
Audiovisual Cultures episode 102 – Landing with Mariae Smiarowska

hello I am polo player and this is audio visual cultures this episode features a conversation with Maria it's Meryl scare that was broadcast live and you cheap on the thirtieth of July twenty twenty one I had of Maria's preparations for her online at in defense performances and titles landing the link is in the show notes if you'd like to view that recording as I explained in knots Maria it caught me just as I was about to take most of August off so we went life as a witness mandate she added and release this before the performances that took place from the twenty second to the thirtieth of August fi is same I attended one of those events and it's something that we talk about in the discussion as Maria was planning it all right at the time but it was very different being at a life's fringe events online mind it was interactive I often find it quite difficult to focus us nothing C. with Maria that's entirely to do with me because I was very aware of the same logic that you cast and being a mites amassed six slash workspace my mind was just racing with things I needed today and I struggle to see man's hand the present nice that Maria worked really hard to stop ash and her opening meditation I've seen Maria perform life before and I've been to many friends performances before so I tried my best to imagine those things combines and what was different though was that Maria it consciously incorporated the webcam I thought a very clever way often using her proximity to yet she changed a shot type she often went deep into her performance space at some points and she created an extreme close up one point on her eyes her production assistant that was present with her also %HESITATION please tell thing and pounding according to the various movements as well so the risk could use if the camera going on and that bonding performances landing involved spoken word song dance instrumental tracks pre recorded videos and some audience participation and combined auctions and answering questions and the charts Maria encouraged the audience to you consider what home means to us and whether or not we feel landed it so we went quite deep on some things and I think there was a degree of shared vulnerability and this virtual space Maria really lay herself bare in particular and talking three family trauma and her conflicted feelings Orion's please Simplicissimus displacement can come in the form of necessitate or for well on the surface seems like it's for the best but it is never easy media also %HESITATION Rimini adage on getting stuck in a solitary place as we entered into lock signs last year and she reminded us that it's not just humans who become displaced speaking to %HESITATION Redbridge cone that she find in Britain and I encountered quite a few red weights at National Trust places during may break and had been thinking about this is wild artifacts on the world's flora and fauna has created displacements in the natural world stage and sometimes for those of us with transitory lights this can mean that sometimes home it reaches us for good or for bad so there was a lot to think about it there with all of that in mind I am really pleased to introduce this informative discussion with performer Maria it's Meryl scam when the recording was over I find that the sign quality was pretty awful ands and balanced between S. and I wasn't aware that that was happening by recording my tests all signed it fine I think if maritime history I think my computer hardware is struggling the hardware in this computer has been breaking apart for some time as credit Franken sending machine at this point and I'm not no I would ask you to please consider supporting my work at Petri on dot com forward slash AP cultures or via the other links in the show notes for for your listening to this reviewing this because I Brady do you need to save up for some new equipment and that will help keep improving the quality of audio visual cultures and just keep me workin and just teach thanks to you special people like there he already do you support this show in various ways for night please enjoy this episode online saying with my very special guest Maria well hello we are very welcome to this life recording of audio visual cultures the podcast that explores different areas of the arts and media we're doing this life today because my cast has some really exciting show coming up in Edinburgh on the twenty second of August I believe and I'm about to take a bit of time off so we thought we'd just not just a window of time where we kids and do this video this morning so that and I'll be right there it will be available for people to watch ahead it's not true and then the audio edit can come by and a couple of months time so thank you so much if you're joining us on U. shape please do share this widely so as many people as possible can hear but it's fabulous yes Morales scare and her amazing show so some of the long hold listeners may remember Maria and her reading interesting interactive performance from the late show's episode back in twenty nineteen and I'm really thrilled to welcome merry at T. R. twenty eight twenty one remote for amounts to spring and then Maria to the stream nice very good morning Maria hi are you dating all right good morning Paula I'm well thank you how are you okay so I'm not too bad it's just still here here is it okay to ask where but she aren't the kids here I'd sites and an ex very interesting up there Walsall Knoxville nine island called St Martin's which is on the Isles of Scilly off the coast of Cornwall and I came here a couple months ago just a summer job and duration has it but I don't have indoor wifi based company %HESITATION outside my work here it is okay yes probably awesome well fresh air that skate office gauge symmetry at any a little bit faster time so would you be happy to just give us a bit of an overview of some of you reckon and we'll talk about your show sure I'm an international performer and Polish American and that all actually new castle M. thirty minutes ago hi merrily I've done theatre work rather than %HESITATION no more anything and I guess you could describe the work of Dennis is a co our mental work I work in a company called patches on their base I'm up in North America so that's also a very kind of visual goalie a look I love theater and I train with a company called undercoat it turned cold and is also very physical %HESITATION some bold divide your work yeah so I guess that's kind of my training where I come from and the physical collection device sort of process work yeah you're planning your show so it's on the twenty second of August is that right but this one %HESITATION great yes I've got one on the twenty second and the twenty third and then a code on the twenty seventh the twenty ninth and thirtieth and they're all live stream there's a plea at seven thirty PM that's brilliant that's created is there anything you can tell us apart it will my people extracts from Nazi thank you so with the one woman show it's something I've written and devised it's called landing and the thing of it is finding one's place on earth which I think is that a kind of a universal yet timely payments zero something of impregnating inside for many years now how to describe it it's a combination of poetry movement song we'll get a visual art and they'll be interactive elements as well that's how I want to try and create kind of an intimate interactive experience as much as possible budget yes %HESITATION beat via zoom and there will be the invitations to participate it's also the element of ritual which is something I've been incorporating into my work yeah I want to thank for now okay that's a really nice teaser here Facebook pages links and show notes people had over to Facebook follow Maria just while we're on that you want to point anybody towards your socials or website yeah I don't have a website as of yet but I do have an Instagram account which is my full name so it's merry S. mascot just all together and then I'm on Twitter but they don't really use it you can find by me on there Maria you are all one it's not W. S. one I think at the end date and there will actually be a Facebook page for the show it out which I mean to my page transaction so it is good to just fly close up just so that people know where to go so we can settle in a bit and take few minutes stand to talk about your work more generally and to say you walk tall people may come to expect from this experience and life experience some of your recognized before haven't on the digital sphere yes Sam certainly the life experience as I describe it I mean definitely interactive fun thought provoking and just what you were mentioning already here thinking about it life life on this planet since can you to question some things and think something sorry what about you yeah S. or anything you're more you'd like to slash I debate what you've done before well I think what I've done before sure it has but up to now but I feel like especially this show is my first original work really Holly energy a one woman show when I was very young as well which was an adaptation of the novel this is my first completely original work okay well I don't think you said our elements I do ask questions I'm not speaking to give answers that masking universal questions I suppose to get people to think about in this show specifically you know who are you what is your identity regardless of your culture or nationality and so on but also what does it mean to have a place on this earth and how do you find that is it something that you take for granted or is that a life long quest how does it look so it's something that I hope will appeal to many people I've actually done a few sharing of the work in progress over the last few months and gotten feedback very interesting but the people who've traveled and lived abroad and have the experience of being our incumbent quote but also people who just come from one place one small town for example on the Mike I'm this and for them it was also %HESITATION but interesting to broaden their horizons to go %HESITATION that applies to me too and it's interesting to see this other perspective so yes I like asking big questions it would be like to keep it entertaining as well obviously another thing that's kind of always drawn me to theaters the arctic aspect which originally was a part of a pattern so I guess that's why I'm incorporating elements of virtual now and going how can we maybe together collectively create a ritual that can be cleansing artworks evening in some way ask any of the questions that they bring up obviously from our past when I land %HESITATION there's a chance that maybe collectively do send your application if you well but also balance with lighter moments not all dark heavy you know so that's kind of what I'm looking at and I think the show is the beginning of of more research and work for the future but it's taking that question and looking at it now and then we'll see we'll see what other work comes future your question Paul I don't know waffling is automotive fights let me walk over as you're describing those things I am being transported back a couple of years to the late shows and share performance Sarah and how he rebuilt to get people drawn in so that performance I'm really interested in that element of contingency or for other people we're bringing when each other many because you can only plan so much with that sort of thing that's interactive and getting other people to perform something even if you're giving them the words because I remember having to read something I didn't get to sort of take an audience member and make them part of it make them performance I find that really interesting about your stuff meanwhile I'm going to try and recreate some about it my uncle digitally obviously it's not the same as live where you can have an immediate response if you will and you can contract obviously there's a bit of it's just a little bit different but I recently did a little work in progress during the month that goes by where for the first time I had a moment of improvisation while I was performing live with the audience who I could see you know that moment and that I was just so joyful and the feedback I got was like yeah we felt we were part of that as well and I like that I like creating that space and internet community for the duration of back and we're all a part of creating it together it's not just hello I'm a performer you know I I like to share I think something that's special and precious about live performance be it digital or live yeah I'll manage yeah I'm sure it would be great I imagine that because so many people in the arts has been a tough year and a half we've talked about this a little bit but have you find any other way he says adopting any plans that you had or are you for sure to be confronted with I'm not having a choice but to make online and that sort of thing highs topping three top anything open for anyone I was actually in isolation of Scotland %HESITATION about six months in the house by myself luckily I had good news tonight and so I was able to do a little bit of performing online a little bit of teaching you know running workshops and thank that only other hand in a way I found it in some ways liberating because I'm going to have bro while I'm on an island in the Atlantic and that's why %HESITATION that and and the hard to get my head around it but also very exciting I've got somebody producing will be in Africa during the time of the production and it's and my directors in Ireland it's just kind of also beautiful that I'm someone who's very international and I've traveled a lot and I've spoken to friends all over the world for me it's always been about you know other time zones and languages etcetera so it feels like the world is kind of stepped up to accepting that is more common than normal in every day and that excites me because it's just really creating that feeling of connectivity globally and %HESITATION I personally love that so in a way it is been liberating the strike while B. R. of your chili but streaming islands you they can go worldwide and research that I think is a worldwide competition and %HESITATION we're having an yes it's exciting it's exciting to have that but I performed live for the first time the other week here on the island we had a little open Mike at the cafe and actually there's a lot of performers on the Simon strangely enough and is the first time I perform live the new year and a half last time was in Newcastle actually enough and it was just so exciting for everyone just like all you know we have been sharing this moment an audience it's been difficult yet challenging but if we can find a way to have a balance in the future it's kind of interesting it does open up a lot of possibilities I know there's a lot of companies have in the states and in other countries you know who been working digitally already for years they were kind of ahead of the game a little bit if you will yeah it's an interesting chance yet like I'm saying I think it's about the balance not I want it all to go online forever no you don't but how can we find a way to maybe you know make a hybrid form or medium it's interesting that my it's been a learning curve I totally get what you're saying I mean that this podcast is become radio international because of what's happened as well so you don't get the same energy necessarily and it's harder to read body language and you don't have to assume that you know your your contingency becomes Willie internet works today as my computer going to burn out so absolutely what I was asking that because I'll be streaming there's only one island hall with good internet your oh my god we're who I know who would just fix of putting on here is very upset they so I went up and I said you know if it's good enough the internet and the answer I got was what prince Charles had a meeting there so yes prince Charles about it I can do it you got real greens and gymnasts on your side Maria quite a few bad experience will happen again but I've been doing it it's all part of it really and I think we're all just so you stay over and away you stay any life or any collect saying in that it's part of it now yes thank you thanks yeah but I'm still crisscrossed courage you got fights and that's five three good chances that it's gonna go perfectly more than one you're right okay would you like to receive updates thanks and special offers straight to your inbox and visit audio visual cultures tower presto com to sign up to our mailing list I'm interested and some of the scenes at your phrases file because that you talked about your rest chill and so much shows just digress just hear what we're doing right now having a conversation online so I'm in new castle you're in the city island Sir we're so far apart yep first beside each other on the screen and the rituals of joining these kinds of calls now I and so many of us have to say this is how you we've been meeting up with their friends and family and all of that so I wonder if there's a ritual and that capital our sense of it but then two smaller right chill since everyday occurrences those things have become habits and become normal that were normal before you know I wonder how much do you think will emerge in the show room so the even that hi this show is getting I. thirty people as part of her at Chennai in itself that's an interesting question I hadn't thought about the smaller rituals actually but you're right yeah because like I said I've done a few of the sharing is already online and I had someone to sell it taking them and that was like the whole ritual you came and there was a waiting room chat music you know and then obviously I was doing human aids afterwards so there's a whole brain work and it's funny that you ask that because I was talking to somebody else in London as well get a little sharing and %HESITATION and she asked me the whole process with the Mitchell and I was kind of like I hadn't thought of it that way but actually yes it is actually a student of the head of every step along the way of making this show and along with this year which came along and we kind of made it happen for me because I was suddenly ahead of time and space likely right now my focus is does this work it has been it has been a ritual so yeah pretty much every element of it is I have intertwined in that way which makes me think I need to make up more I think that even more or just maybe just you know more consciously not necessarily make everything right so that might be a little bit heavy you know bring that awareness to it so you just need to check out I don't really I like that thank you I just wonder if it's another way of linking to your past our engine has to be our more recent past linking east technological advances and the rituals around using them box three times hi these things and go I suppose I mean I don't know what you're going to say I'm just talking stuff I did see her perform what little I do you know of what I've seen of your work before work because I think wasn't a debate going to another planet the PC for %HESITATION you know see you've got that XPS three S. thing humming noise in the background to that idea of going to another planet but how you actually get there you know expose rituals of travel and things like that tonight will break traveling through our computers you know so this technological facilitation of being somewhere else society is coming right I hadn't thought of it as we started it this is going on it's no it's not a problem because you're talking about travel and that the idea of a journey of something that I do feel very central to my work so you mentioned we were going to another planet in the late shows her comment here I am thinking everyone on a journey through partly my life and then these questions if you will so and poetic non linear fashion yeah song movement ritual it's interesting when you say part what I'm very interested in semantic work as well so I'm trying to find a way to take ritual also Germanic ritual perhaps and blended into weave it into the theater work and hard to %HESITATION what I'm exploring the show as well as the land which is also in the title of landing do you have any meetings so it's also the land and the question of how the Latin speaks to us being human beings in a way it's a dialogue also with and I'm going how do I know I found my place the bland %HESITATION how communicated to me so that is something if you were definitely very ancient and something we've always had that I'm trying to access through ritual and performance and my own practice has been really about tuning into that over the last years just how do I work with that innate semantic performance is way rituals and ways of %HESITATION working artistically within landscape and then here I am pulling up outside most of the time which I had not expected at all I was like I'm gonna be in a black box theatre somewhere or even that living room where I was up and you know but now I find myself mostly outside it's interesting that that has arisen in a way and it's interesting that I'm really trying to work with the elements the Latin guy see the ocean I have here that when the sun the earth but I'll be online so it's what you're talking about is how to facilitate mother's dialogue what we're talking about the three D. and then the technological so then kind of finding that balance I'm really kind of about a %HESITATION I guess the way I would use this kind of sensuous experience in the sense that you feel that you put in your body in your skin and that's what's so beautiful about live events I think I've also always been drawn to that rather than well as you grow your breathing the same air and you're feeling the emotions kind of as they happen with what's happening on stage and then obviously there's an interactive element even more engaging and I love that that's what I've always talked about performance the content of the video of it in March yeah shivers you laugh where others lack active experience in %HESITATION of emotion which can also be very cathartic transformative if you %HESITATION sometime so how do I read that into this medium where things are flat or not three D. how do you how do I get your meal you know all these emotions but to see the gauge that you're feeling them not you're just not watching a movie happening but you're there live in your part of that as well and I I want to somehow recreate that and bring the men she was mad and experience into the digital realm I'm talking about going up to impossible to doing and sometimes I'm like no but that's the whole challenge and beauty of it is that had to be back people are like oh my gosh I was transported I was no longer in my living room I was there with you as they are yes it can work I'm striving towards how do we connect to our bodies you are this material may not need some way through this medium that we have nowadays the situation called this meeting to be so every day my long attempt toward Sir but I think yeah that's what I'm looking for that's what really excites me is just having not humana more than human experience the governor in a state whatever the space it's really interesting watching you talk I think it's being on screen so much we're having to rely more on earth station expressions on our hand gestures to the visual heavy lifting of communication so it's interesting watching you marking three ideas with your hands maybe Davison describing stuff like this while we're cut off from the chastisement but we still got our faces and our hands on our shoulders are maybe that's what it is it's transferring their performance from the parts of the body that we count Sadie channeling at some height and save the gestures and the smaller areas some are concentrated areas so that that just came to mind %HESITATION as you were talking about that definitely I mean I I know I talk a lot with my hands anyway I see yeah yeah but it does help the concentrated %HESITATION yeah yeah we love the idea of it thank you yeah it's just so I think that's it maybe that's how it's transferring is that because it was funny I recording I did recently was somebody rear talking about eight forty socks saying you know so you can't see that but the performers acting still fight with their bodies and not come three in their glory so I'm wondering if that's an element that helps it come across as well is connections read a voice and then if it's interactive and other people are able to join then and feel that they can start to move boldly and maybe that transfer student voices while something else some yeah it and it just reminds me of one of the first things a job I had as a teenager in the states and we were taught to not smile opponent because it comes through I remember learning that when I was I don't know fourteen fifteen and it's true you can't beat that and so it's this whole concept of embodiment I'm talking about which is so important as it does transfer it does transfer and even though I think a year ago we would have been like I think people are more used to it now right dancing together online for example you can still have the impression of either be it for like a party a celebration or something more organized a dance class or a %HESITATION I don't know if you know five percent dancing no no I don't it's like a movement practice where you go through what's known as a wave and you go through five different buttons it's usually consulted by someone anyway briefly so it's like a movement practice and I've been doing some of those online as well and they were you initially think are you know dancing in the streets one of my screen this is ridiculous hundreds of people like all over the world and you still get that feeling it's like we're not in the same room together but we're in the same zoom room and got the facilitator and and you can connect to other people if you want you can also hide yourself but there's also that freedom which is nice not everybody was like oh watch me that not everybody wants that but you can get the feeling of like there are other people on the planet right now dancing with me and we're all moving our bodies in the sea the same music and having our own experience but somehow we're connected you know it's the energy really it's about the energetic maxim that's the interesting and strange thing probably a lot more tangible in your in a physical space together can also experience at best and it's not like you think in a way I really do if you step out let's talk for a few days and you think about it like this is why %HESITATION %HESITATION %HESITATION on early and and we're able to do this and I'm gonna be doing a show and you will be able to see her mother right it's crazy it is magical and you can't do that then that's the energy and I thought about energy also read key practitioners working a lot better you're in a manic workable so energetic work and that's part of it I guess that sharing of that is making me smile as you talk about that because I think back in the order numbers somewhere no team just a few months ago my sense of time inside of walk April let's see autumn back in April I think it was there is a feminist Film Festival in Belfast called one day and I was able to go to a festival because it was a long line and they had a big rock party we did what you said we had is invesco and it was the best contact honestly and you think your mom my own them in the front room it's like a silent disco by myself but I'm with loads of my friends so I can't say and it was just class I was just the best fun you know and it was in our stage a he's living in England I was at I'm in England totally different cards regardless connection as we speak the language just as you were saying it was just so much fun didn't feel isolated and feel lonely was buzzing going to bed that night and for days afterwards you know it was just so much fun because I think in in a way when people come and say your body you don't have so many innovations nobody can say yet as he sang he can join in but you don't have to be on screen loads of this region recently saying the strike had little toe lace up I had a little toy a hold up and making it jumps to the catamaran people were wearing fake mosses masks and stuff and use it an artist a rebel fast he was going to pay Charlie Brian Maass masquerades headings Johnson right like that free agent you know so it's like that so yeah you do you get that connection and your %HESITATION performing it kind of ritual that you used to do in a room together and get sweaty and gross and horrible can it don't have to smell anyone it welcome bye have brought about by like that now well I'm glad you had that experience so you know what I'm talking about yeah exactly exactly and it works right you still need it and like you're saying it energizes you gives you something and I'm still connected and I think it's very very important part of the NY times just remember we are connected with the mental health and all that it's been very very challenging and %HESITATION I think I've always been drawn to this kind of idea of creating a community but right now even more so I guess it would bite lean pardon and so I want to be able to create that for a moment and we'll get you back to say that I get some hope and just to see where yeah we are all human and we have similar questions and feelings at such time and are you to share that and let that happen out and create space for that to happen written for me too obviously you know I do it because also I need it I can share that with others and create intimate moments of connection matters that are human and very beneficial in some way whether it's just being entertained and sharing the fun moments together one more thought provoking more cathartic whatever I think those moments of in kind terror as well because you don't necessarily know he's going to turn up for how many people are going to turn out and so those contingencies again but moments this connections re encounter and even if there's no %HESITATION touch but as you say you can have those other sensory experience history oral delivery of things because I think it's well there's probably a connection with oral histories and whereas they would have been passed online and been more cereal you can still be a serial but it can also be recorded and archived away this is going to be on the internet for who knows how long for example with say what you're saying I don't know if you record them or not but I guess not necessarily that will be nice and healthy and they're their own time I don't know what you'll do with top but have yet but yeah mmhm yeah I just thought ideas that you're in not moments here and not present mess with people and you're trying to be in the night and just be together at that time you know and I suppose it's a matter of focus because it's something that I guess a lot of us have been confronted with as well as hi many other sayings are going on on our screens incoming crescent but search screen on as in cold or something like that yes you know I suppose that's just more questions that are coming to mind okay well K. top and then the show maybe it's exactly that it's her innocence is something that is a camera there for that present moment you share it live here in an audience historically usually there's no telling it just bear in mind the experience I am and I think that's what's beautiful about it because you have a lot of on demand shows that have been created so that you can just click on by them and I have that option out there not the whole point is to help what you're talking about at the half that live experience as much as possible even though it's digital and actually I did try this little experiment where I had %HESITATION just for you know various reasons I couldn't perform the whole thing live I didn't have someone to help me technically so I did harden my sharing live and then I pressed play because when I did the rest from another previous sharing that I had recorded and the difference in people's memories to it was so interesting I was like it actually just answer the questions tangible different people like when I was there watching it and it was live and interactive and you know we were there with you I was really taken right and then it changed and it was just kind of like watching something I was like oh my gosh so that just confirm it's gotta be lied to me because of the nature of it and what we're talking about just that feeling of you are engaged in that moment by the late and there's that little risk because it's interactive there's always a little over a gun when I teach ins and I'm up on stage that kind of thing and you know an interactive shows so I'm making it a safe is obviously someone doesn't want to I'm never going to pressure you know whatever but there is that invitation and we saw a little and that's great because it's just like I don't want you sitting there watching you know going out or not it's like well no no this is life this is instructive I'm asking for a first sort of engagement I don't want to be just a passive you're consuming and more entertainment it's a little bit more than that great yeah you want to encourage active participation chest passes being of something and consumption but actually production from people and helping make the R. but because of that it's a collaborative thing it's not just managing the work the questions and like I said at the dialogue that we created together and it's like you were part of that dialogue and creation is well in the like what you saw today it was also like what everyone brought which is surprising thank god the whole UT a minute I wasn't expecting that answer or that kind of response and and let me get that it's like yeah so that was your part that was what you created what you brought and I want the same in this experience is obviously to help grow it grow it and it'll be different every time I like that element of surprise isn't isn't it because this is something I feared all my formative life like I want everything stroll because it's already so much going on and what you risk involved I really like things to be like I know I'm doing beginning and then there's no now I'm like no the beauty is in that proposition in the on the not knowing a risky element of bringing someone who I don't know in completely you know I'm an audience member or just allowing that space for the unknown to happen on stage and performance and I love that because that takes more trust it's harder in a way that is created and distributed across the state yeah yeah well that's okay you like it I don't know I think it's something that's like I'm not seeking protection anymore I'm speaking yeah I don't want it published in perfect we want to be alive and brought is not completely but you know have that new not not exactly right in a cross what I need yeah I think so yes I think so you can drive yourself mad to get everything perfect but then might people be more process because there's nothing making them think about it there's nothing taking the might of themselves for a moment I find anyway the artist and the imperfection the artist and the contingency whatever happens happens I think it's much more interesting than something being less polished perfect's objects because you can see the work and then you can see where people have tried and maybe it hasn't gone the way they they might have wanted or imagined but something happens and at school people thinking about something you know so there's definitely something I'm not I would say I think it's really brave performers make themselves pretty vulnerable I think I think any live performance even if it is super polyester you never know what's going to happen but when something like this right isn't translate to the absolute letter again you don't know what's gonna happen you know so I think it's incredibly brave some performers did that and then they they lay themselves quite paradoxically but I think there's the invitation then she the audience members to do the same you can be part of the same we can keep each other safe so that's maybe where that sense of community comes from exactly no it's very much what you said because many think about Leonard Cohen quote there's a crack in everything that's where the light gets in or the Japanese art and pasting the but you know what it's called the open like a vase only goal coming in and regulating it with gold I don't remember what that artist called but it's just the beauty of keeping the crack well even elevating members gold and stand out like your battle scars wearing one work hi exactly that is exactly what I want to create and that's shown I think in all my work really intimate vulnerable face I'm so afraid out it is so human and so vitally important everywhere in the world and and now I think in a way even more just come back here is out there and the sound a little cheesy but it's not it's really opening up about love and vulnerability that we all need and want to experience and share I'm talking about you know unconditional big capital L. love and having faced the state's right to do that might be saying take care of each other and not my mom and %HESITATION have you heard of the sociologist Bernie brown Renee brown is an American she's a Texan sociologist has written quite a few books one of her books have been kind of a company called braving the wilderness okay which to speak alone or something would be a yeah and they can sell so the cuticle had called about vulnerability which %HESITATION welcome the checkout our talk about the power of both of those yeah about all week yeah you know we got a strong we gotta protect ourselves in the backseat well in a way it's more resilient you know it sounds counterintuitive but to be vulnerable and open and to share your yourself more you know more authentically that's kind of where the connection happens in that auto connection is very powerful and I think that he may not like the little gold in the cracks a broken vase or not what we need but I am hoping to foster allow that to happen I thank myself quite so getting others to do that as well yes actually so I think if anybody is watching this and they're a bit on the fence about giving that a go I can assure you because I have participated in workshops and performances and Maria has been needing and I felt in very safe hands you I am super duper and your birthdate and I felt quite comfortable accede to join and then mark and and and make and our side of myself so I felt very very safe and comfortable and joyful actually today that was Maria so you'll be in very safe hands he please give Mexico thank you I'm really glad if you're interested in giving regular support for the podcast that aren't too keen on peach tree and I know I have membership options and buy me a coffee dot com forward slash P. eight there where you can get the same extras as well as some others exclusive buy me a coffee head over to buy me a coffee dot com forward slash P. eight B. LA bart to price membership options or drop a fiver into this charge thanks and enjoy the rest of the episode is there anything else that you'd like to say to protect people or anything we haven't covered I think we've covered quite a bit actually merry at sparrow scat thank you so much for this morning it's been great to catch up TV part of anything else already excited about the show and I hope it rain it goes really really well for you great thank you so much thank you for having me follow them updating you again okay ET okay folks to check out his performance and her other work currency speaking instincts I'm below so thanks everyone take care see you next time

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