in an area or an era of time where this type of conversation wouldn’t even be possible we can’t really hear him or see him in a video and so the the ultimate goal master talk essentially paula is after i die people can still use my content forever yeah that’s really wonderful brendan i i feel like this is the sort of content i would have benefited from many years ago because i’ve had i had a go at being an academic and being a lecturer and i’m a very shy girl in the corner introverted person and it took me such a long time to be able to stand in front of an auditorium full of people and really be not just confident in the knowledge that i had but in communicating it and saying it in a way that was not just communicable but interesting and engaging because that’s the whole other step isn’t it it’s that you can have that ability to actually stand up and and over it but are you then the challenge is making actually really interesting to the people who are receiving it so i mean is that something you progress into as well with your clients absolutely or with really anybody who watches the videos frankly like just give an idea especially since you mentioned being an introvert like a lot of people come up to me and they go like well you know what presentation tips do you have for introverts like or do we make good speakers like of course you do i made a whole video just about that and there’s three things that introverts do better than any other speaker one is that they’re much better at listening so notice in this very conversation you’re having you’re a very very good listener because you might spend more of your time not in conversation versus someone like me who likes to yap a lot that’s why i come on podcast so it’s much harder for me or it was at the beginning of my public speaking journey to tailor my message in a way that someone like you would want to hear it because when i started speaking i was really loud and aggressive so someone like you would be like whoa like this this guy is like crazy right that’s one two is your ability to pause and silence effectively so that’s one of the key foundation foundational skills of public speaking knowing how to pause whenever you want to present something whenever you want to say something that’s super easy for an introvert to do well because they spend most or a higher percentage of time in silence but someone like me silences and pauses is extremely difficult because we get very uncomfortable you almost want to bite your nails when there’s nothing being said whereas someone who reads a book all day i’m obviously generalizing stereotype but you get the idea right they just go well it’s easy and the third thing is that they’re much better at holding space for their audience so since introverts like to keep to themselves a lot more they’re more respectful other people’s spaces so when they speak in a crowd they don’t try and be obnoxious they speak in a way that appeals to more people so even if everyone isn’t going to get super super excited by them they’re going to really like the speaker you never see like an introverted speaker being hated on i’ve never really seen that versus a gary vaynerchuk right who is very very loud so you either really really like them like i do or you really really don’t so you pull into extremes so what’s the takeaway the takeaway here is it doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or an extrovert what matters is your willingness to dive into what you’re good at and more importantly learn from the other so if you’re more extroverted are you willing to learn from the introverts which i had to do and if you’re introverted are you willing to learn from the extrovert so going back to engagement what you said paula the easiest way to engage people is to present the same presentation 100 times the reason why we aren’t engaging as speakers is not because we’re not engaging people it’s because we keep changing up our presentations if we’re presenting a hundred different presentations we only ask ourselves one question that one question is what content should i put in this thing and then you’re just panicking about that but if you do the same thing over again like the 300 times i’ve presented a single presentation you don’t ask yourself that question anymore because you know the content you’re asking yourself how to engage your audience what emotions am i conveying and what do they actually care about that’s really excellent thanks yeah there’s a lot to think about there as well and i i think just to tease that out a little bit more i was wondering if you had noticed any differences between not just personality types but possibly along gender lines and you mentioned yourself class backgrounds as well because i think just my own experience as somebody who’s grown up from a working class background but also as a woman it can be really difficult to command and hold the space and you’re more likely to be talked over in a situation where they’re say a meeting again for example or a seminar kind of a scenario as well you might be um you know if you pause at all i think i wonder if that’s why say young women even you’re much younger than me if that’s why there’s such a habit of speaking oh and it was like this and then that and then sort of like this and then kind of a bit like that you know so you’re not really saying anything but you’re filling the sonic space up because you i i wonder if that’s a way of holding on to it so i was wondering if you come across any of those kinds of issues in your work and i might try and advise on those no absolutely it’s uh so i definitely agree that there’s definitely gender and cultural differences sometimes especially in the context of maybe a european setting or an asian one in particular like the asia the continent of asia i mean but but i would say in general my my pov on this on my point of view is that at the end of the day we’re all going to have cultural and gender barriers but if you’re a great speaker no one cares about those barriers so i’ll give an example think about susan kane or renee brown they’re excellent speakers they’re also extreme ex introverts but we never look at them and say hey you know because they’re a woman you know they’re they gotta have some sort of different cultural barriers i think the way that we want to think about this to keep it unified and keep it easy to understand is confidence does not stem from a glass of water or some sort of power pose or some sort of wonder woman thing before you present because it’s fixing the symptom not the core issue the core issue for anybody not just women like literally anybody is the belief system in whatever it is that you believe in so in my case i started coaching c-level executives when i was 23 years old so you can imagine the level of insecurity i had as a guy or as a kid rather coaching these these executives who trusted me of their transformation so obviously i knew how to coach them that wasn’t the issue in the same way i’m sure like people you know like you younger women are smart people that’s not the issue it’s that it’s that internal belief system that compass that guides the way that we speak that isn’t directed in the right way so my opinion is the way you fix this has nothing to do with public speaking but rather to do with what you believe in so for me one side of the coin which is the side we don’t want to look at but the side we needed to see is brendan’s too young brendan’s unqualified brennan shouldn’t be making videos on youtube and that’s the voice in that side of the coin that everyone listens to but the other side’s a lot more interesting and that stems from the following question what happens if i do nothing and to ponder that and if i do nothing this is what happens every 16 year old girl and boy in the world who can’t afford me that literally everybody who the the people who want to master public speaking within that demographic when they type public speaking tips what do they find they find a bunch of old dudes who don’t know anything about public speaking so my option a or b isn’t to embarrass myself option a is do the thing right make the videos even if it’s in your mother’s basement even if it’s grainy or option b is hurt millions of people for the rest of time because i’m the only speech coach in my early 20s who has that experience so i’m the only person who can be a role model for a 16 year old girl or boy right and that’s the punchline so the question essentially is who suffers from your inability to take action i’m sure when you started this podcast paula you said oh you know i’m an introvert you know i see all these radio hosts i can’t be loud like them yeah but why did you do it anyways you did it because your community needed the information and that’s all that matters so if you have that belief system and it’s hard to find it’s not easy work but it’s doable because once you get there then it doesn’t matter about gender differences then you’re just going to speak really well and no one’s going to care about any of those things they’re just going to look at you and say paula you’re such an incredible speaker and that’s all that matters gosh yeah that’s really inspiring i’m sure a lot of people out there are benefiting already from that really positive attitude that’s amazing i love the fist bumps

brilliant um okay so let’s see yeah i mean i suppose any other questions i had were probably about speaking at those cultural levels i don’t know how broad or deep you go into specific things or how deep your studies are into well what are what are actually the barriers because you seem to have really good fixes for as like you say you defined between the symptoms and the core problems so is it that you try and target those symptoms that people seem to demonstrate then rather than psychologizing the whole of a person so they can understand but it’s actually just this is how we get you to just do it you know no absolutely i’m sure other speech coaches have their own opinions on things but i think the way i would say it is for me cultural differences is more of seasoning on the cake so in the sense of once we fix that core issue then we can start adjusting our presentation based on the cultural context of the person we’re presenting to so there’s two parts that i would like to talk about so the first part is the cultural context so let’s say when i’m in the uk and i give a presentation i i wouldn’t like i say soccer a lot in the us when i present keynotes obviously i wouldn’t say that because nobody knows what soccer is i would have to say footy or football and you change the terminology and the way you want to do this really efficiently is you want to have a conversation with someone who understands both the culture you want to speak to and the culture you’re in so let’s say i want to speak to the uk and i knew nothing about uk culture i would talk to someone who immigrated from the uk to canada who lives in canada so that way when i ask them questions they’re sensitive to both canadian and uk culture so they can clearly outline the difference for me right i’m lucky i got a bit of friends in every little part of the the globe so i could just ask those people and just go what do you think like same thing with japanese or the opposite right and then from that seasoning you can achieve it second thing that i think is a bit more interesting for people is what i call mirroring or it’s not something that’s invented by me a lot of therapists do this as well but mirroring is essentially mirroring the energy of the person you’re speaking to so they find you a lot more relatable so let’s say you walked into this conversation paula and you said something like this brandon it’s so great to see you this is awesome i would have mirrored the exact same i said you know paul is such an amazing time to be so great to be here but when i turned on the zoom and you and you talked to me and you started with hey brandon how’s it going my goal as a speaker our job is to mirror the person across the call across the presentation to make them feel as comfortable as possible so when i talk to the extrovert and the extrovert goes oh you know brett i’m really excited to be coached by you this is gonna be a lot of fun i’ll be like well me too george it’s gonna be great but then the other side of the spectrum let’s say i don’t know tom or jessica walks in and goes uh you know brenda i’m not really sure about this public speaking thing i’ve been scared for many years well the way i talk them is very different i would say something like well you know i you know i just want to acknowledge you for having the courage just come to this workshop today how about we try a couple of exercises see what happens and we go with it and that is the key to communication mirror the energy of the other person and then the conversations whether it’s a one-on-one or whether it’s a public speaking context becomes a lot more meaningful and becomes a lot more deeper more really excellent advice there thank you brendan okay um so i i suppose just a quick question about your youtube channel because i’m quite interested in the the metaness if um that’s a word probably not um of these kinds of i suppose outputs so even the likes of what i do with the podcast it’s a podcast that explores different areas of culture but it is of itself a cultural products and i was wondering if you think of your youtube channel like that as well so the videos that you produce they are aesthetic objects in themselves and you put a lot of care into how you frame yourself within them and how you structure them and i was wondering about more the production side of things for you so you’ve started in a very um amateur way and i i love the word amateur because i it’s we have to we have to remember the root of that word because i think we’ve come to think of it as you know unqualified or this person doesn’t know what they’re doing but really the root of it is it comes from love you love doing it it comes from that root of of ammo or more and um so to just starting it anyway diy you know from from the house kind of thing and actually we’ve all ended up doing everything that way in the pandemic so um so that to the more polished products that you’re doing now um would you like to say anything about just how you actually produce it put it together and structure it and all those sorts of things as well of course happy to share so so the underlying theme of this whole i would say production spiel is that progression always leads to obsession if you really like what you’re doing so when i started you know i wasn’t really obsessed with anything i just want to be a corporate executive at a company i didn’t really do want too much else in my life make a lot of money donate a lot of money have a great family and then die nothing else planned to be honest it was like much like anyone else was pretty normal person but i was just really frustrated with the content so i just said this is pretty bad let me do i can do better in my basement with the phone so i just took a phone out my mom was kind of wondering what are you doing you work at like ibm why are you like making videos in your basement i was like mom let me just do my thing so it is the over time it went from no production no money nothing and then you know the production got slowly better and better and better and by production i mean me presenting on camera got better because i was terrible and if you don’t believe me look at the first couple of videos they’re still up for a reason so that you can see the journey but the idea was over time it slowly turned into an obsession because i saw the bigger picture for what master talk could be and was supposed to become because i realized nobody else was trying to help the world master public speaking because most speaking coaches in the industry if i’m being very upfront here they make a lot of money so they have no incentive to share their content for free if you’re a speech coach with 12 ceo clients you’re done like you’re done they pay you 10 000 each and then they recommend you to another and at some point you’re charging 30 000 for a package or something and then you’re done like you don’t have to do anything else so you’re never going to create free content and that frustrated me because i said if you’re going to make that much money you should at least give back to society and i’m not here to tell you i charge you nothing for my services but i’m saying at the minimum i should be giving back to the community right it’s that’s stemming from a belief system so that what happened over time mostly because of frustration i just didn’t like the other videos that were uploaded i would say eight nine months into it when i was still making videos in my basement i just looked at you know i went to a lot of personal development conferences think tony robbins esque events and i just said i should do something bigger with this thing and i was just lucky that one of my best friends uh was in the video business since he was 16. so i just said do you want to make my videos do you want to do my production and then he said yes i gave him 25 of my salary we never looked back and the rest was history but i think the idea uh is that once it turns into a mid-session that you do obsessive things so like for example i actually write my content five years in advance the reason i do that is because i’m so obsessed to winning and sharing this content that this has become my obsession so every day i write a youtube script i have content as of this recording until may of 2022. and i film everything i always say my goodness i just made me laugh it’s good but the idea is just uh and i and i record a year in advance so like right now you know when i cut my hair in two weeks i’m going to be filming all of my videos for 2021 in two days right so to make sure i’m always ahead to make sure i’m always ahead of schedule but that you don’t start there you definitely don’t start there where you start with is this stupid phone doesn’t work how do you do this and then over time if it’s something you really want to do uh then you take it a lot more seriously excellent yeah that’s really inspiring i suppose it’s a it’s not this similar story with this one this very podcast as well it’s um i’m just gonna say if i’m able to do this oh now i’m making a podcast and i have a schedule to keep so yeah that’s um i think that’s really inspiring for anybody who might want to try something of their own um but yes so gosh you’re so well ahead of the game then and yeah because another question i had was yeah i mean how do you keep going do you never run out of material so clearly you don’t you don’t run out of material there’s always more issues that arise and that sort of thing yeah no it’s a great question i i definitely think it’s a challenge for certain public speaking especially when i started because you know it’s silences what else do i talk about this thing but over time there’s a couple of things i realized so one is that most sp like actually all speech coaches on youtube don’t don’t even post consistently every week so as long as i just do once a week i’m already ahead of competition so i’ll never do more than once a week because doing more than once a week on youtube so hard really difficult the second part of the equation was those three parts and the second part is obviously asking your audience a lot so what i do a lot on these shows is let’s say after a conversation i have with let’s say someone like you like the first introvert i talked to they would say you know i’m not really good speaker and i was like well why do you think that they’re like oh well i’m not an expert i was like oh i got to make a video on the three lessons i learned from introverts that apply to any present day so what i do is i have like a google keep google keep for those who don’t it’s like a note pad like a note app you can use any note app like a i notes or whatever and then you write a bunch of titles and i i’m not allowed i have one rule i’m not allowed to go to bed unless i write one okay so if it’s 1am and i’ve done all my meetings and i still haven’t ridden it i have to sit down and write it and if i lose an hour of sleep it’s my fault for not being more efficient with my time and the third thing is being open-minded keeping an open mind to just writing whatever you think is best so the same way you know a lot more about audio production than most people on earth i’m the same way with public speaking coaching so because of that unique lens that i have with the content i can create stuff as long as i open my mind to those opportunities so i’ve written in addition to like standard stuff you know like how to be an intro like you know that stuff but i also talk about the three lessons i learned from dance that apply to any presentation karaoke i’m releasing one on rapper or stand-up comedians like magicians i’m just using that creativity but because i’m so ahead of the game like i’m like uh for uh 20 months ahead of schedule now almost two years basically i have a lot less stress right so i’m not stressed to find the next big thing or to get my content ready in two hours or something i can take it easy just say okay what did i learn like yesterday i wrote a presentation on the three lessons i learned from mirrors like the mirror you look at in the morning what how does that apply to presentations so i just keep it going and and luckily for me i don’t know it’s been working out yeah definitely gosh that’s discipline right there that’s excellent um okay great um yeah is there anything else you you want to cover is there anything you feel that you would like to say during this opportunity that you haven’t done yet yeah for sure i’m happy to to kind of close this conversation off my favorite book and my favorite uh life recommendation so the first one is a book that i highly recommend people read it’s called thirst by scott harrison i think it’s the best book on communication public speaking that not many people know about and the reason is because he’s not really a public speaking coach he’s a ceo of a non-profit but the reason why this book is so important is because he raised over 300 million dollars for his charity water right through storytelling branding and marketing but as an npo you don’t have a lot of resources so there’s a lot of lessons you can learn from that book that you can apply to your day-to-day speaking because he actually applies the advice and i use it for all my workshops all my podcasts everything so i highly recommend the read and the life recommendation is my favorite quote which is as follows be insane or be the same if you want to be like everyone else that’s totally okay but if you’re listening to this podcast you’ve made it this far in the conversation you probably want to do something a bit different with your life my advice is the only way to do that is to be a bit more crazy don’t you find it all odd that as a 22 year old i started a youtube channel on public speaking tips of all things then i started coaching c-level executives that’s like ceos at like 23 but i’m also having this very conversation with you on a mattress i still live in my mother’s basement i don’t own a car and i don’t plan on moving out of my mother’s house for another five six years and that’s the point none of those decisions make any sense to anyone except the only person that matters you haven’t guessed so far is you and once you start making decisions that only make sense to you whether it’s starting a youtube channel and some random topic like public speaking and doing all these weird stuff well then by my definition you become insane and when you get to that level you’ll be able to start making decisions that are probably right

that’s wonderful you must have enough material for your own book by this point no doubt yeah uh probably i won’t be releasing one for very long i don’t think so no i don’t know if you’ve got a good couple of years worth of material

sometimes i think about brendan absolutely great um is there apart from your youtube channel this is called master talk is there anywhere else you would like to point people to find you online yeah for sure so for those who to check out the youtube channel like you mentioned paula it’s master talk in one word and for instagram you can also message me there if you want to get in touch with me so that’s at master your talks if you have any questions concerns complaints insults i’m happy with anything don’t be sure to send me a message thank you so much you’ve been so generous with all of your ideas and your time and i really highly recommend anyone really whether you’re a public speaker or even just anyone if you want to work on and improve your everyday speech i think your channel is a really excellent go-to for some really useful tips and food for thought as well i think about life in general thank you so much i really appreciate that well thank you brandon yeah do keep in touch it’d be brilliant to hear from you again of course likewise don’t be sure to send me an email this has been a cozy pea pod production with me paula blair and my very special guest brendan kamara sami from master talk the music is common ground by airton used under a creative commons 3.0 non-commercial license the episode was recorded using zoom and edited by paula blair if you want to support my work without committing to a regular patreon membership you can sell me a fiver by mia coffee dot com forward slash p e a blair any money received goes back into improving the podcast be part of the conversation with av cultures on facebook and twitter and av cultures pod on instagram we’re always happy to hear from potential guests and to have ideas for other shows from our listeners so do please get in touch massive thanks for joining us be accent to each other and catch you next time you

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