Announcement, transcript

Audiovisual Cultures October 2022 Announcement

Paula Blair informs listeners of the podcast pause until the new year.
Recorded and edited by Paula Blair with Audacity on 24 October 2022.

Automated Transcript

hello everyone I hope you’re keeping as well as is possible at the moment expo here waste some updates I had plans to read an artist’s copyright two ghosts story for Halloween then pause audio visual cultures for a while for at least November and December but a whole load of life hit me and September October and it’s been quite a tough challenging few weeks I’m thinking at the minute of may be aiming for a re launch in March but we’ll see how it goes this is not the end of audio visual cultures richest taking a bit of a pause we’ll see how things go but for Nani I won’t be charging patrons until we start back up again but if anybody does want to support the running costs of the website because the website will obviously still be there as a resource and that’s where you can access our fill back catalogue via the transcripts tied up and she can also go to their where to listen PhD find us on your favorite player then head over to the audio visual cultures dot com and find a suitable tip jar button today so we take cards or PayPal payments and I’ll be really amazing I’m really grateful for the support people have given to you the podcast on to me personally over the last few years whether you’re new to the show %HESITATION or you dependent on aids or you use to listen and you don’t anymore I’m grateful you stop by at any time over the past few weeks I have felt very thankful for having such wonderful friends I’ve been overwhelmed spike kinds messages and dog pictures and offers of lefts and things like that firstly while I was still with Kovitz how to quite a nasty bite of laughs and the September RD October and then my mom wasn’t hospital and they need to get to Belfast to help fight and do some stuff for that and for the next Lotto weeks months I don’t know how long I’m going to be doing a lot of back and forth between Belfast and Newcastle because my mom’s recovery is likely to be quite a long one and we don’t know how long that’s going to space we don’t really have an idea this hi many weeks how many months I could pay and it’s also unclear at the moment what the end point of that might be and how much care she’ll still needs hi independent she might be able to stay in that sort of stuff so it’s very uncertain but for now she is in very good hands and I couldn’t be more and all of health care workers of all kinds you’re just amazing people you’re very special and I think the rest of us I feel strongly at least have a GDT fight for your rights and your fair pay and your working conditions the staffer amazing with my mom and step very thin and the grind they’re working so hard for everybody who’s in their care they’re amazing and they don’t get paid enough on their shifts are far too long so I said my piece on that I’m also grateful for the time this is given me with my sister for years I’ve really wanted us to have a closer relationship my name is Ben envious of friends of mine who have good relationships with their siblings I wish this it happens three better circumstances but my sister and I have been getting on really very well with the come a great team and we’re really enjoying getting to know each other better as adults we were closest K. it’s largely because again circumstances service together and we had to pay we had to look out for each other you know only thing we’ve kept being close but may nothing away has meant that we don’t communicate very much and I really want a good relationship with my sister and so having this time together has been really important for us I think I think that’s all I have the capacity for the moment I have very little time and this is going to need a bit of an added I was hoping I’d say all of this may say enough that I wouldn’t really need to edit anything but I make mistakes on my house and said they recovered from Covidien though it’s been a few weeks nine so I’d ask you to mind yourselves and to be excellent to each other please enjoy your time with your favorite people and make sure one of his favorite people as yourself the podcast feeds it’s going to be quiet I’m not content to read posts or anything like that but I can’t help myself and I’m sure I’ll be on socials and I’ll try and re post to social some of our older contents when I get a minutes I’ll plan alluded posts on socials just germane G. of older stuff we’ve done as well as China keeping getting with our lovely internet friends place to say hello and please go back three the whole back catalog if you haven’t heard or older episodes there’s some really great interface must bring him people at loads of interesting ideas have emerged in this podcast over the last four and a half years you know there’s also loads of totally nerd tastic content which everybody should Louth who were on all good podcast players so wherever you find this if you stumble across this and this is your introduction to the show is made saying we’re not making it for a while we’ve got loads of stuff we’ve got a hundred and twenty six selepas suits and actually that’s not even accurate because they’re opposites that are on numbers and their opposites that were split into a and they’ve called the same number parts same base so there’s absolutely heaps of stuff if you go back Ron you cheap as well plus you can find absolutely everything as I said before at all the official cultures dot com and the websites in going anywhere lots of love sign key and take care


Audiovisual Cultures Episode 126 – Game Day with Dean Simone, Val McAdoo and Pete Postiglione

Paula Blair chats with Dean Simone, Val McAdoo and Pete Postiglione about making their sports-themed family drama independent feature film Game Day (dir. Edgar Michael Bravo, 2021). Each talk through their production experiences in front of and behind the camera, Italian-American culture and family, and growing film production and storytelling embedded in Philadelphia. Includes plot details and potential spoilers.
Music: commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Edited by Paula Blair with Audacity. Recorded on 14 September 2022 using Zoom. Dean and Paula connected via

Automated Transcript

hello you’re very welcome to audio visual cultures the podcast that explores sets of different areas across film the arts and media I am polo player and for this episode it was my greatest pleasure to speak to dean’s Simone file market J. and Pete posted on all access and had various production roles and the independent film Kim tae released in late twenty twenty one and tonight quite widely available for streaming we talk about it’s a production process of the film this seems a right place cultural identity and familial inter relationships before we meet them I want to let you all know that instead of every other Wednesday the podcast is making a slight shift she releasing on the first and third Wednesdays of the month I am busy at the moment Swiss paid work and Tobago writing projects all of which I needs to prioritise says site just don’t have enough income from the podcast she justify keeping its shed gill head of doing these other jobs that are giving me income and I’m also relinquishing myself from the responsibility of producing contents every months so if there are months coming up where I don’t have to yep the suits will skip that month this is so I don’t short change our patrons who pay for extras an early releases and I can just pause their payments until thurs content coming up again I want to keep the quality high for all of he and I can do that better if I’m not burning nice and I’m not getting stressed so I’m sure you’ll understand and I hope you’ll agree that ice being consistent for four years some of you haven’t been around for that long some of you have you know if you’ve been here from the start you know initially we started off weakly then after I think about it six months or something dot became unsustainable because I’m doing this by myself and then we switch to the fortnightly format which has been working really well and it allows me to catch up to my south after years of really struggling I’m not only actually getting really get paid work and as a Sam I just need to prioritize stop because the podcast has remained pretty stagnant in terms of getting an income and I’ve tried to do the whole really plying everything and see it and and everything and it hasn’t really quite worked so it’s working in other areas of my life and I need said go where the money yes really hopefully we’ll keep enjoying audio visual cultures as sweet path it very slightly T. twice monthly which worksite really not much differently at least not for awhile and then there might to speak out months and then hopefully you’ll enjoy this all the more when we come back okay invigorated its hands not to spit and stuff but for the sake of it my huge thanks to see our patrons out to pitch the on dot com forward slash AV cultures and everybody they sang he has reached ITS feedback and basis on socials this whole really helps other listeners find the show and learn from our fantastic cast I had an absolute blast recording this with Dane file and pastes and I’m sure you’ll really enjoy this conversation take a thank you so much for being on my show and I love my babies I love speaking see independent film makers and it’s just so exciting to connect with people across the Atlantic as well dean Simone follow my Kitty and Pete Pocic Leone thank you all so much for joining me on audio visual cultures at youthful been unfolds and making at quite a special independent sports themes family drama feature film called PM day which we’re gonna try ends slash I’d a little bit and I understand it’s very much teens be a baby as a co writer of the film as well so we’ll do that in a moment but first of all it would be fantastic to get some voices attached to those names so it’s okay can I go awry and everybody if you’re happy to just introduce yourself tell us a little bit about yourself and your involvement in the film that would be a great starts sounds good %HESITATION dean Simone and %HESITATION I was one of the co writers and co producers on this and I was one of the actors in it it’s well we shot it back in our home town those guys live there now I’d like to live there in Philadelphia so %HESITATION we definitely brought a little bit of Philly the camera I and now I’m acting here %HESITATION I eat the card and Jeannie for tankers take great heart to Frank and %HESITATION I helped produce the film as well and we shot in my home town where I live right now which is why first name right outside of Philly south Philly Philly born and raised hi my name is Pete because the ground I also helps to produce the movie %HESITATION and I was the first assistant director on this as well as our small part is checked in the movie okay the name we still why you chose that name but I remember you telling there was a real person it was it was a boyhood friend so that okay this is a lot there to try and tease a he does we go sorry then that’s wonderful thank you so Dana I think because you you co wrote the film if it’s okay can I get you to give us a bit of an eye nine of the story and tell us a bit about your character the main character’s lack that’s all right yeah yeah well it’s really about family and it’s about family dysfunction and family function as well that’s about it really old coming to a crescendo on one day on a Sunday when like %HESITATION everybody in Philadelphia does on Sundays during football season we all gather to watch the eagles it’s a big family get together it also happens to be in the story my oldest son Vince’s birth back so there is a quite a bit of a family drama that kind of %HESITATION old hits it one time it’s a lot of things that have been building up for awhile some of the family members have been avoiding each other this is a situation where they cannot they’re kind of thrown in an arena of the house together and then to add to it all it’s %HESITATION the eagles first the cowboys which is our rivalry so generally when that game happens emotions are high and %HESITATION emotions were already high but %HESITATION it definitely exacerbated the situation so it’s just a lot of %HESITATION a lot of family stuff a lot of I am food for any end and file to cheat then tell us a bit more but GMAT what’s going on with GMA and the film sure well it’s Jamie at this point knows that there’s kind of something going on with her husband and the axe I think you she’s preparing to have everybody over you know on this Sunday and she kind of knows the drama that will go down but then when she finds out that Michelle the axis coming not real happy so %HESITATION that’s pretty much is going on and I think that you know Jamie kind of represents a lot of women you know in that stage of like marriage and everything there’s a low and I’m sort of there’s a decision that needs to be made about her relationship with her husband and also she kind of struggles with their relationship with their mother as well which I think it’s pretty much the pre determining factor which makes or even marry a man like Zach anyway Hey what’s that yeah I reasoned that you actually I think that that’s me what’s the psychology behind Jamie okay that’s really interesting and so this mysterious caps and what’s going on with caprese cap in this story Richard was a space later in the film as Jamie’s new %HESITATION husband yeah %HESITATION you know this as years have passed they think they both have moved on and we basically get invited to dinner nana this act characters restaurant managing decides to go there in the end well I don’t want to give it all the rulers yeah yeah I think the drama and I’ll say it they won’t but these two in this film really drives the story I think in families in general whenever there’s multi generations and sampling there’s rivalries that exist whether they’re supposed to or not and this really is a good hard look at that and there are some strong women characters in this film you know because grandma lives with with Zach and Zach’s home and I know she’s a strong character and she’s inside her give him that space if they’re strong women you know and and the characters about place Jamie super strong so I think it’s just it’s just a raw look at family you know what happens to be about Italian American family and sometimes there is that negative vulcun Bach on occasion or you know that mafioso connotation here but you know you take away the Italian American and I think a lot of people will cut doesn’t resonate with a lot of folks out just family in general and the rivalries that exist within the family thank you and that was something I was going to ask actually because being based in the U. K. and I think for a listener she would be on this side of the Atlantic so in U. K. art and Europe and further afield it would be really nice said if you guys could flashlight that kind of intensity because we really only have access to that taglyan American identity through the likes of mafia films and that sort of thing and it would be really lovely C. look at that more in a domestic sphere when you bring up a really good point which is unfortunately and I think all of us can say we all like the sopranos and Goodfellas and godfather as much as anybody does but the preponderance of Italian Americans are not in the mafia okay it is a minute amount of people that actually are and %HESITATION really what the film really is about is about family and Pete said it well and it’s true I mean it could be anything we’ve gotten such a since he got released in to be an absolutely I’m more folks got a chance to see it which were really happy about is that because we’ve just had some such strong reactions from people and they’re not Italian southerners you know who are we gonna waspi southerners and people in California and Hispanic people and African American people that we now we’ve gotten so much response because it really the Italian aspect is it’s just a flavoring but it’s not really what it’s about what it’s really about is being true to yourself and navigating to the Mays family which is not easy and anyway four and I think if I can add to your arm yeah definitely it’s nine element I like the team that is like the flavoring in a way because really all families are like this especially in this day and age where you know they’re step kids and there’s yeah my people are moving in with their parents or their parents are moving in with them so you have a house filled with all these different generations and you know things like that so I think that people can relate to it that way they’re being Italian not but I can say that also being in the Italian American in Philadelphia there’s even like an added I think because I mean lots of times tutors like the Philadelphia version and then there’s New York yeah there’s a very strong presence that like a Italian Catholic people in Philadelphia so with that being said I think that really all cultures can definitely identify with this %HESITATION it especially the dynamics of the family with all of the people living together and then forget my two stepsons like I really I love like a lie because I helped to raise them you know when Jeannie up to research at the same time like one of them dressed me not hello we don’t know exactly surplus right I mean I grew up my my parents are both from south Philly so those Sunday dinners were every week a family meal and it was brave for dean to write the story of his family but at the same time that wasn’t anything new for right it was just yeah I don’t mind my dad comes from nine and he would be arguing all the siblings the end of the day they just give each other a hug you kiss on the you know it’s you can see you next week type of thing so but I get all families are like that I mean I you know do you have siblings Paul I do yes I have an older sister yeah you’re just talking there Pete it’s reminding me of my childhood and the big Sunday dinners with the family and everything yeah right you didn’t know annoyed anyone it’s funny how this all works out because you know Pete knight and scion earth gruppen jelly so it just the way that all of this went down with like auditioning for this but we’re truly authenticated right like we ended up coming here which is really cool because spend most of the cast you know had accidentally entered the teacher with yeah that’s it you can browse making the accent was like we’re all set we we you know it drives all of us crazy collectively here Yorkers doing able Pete Pete was in silver linings playbook yep he was an actor it’s everybody’s playbook it was one of the few people actually had a Philadelphia accent it it you know I mean it’s like you see these people and they everyone thinks that on a Philadelphia accent is a New York accent and that would be sort of like saying that an Irish accent is the same as a %HESITATION a northern England accent or you know %HESITATION sounds the same it’s close but it’s different in a lot of it begin ways and %HESITATION we try to really keep a tribute to that because we felt like it it added to the credibility and I mean it was it was Philly made all the way we had the food a lot of the sponsors were %HESITATION stakes in DNS ravioli and okay he’s yeah yeah and then like even at the arm premier Kerr goes deep that totally Jenny yeah yeah I mean it was in it you may now sign there with a cab driver so it was a good authentic like we we tried very hard to make it as authentic as we can it was it wasn’t a strong representation of your because I routine sometimes in movies kind of beer away from I don’t know too too far away from that short you’re trying to portray it’s a parents in the audience and the minute you step down I mean that the opening scene it’s like oh I know exactly where I am right there’s no pretending there isn’t you know it’s you get right in and and to that point the acting across the board to pay back to us and we helps to cast about ninety if not ninety five percent of this movie yeah you guys did it up absolutely and it was across the board spectacular I’m the performances are spectacular and there’s you know there’s not an A. Lister in the bunch but I would put them up against any A. Lister because I think that this movie is that strong and this one sitting right next to us through such a transformation armed with their character and dean also like you when you watch a story or watch a movie and you’re looking for that character to make a change you’re looking for that internal struggle these two it’s really it’s so good it’s so good it really is well I tell you what when I went back there and I didn’t I didn’t know these guys you know so %HESITATION I was so excited to go back home to to begin with and to make the movie back there and then %HESITATION beating these guys it was incredible I mean they probably tell your you know people always think that %HESITATION you’re in Philly so okay well you know it’s more it’s more worldly in New York or there it’s more worldly and Londoners more worldly and in LA and it couldn’t be further from the truth I mean these guys have done all kinds of incredible work as actors is director I mean I was really honored to be there and work with them and I really felt we felt when we were doing it that we were doing something special and then there were times when we butted heads there were times when we got on each other’s nerves because I mean this was like true independent film making I mean we work we were eyeball to eyeball twelve hour days man it’s like I got two hours sleep last night I was staying in this hotel that was like in the town is gorgeous it’s right outside of Philadelphia all this counts worth more media I’m just just their incredible but all I got in one hotel that was like still not gorgeous in line god I believe he chose that one the land wire yeah it is you would literally takes you to a better what a good man there’s no doubt when they dropped me off at four PM PDT everything was doing a million different things on the stat drops me off and we’re talking in the car and this poor guy had like maybe three hours sleep like like literally six nights in a row these guys would sleep in the work and all day on the show that you know I mean it was nonstop and denied having this great conversation all three of us clicked so well for different reasons than just billing got along with each other so well or sit in the car and peach like listen I love you buddy but I gotta go you gotta get out of my car my wife and I’m like this guy is a man after my own heart which is a fallacy exactly black especially with cleaning right now I’m just gonna say you’re like oh you know this truly was like an indie found and you know we’re all kind of low budget cutting corners and we actually we have some of the people stating that you are not the only okay deny are very much a clean a lot of the time people are quite honestly right late late teens it’s mom I’m in our kitchen is like immaculate rain I’m like super crazy some of the people there were nice and not so much smaller S. nine Greece curling is I’ll even we’re getting rid he these two right well give us thirty minutes set out to clean it before we did it because it wasn’t it wasn’t clean enough for the way dean try to get you noticed it was okay Dick Italian kitchen I mean about you can’t just so so we we help no real time we had seen it myself it wasn’t a production al yeah X. lean right way around here I text this weekend my wife texts or because I was clean our bathroom she she was taking pictures of the click after I’m telling you I can’t tell you Risi with that kind of stuff order is like yeah I dislike the way global on that thing you know I mean you know we were yeah but it’s great when teams like for like any picture and she’s like look at this you scream like that your the grout looks on the yeah now that that tracked me and it’s about the grout that’s exactly it well you’re welcome right near anytime Dane I would like to bring you lace well take a flight out here are you right now I’m in the north east of England seven Newcastle upon Tyne okay this is where I’ve drifted off today yes ET in England’s first semester and I am your mind and then university of Essex okay you too much warmer than where I am up in the Norse there were you originally from I’m from Belfast city you got you got it you heard it yeah yeah I’m from Belfast yes so I mean it just here you’ll talk and cheer everybody really mucking in you know I’m from a small nation that’s really bought land to get any of its own industry so I’m absolutely hearing you when you’re talking about getting accents writes I heard enough dodgy old Xerox by the pros you know so it’s certainly I’m absolutely hearing it all from Serra this is just this is Goldie no this is great it’s great to hear this because we don’t hear enough of stories behind independent filmmaking in the U. S. because it’s so over saturated with Hollywood filmmaking and so this is just so valuables here but all of your adduction experiences as well as %HESITATION the actual film itself for sure really exciting and an invalid peaches that are really really need film with %HESITATION kids they they also run a %HESITATION in in an acting studio in school for our kids and that they they just made a movie called the seven which is terrific and they have %HESITATION do you know they have a lot of the kids that they teach and kids in the area are in it and they just do a great job it’s just really really awesome and %HESITATION I think we need more that you know people people viewed as provincial and think that that means in some respect that that’s a bad word and I think that really that’s really where things are headed you know I mean I really think we need more more of that because let’s face it I mean the world is %HESITATION it shrinking you know it’s it it is it is really changing so I think that %HESITATION when you can give a real flavour of an area but let people know Hey you know what this is not much different than what you’ve got happening in Marietta Georgia or this is a much different than what you have happening in Idaho or or or anywhere it says a lot and I think that %HESITATION I I I can’t speak for these guys but I know that again since the movie came out game day aren’t going out to be I’ve had so many people see it and I’ve had so much of the same reaction where I got my stomach was in knots and it’s a very funny thing because I can’t speak for these guys but for me I would say that my stomach is in knots when that kind of trauma exists in our families I don’t think we have drama bad bad obviously it’s fiction not a documentary but %HESITATION people really get surly really feel it you know %HESITATION it’s so nice it’s it’s a taste of what it’s like on a Sunday in an Italian family yeah every piece of that this function is I was like this is not the birds in yeah right clean is slash but my dad always used like I like what you’re saying about you know these independent sounds like the flavor of that particular area I love that my dad always used to say same only different and it kind of makes me think of that because yeah we are all the same in so many ways but sometimes it’s so beautiful to see a big difference you know to see those little idiosyncrasies of a particular group that just makes them so unique you know about independent films you can really see that you can really appreciate anything really feel that you know what it’s like to come from a certain area whatever it is you know in our director Edgar Bravo did a really excellent job it and %HESITATION really it’s it was like procuring talent and then letting the people do what they do and then he was a really good true north was saying that’s bull crap that’s truthful you know he really he really did a lot to get a real honest performances because no matter how good or bad actors I don’t care if you’re like a master like Jeff bridges eight we all have trips will have little tricks that we fall you know you know it’s it’s a conscious I mean peace Pete directs to bass started direct as well I mean so he could speak to that probably better than I can it’s really hard to get actors to move away from their little tricks little things they do what do you think about that P. I agree with Edgar’s approach to this actors will tell you all day long no I can do it that number track so yes I agree with you dean could endure endure with throw ideas at the actors and being the first day day I literally standing next to him pretty much every shot and I would look at him and I’d be like where is that coming from the field but all it did was a listed these responses in these actors you know that may go against the grain of what the scenes about but it’s it was a tiny little instance of of a reaction or a tiny little moments he would grab it and to that end the guy shooting behind the camera last three which brought yep he he made this from the pictures in this film are starting the lighting you may not know this until I tell you but each character has its own lighting scheme which I thought was just amazing and I didn’t know that until last told us and then he sent us pictures demonstrating how the different hues and the different colors were utilized for different characters and that could just blends right into the movie but if you’re really paying attention to the cinematography you notice that absolutely said searcher and I also well I would be remiss not to mention that %HESITATION the person who played my father an attorney Devin he passed away yeah and %HESITATION Tony was a a brilliant actor such a good hearted guy and %HESITATION I’m really glad that one of the last things he did he got a chance to do something that was really %HESITATION deep challenging thing and he crushed it so love to Tony and we ought we miss them I think about him all the time these guys have noted much longer than I have %HESITATION but I really enjoyed the time that I work with them and and we we missed some so %HESITATION so yeah when you watch the film yes that’s one of his last performances and he crushed it degree right yeah you know what it was this last major performance and the thing is that it’s funny because we were P. nine you know we read the script and then once we decided after you know speaking read at current John and scenes of the Grassley mirror you know the production here in media rate will rerun characterless in I looked at each other and leverage our band we are like at you can amen amen dition for anger and anger is soon as it was that you just over there everything that are you kidding me yeah I know it’s like you don’t like you know like we could have found a better person to play against solid so it was such a good he’s a solid actor and he is from a very young age she used to be a singer on Broadway in New York in the transition to film and television and he has done everything that you could possibly imagine in many high profile situations both film and television but sad to say that sometimes the older you get you don’t really get these meaty roles in that you used to and the minute he read this he was like I love this yeah I want to do this and we were all all of us were honored that she decided to do this because he he really did a tremendous that’s one of his best performances while he said that he’s like yeah I’m I’m really proud of this yeah really not of it and he went out like I said it was like it happened for me yes don’t get us wrong but it’s the best way is Paul all the best you know all the best ways just to give a shout out to the whole cast body only who played my mother brilliant the awesome woman Nick Mike my middle son who %HESITATION just a just a handsome charismatic awesome actor Mikey played my oldest son was just I mean just brilliant just great presents great great acting great job Machel who played my ex really was like just got the essence of of what it’s like to be broke in and be in that situation that she was in who am I forgetting guides I mean obviously Val and Pete both awesome as always I’m working with Val was so great I just love doing the scenes with her and it was like actors like it really is like playing tennis you know you’re volleying back and forth and it was just such a treat to going back to go back and forth with our and it was with PT we have a really nice scene at the end there to do it I just these guys are great and %HESITATION Philly actors don’t get near near the amount of respect that they deserve people don’t realize how many awesome actors you want to just keep making films in Philly so that’s the next step and the thing is that we I just down our hardest scenes the first day zero so even when I was you know it but actually I am so glad that we did and and %HESITATION kind of talked about how important that is to do that anchor I really did I mean what extent tastic teacher’s name and I learned from all this that he said you know when you throw it Schering characters in a given the hardest scenes first it kind of sets the pace for everything else foundation and the white guy not like we just can’t act and it just works like we did and from the beginning on the stairs that date it was hardly worked at all with the ship not on the phone I think we did a facetime call or whatever was just gonna introduce ourselves to one another say we’ll be working together for the next twenty days and and then yeah it was like you know when you meet someone and you feel like old friends yelling you know and that’s the way it feels with dean which is why he calls us the triplets yeah I mean I did this ridiculous get calls when okay finally what you like and you should it’s like the trick %HESITATION so really trips are %HESITATION we’re looking to make more movies policy amazing ad that science and toss say they there’s been so much insight from this %HESITATION quite short conversation I’m just wary of time because we’ve only got a few minutes before as in Texas self testing could you just Sam remind everybody where all the combat system see if mention TV which is available I think for U. S. audiences but just more broadly where is it available for people it’s also on Amazon %HESITATION prime rental and %HESITATION to be is the current streaming deal right now but I’m there is going to be more NVMe %HESITATION it’s also available on video as well and we’re good we’re looking at %HESITATION also more platforms that are coming down the pike and %HESITATION that is not our area of what’s happening so they tell us where it is and we let people know but for now it’s it’s to be Amazon prime and DiMeo and in other countries the best way I would take do you go about renting it is to go to the website what’s the website again being WWW dot game day the movie review dot com and I got back yes whether or not you asked you know %HESITATION absolutely are you gonna put are you going to put the website like right there when you right and they show no that’s for sure and I’m making sure everybody yeah because in check said I it’s it’s just always so humbling just hearing from Jobing filmmakers and actors and everybody wore working their socks off to put it very mildly just keep chugging and keep trying to G. what you’re nothing saying it I mean it just what you’ve achieved is just so phenomenal and absolutely it feels it feels very like regional sentiment here in the U. K. and our dentist while what you doing those and those some lesser known areas of such a massive place so it’s really cool for people like me to learn more about each all of that does anybody have any very brief closing thoughts anything you wear BT burning to say that we have on call teachers so we have a couple of minutes I I think yes maybe we touched on this earlier but I think it’s it’s fair to say and he mentioned that there are some really good actors here in Philadelphia pockets of people exist everywhere right but Hollywood or we assume that you have to go there yeah and we are living proof that that’s not true the hardest part of our puzzle is making sure people see a great movie and that’s all we really want to do at the end of the day yeah having millions of dollars will be fantastic we all agree but we still are going to make great films and we want people to see so the more we do stuff like that so when we meet people like you all up and get the word out there about these films I mean it just helps and thank you problem because it’s people like you yeah okay right now absolutely many independent aren’t seen because you know we on that budget to market like crazy now exactly yeah Preciado great sounds and and tastic stories or really touch your heart you listen to podcasts like this thank you thank you yeah I echo that sentiment as well Paul thank you for having us it was really great talking to you and we did our best to tell the truth and I can tell you one thing in the in the Philadelphia fashion %HESITATION it’s all about never quitting and it’s all about giving it all you got and %HESITATION we definitely did that’s we want people to go out there check out game day if you love the classic films like main street and you up all those great seventies movies that we all well you guys can grow up with maybe I would very young but we definitely try to tell the truth and we definitely try to bring back a style of cinema that we really feel is important and so we hope everybody sees it and we we hope it touches everybody thanks so much for having us we we sure appreciate it I’m missing thank you all thank you have a great rest of your day


Audiovisual Cultures Episode 125 – Podcasting and Mindset with Jennifer Francis

Paula Blair chats with Jenn Francis about making her podcasts Tools of the Podcast Trade and SoloMoms! Talk. We also hear about Jenn’s work with mindset coaching and mentoring, and about her travel experiences. We learn about getting started with podcast production, the importance of meeting people virtually and in person, and the ways Jenn is disrupting lasting stigmas around solo motherhood.
The book Jenn refers to is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
Music: commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Edited by Paula Blair with Audacity. Recorded on 17 August 2022 using Zencastr.

Guest bio: Jenn Francis is the creator of two podcasts: SoloMoms! Talk and Tools of the Podcast Trade. She began her broadcasting journey in 2014 when she started an online radio station to encourage single moms. Jenn enjoys mentoring solo moms as well as new podcasters because she always wants to help others change their mindset so they can find the answers to their questions. She considers herself a mindset maven who believes mindset is everything and things only happen when we have the courage to believe. Jenn loves to travel solo, reads extensively, and journals consistently.

Automated Transcript

hello you’re very welcome audio facial cultures the podcast that explores different areas across from the arts and media I am polo player and in this episode I am delighted to present to you the marvelous Jennifer from says he also goes by Jay rose Marie I find Jan’s podcasts while researching questions for mutual previous cast of both the farce brands and the bullets Jan has been podcasting and making internet radio since twenty fourteen and loves traveling and writing he’ll hear all about Jan and her podcast shortly before that a huge thank you to our fantastic patrons said Petri on dot com forward slash AP cultures if you’d like to join them and financially supporting the show in return for extras early releases %HESITATION bonuses head over to Petri on and join one of our tears I recently updated the shoes funding goals and F. lots of the lessening give a little way to reach them and no time if that’s not of interest just night then please share this episode with the friends and visit audio visual cultures dot com for more ways to get involved I’m happy as always to hear from prospective casts as well if you or anyone you know of would be great on the show and we all learned something really interesting from give me a shot on the websites for night enjoy this chats with Dan Francis %HESITATION so welcome on the official cultures I think we got lost we can talk about it but he but first of all at just how are you doing are you keep and while %HESITATION thanks for having me I’m I appreciate you sorry contact us we can while going through some %HESITATION traumatic experience this summer %HESITATION yeah but I recovery and %HESITATION I’m actually trying to %HESITATION strengthen my held by the moment and doing some work of mine you know I keep going Hey well I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been having a rough time so it’s it’s really getting pizza in to see this and say if some of your time to death but yeah I I’m I’m really glad to hear you’re on the man she did a lot of really important work so I hope that something that you can keep paying yes %HESITATION and thank you for saying that yes I I do have a long break down the summer may need about six weeks but I am back now and %HESITATION it took a little doing to get in there for awhile and you know by the %HESITATION Hardcastle is one of those things that I can never seem to put down and so yeah so one night we met because at you very kindly had me cast on your show tales of the podcast trades and I think this is a must listen for podcasters of any experience level %HESITATION you know I thought I was pretty well first after four years of chugging along doing this but I have learnt loads from listening to your podcast so there’s always something new that people can pick up from that no matter how experienced you think you are there’s gonna be something you haven’t heard before in Jan’s stills and podcasts trance show and I know that you you work on as some online radio and you work on something else hello mom says file so maybe those are things that we can get into a lot of that and %HESITATION I know that you said you were keen to talk up by nine sacks and she took a lot of mentoring so especially because you’ve been through quite a tough time yourself recently maybe we can we can ready T. satellite as well would you be happy to cash my listeners your own sort of introductory overview of yourself in noise through quite a bit are you therapy no matter what what we’re talking if I so if there’s any you’d you’d really like to point out of it what it what it is you need to pay and your and shafts and please go ahead all right thank you again %HESITATION and thank you for being on to castrate %HESITATION your are you being a guest on it and really and that’s the part cast south so it’s very good when I have a gas that can contribute to the listener and %HESITATION experience thank you so %HESITATION he introduced me J. rose Marie Jennifer Francis I hope I’ve hosted two art can I you mentioned are castrated but also saw the moms talk with she’s the one closest to my heart to castrate is more an intellectual journey so I started that because I was left alone and to raise it to a four year old and I learned a lot through the three and a half years that I’ve been doing this part yeah and most of it is mindset most of what we do or not do is the result of what mindset where in which is why I focused purely on mine even wait to castrate because one of the things that held me back from starting the podcast office six years was my mindset what I believe and what I didn’t believe about myself and about potential business again I am just a woman doing a podcast I’m talking about things that she but I also because I’ve struggled so much with different things I find that I want to help others or struggling with this simple thing all right you know there grows like Tony Robbins and his house and you know those aren’t being help you with the big picture setting the stage for your lawn but there’s always that two millimeter yeah you’re missing that vital part to actually you know springboard into one everything that you’re planning to do and so I’d like to believe that personal can help what are your podcasts are all wrestling mom feel that two millimeter gap so you can move on to the next level K. that St really important stuff what you were saying about eight it’s not just want to help yourself to share any of those skills or knowledge that you developed specially with podcasting because meat is toxic by the law of the show before it does still feel like a wild blast at such a young medium and so many of us like the both of us have come to it maybe has more from an amateur backgrounds where we’re just learning on the job and we’re getting better all the time but it’s really great that he’s made two quite different shows but both of them without EM of let’s get you sorted I as well because I’m still on that journey myself but let’s get you some rely and I’ll take you ask me I think that’s really beautiful thing that you’re doing yes thank you hunker as we all struggle with whatever it is we’re doing and I heard someone saying that you know when we think about what we have to share our offer with others we sometimes get this imposter syndrome we forget that there are people who don’t know as much as we do they’re actually just reading the title of the book only maybe on page three or four aren’t chapter three or four and so we know a little bit more than the other person so in order to help you have to get out of that mindset that you don’t know enough to teach I remember that you are at a place where you didn’t know anything yeah Mary change your solo moms work that’s very directly talking to your particular audience but even within that I suppose there is perhaps because single mothers and single parents can be from any kind of background on it you could find yourself in that position from a whole variety of ways and there’s as you mentioned what happens with you or my mom was widowed very young for example so she was raising ten of us on our own after my dad died I went to a a skill with China at the time had very high rates of teenage pregnancy so that’s a whole other great T. S. single mother hates and that kind of saying you know are you trying to infer that hold for acts of solidarity and since Weiland’s here you tryin to find because it feels like it’s something that it’s really really pretty and to normalize its really important to normalize but you know what she adds to what is there anybody else that you’re hoping to find without work okay so the main focus of the show is towards %HESITATION moms or whether they chose to have their children you know I long all whether they would just be left alone to raise the kids whether through death divorce I just abandoned man I preferred to deal away to talk directly to moms who are raising teens are young adults because I I find that it’s a moment in time in our lives when there are a lot of things going on you know where and seeing the middle management dealing with the menopause or perimenopause with dealing with teen angst we’re dealing with the fear of retirement you know there would be only with a lot of things and so I feel that I’m more in the position because they don’t live in to directly address the group individuals now we do get a lot of mothers who are you know still we two one three and four five year old six cetera I’m that really can benefit from the content that we have %HESITATION I don’t just talk about myself and what I do but I also interview experts you know %HESITATION all right so this week is about financial management amount when she financial freedom that although it’s for everybody that basically it’s focus on moms who are raising their children alone and thinking I have no money at the end of the month in the middle of the month the money’s already gone these topics help moms to realize that you know you’re gonna change that mind set and look for ways to improve your situation %HESITATION Tony Robbins I like to call him because I’m very influenced by far is that we have local schools and youth roles so if you keep thinking you don’t have any money really and truly you don’t have any money you know but you can find ways if you put your energy into finding ways to solve your problems then your financial problems you’ll find ways %HESITATION we also cover topics of health you know %HESITATION menopause hormone therapy you know teenage mom communication coal parenting so a lot of the topics %HESITATION do you recall the mother communicate you know handle life in general as an individual a lot of these parenting podcast actually focus more on guaranteeing but I tend to focus more on the mom okay that’s interesting as well because that’s an identity that people can mean and shape but it’s an identity that can also be projected on to people like it’s not as a mother but in combination with all the other complexities of your life as well yeah that kind of thing yes yeah yeah and I wanted to %HESITATION just saying that that’s the reason I chose the name solo mom single mom there is a lot of negative connotation connected single motherhood and I just wanted to broaden so people understand that these single mothers that are not behaving are in the minority and it’s it’s probably quite a subjective thing as well as what we mean by misbehaving or not %HESITATION yeah following the line kind of thing what what’s socially acceptable and that sort of stuff so that’s for anybody else’s I think I’m just saying single mother because it’s quite awkward for me as a British Irish person to say mom you know I would say mom’s kind of a weird to say but yeah that that’s a really important point so thank you for adding that that’s really %HESITATION nice CDA because because again it’s it’s part of the important Barca I think communally all around the world so many of us are trance state and just destructing steak medicine get people to think about it will why do we have such a low opinion socially of certain groups are kinds of people you know and %HESITATION people come to where they are in life three you know happenstance neo so much of the time and they can you keep your language but will people get what they deserve and I find that quite problematic as well so you know I think that’s really really nice I have to mention you know that the uses a language as well as your podcasts really if you find tax useful with your podcasts we’ve got two options for you you can subscribe to the audio visual cultures podcast on U. shape for captioned videos and you can visit audio visual cultures dot com and click the transcripts top both sites are linked in the show notes along with information like this episode with the podcast treated you started that one at bat leadership %HESITATION that one’s a bit more recent test net yes that’s not even a year old yeah no I’m so I officially started October twenty twenty one so it’s not not really sells yeah two three jumping on a moment there because I think when we call and see the pandemic before thoughts the podcast landscape was a bit more now for a couple but then everybody decided to start making a podcast since we went into lock signs all over the world and for those of us who were already doing it and it felt suddenly very crowded as it was already quite crowded so it was not anything to do with it that you were hearing a lot of amateur podcasters and what may be their experiences were beset designed to help them you know what what was it that call you wanting to make that kind of a show well the first thing that they thought for me was my own experience you know I took Pat Flynn’s power up podcasting chorus I was in John Lee Dumas %HESITATION paradise and there he peered me with another gentleman who hadn’t even started this podcast yet only Coleman toward each other and what he didn’t know anything about podcasting and his part cast those become very successful and I realize that the questions you were out he was asking me I was able to answer I know a little bit about what it was because of my own struggles what I knew so much about podcasting I also found that you know I took these courses follow these rules I had trouble starting soon start having trouble and I didn’t know why I had trouble apart from the mindset and so I realized that there was something missing that there’s something missing why people can’t start so the second thing was that the statistics that back maybe I think it’s fifty seven percent of that story never get beyond ten AM okay something like that so even though there are a lot of people starting they weren’t getting anywhere the door they ran out of steam pretty fast then I started a meetup group called in U. S. podcast and that could be it and I had a few meetings and I was getting a lot of questions strong individuals who either wanted to start a podcast or there it did started but they’re on a really you know keep it it was for them it was filled the path to the show are they having a successful show was filled with particles and mine fields and I was thinking to myself there was so much information out there about casting but it’s still so shrouded in mystery you know you see Joe Rogan and you see Johnny do you see all these people in your life you start doing that then you’re like well I’m going in there you know there’s so much going on in starting and growing apart cast and so what I was doing this group I’m going back monkeying getting the questions and I realize that this is something that is a viable thing to start a podcast you know and so I started to the park castrated and it’s amazing because I get a lot of interest some people want to be interviewed on the show now partially it’s because there’s this race to get on as many shows as possible I understand that but I am very grateful for the caliber of people who have the knowledge about the industry itself will be in the podcasting for years and %HESITATION %HESITATION experience with going through the different struggles of starting your own editing your own you know interviewing people and so that is the reason why I started yesterday and I can go on I’m sorry please go on yet no this is really really useful step I asked you to the talks may have to have this conversation with just about every cast I have no I asked you here to talk to me and apologize for talking to no that’s really great no and just as you’re saying there that you really have had high caliber guests on that show because you’ve had loads of legal professionals because that’s something a lot of estate not think about it or do you not think about it when we’re merging this Marie talking to a stranger and there’s no sign on paper to say he’s a light story walks way spots recorded a mean you have to be really mindful that you given your voice and possibly even your image to somebody and that’s a big responsibility to have actually email need to be on the same page I thought you know so things like writers or terms and conditions or whatever days because especially a lot of us come to pay each other you know a lot of asserting a nice for and kind you know and because for you know find out see rich escape and are actually show a float so you know a lot of Mr Janice and page and we’re just trying to help each other right and stuff you know we’re not like the professionals like Joe Rogan he can his rank and I make a lot of money out of their show a lot of celebrities they can’t steal some things we don’t have any of that the people here keep in the industry going to have any of that so you know it’s so important to keep yourself right legally so there’s some really really important apps its pilot Sir thank that’s a really good example yes thank you very much yeah but also things really practical stuff like equipment and how you can arrange quick fixes when you don’t have a lot of money to throw at your your cat you know solutions friendly helpful stuff like octane gas and gas thing I really like the idea of the wrong interviewing gas %HESITATION you know how to hold important enough to have to let them have the opportunity to enhance usual because your gas is doing you a favor I I like to look at it that way as opposed to you know they’re coming on my show and you know my show is back it’s more like I’m very honored that this person’s coming on my show how can I help them help my audience and so I really like %HESITATION when I guess comes on and encourages podcast is on you know talking to people who are talking to more people networking with more people so they can bring their expertise on today’s show that really pumps me up at times because I don’t I don’t have enough to give but if I can be the report are so to speak and and just how experts come on and talk about what it is they’re Experian I know you interviewed %HESITATION brand Brandon Lee Boyd and he’s a very big SCO optimize our people like him who can help listeners %HESITATION focus on what what makes a good podcast and how to market top podcast yeah he’s saying what’s just readily available on the internet as a three where site like socket with %HESITATION you know spending money on ads and things you know he’s his episode reviews is a really important one to me that he’s been really help a lot of the sites that is the point of it you mentioned like the the host and the maker of the show we don’t have all the answers at cyber we’re talking other people we invite one the kids want to learn something like I’d very much all the visual cultures as a bite me and R. ning and inviting other people to learn alongside me I want to learn something every time from my casts it is really valuable certainly is valuable to me it is great to bump into other makers and you’re on the same page I think with what sort of stuff yeah yeah for sure yeah because you know the other day I was thinking about and I was like sometimes you get into the flow of inviting gas and talking to gas in publishing I want this I don’t think of myself you know you really getting all this knowledge three you know you’re not just talking to somebody who’s talking you are actually gaining knowledge you know whether you’re talking about a quick man tar health or communication or marketing you’re actually gaining the knowledge yourself so you know it’s like free education in the yeah definitely I mean that’s a better work the editing and %HESITATION yeah that your own shows as well and that takes time you know so I feel like well you know I totally get that for free given a lot of the time it’s it’s it’s yeah and then at first I was a little frustrated with the NET in because you tried your boss to try to get it two things I learned one is that it doesn’t have to be you know you you don’t want your audience ears to bleed but I’m the same time it really doesn’t have to be perfect I read somewhere where somebody said leave them all going on because it’s not like a normal person is supposed to be in a role you can’t make that cut and dry when you do when you’re in a conversation right and the second thing is not like any team because I like to listen to the interview all right over again because it gets into my head on what needs to get into my heart my heart and I understand what the interview was about I understand the person who’s talking and I’m able now to talk about the topic on the subject so on either platform blog about it OR put an Instagram together about it some understanding I’m pasting here I’m talking about something that knowledge I was transferred to me Jordan are being there says that he encourages all new podcasters and initial at least for the first two years and that’s one of the reason is that you get to know you shall you know you you you have an intimate our relationship with your show your audience and your I think it’s very important to make mistakes is voluntary and bring a stop to use some it doesn’t always work or you have some sort of taxes officer that you have and I think that’s important embraced it because I think clarity on I realized okay there’s been a couple of topics where I think I don’t think that’s the sort of thing I want my show today so I’m gonna try these other things you know the first year shows a rail testing crying for me and I feel like it’s still becoming in finding its way over four years and you know it’s quite nice to well I’m not very rages up by what they say is you know it’s nice to have to do this and have the top place another creator and talk about what you create is valid to learn something about the creative process three just chatting about it but then there might be some episodes where it might be a bit more formal analysis of some kind you know so I I think for a scan a nice but then I don’t know what that those says the audience figures because it feels very invisible to me I mean I can go and look up but I choose not to to know where you stand stand on that sort of thing like do you get your audience numbers and where people are and I stand on that sort of stuff T. get hung up on your numbers I know I wouldn’t say I get hung up but I do check it one because I won the first almost August actually I wanted to see where my audience was coming from %HESITATION the other thing is that I tried because I transition into being an empty nester so long and I did a couple episodes and be in an empty mass rom and I wanted to see how that resonates with %HESITATION the audience I mean did it was good to check back I want to say one thing about you know the anything hard %HESITATION yeah I’ve gone through probably about twenty years old maybe more so I realize that my smoke alarm batteries gonna is that you’re going through all my recording I never heard it while I was working I didn’t discover it because somebody said it I was actually I had actually gone was going back through all my episodes my old episodes and listening to them and trying to improve them anywhere I could and then I heard a beeping noise I mean I get going on it was like you know it was going through a lot of episodes but I say this because even though about was there then nobody criticized I’m listening to it and compliment in the show so I wanted to ask about because sometimes we get so hung up on the little things that happened you know where I’m at and we’re doing our own thing sometimes mistakes happen here yet your question yeah I do I don’t come in numbers that’s a really interesting point of fate yes the contingencies but life turns out he specially when you are making it from home and stuff and that’s a shame pre lock dines and saying this is well that would have had that kind of stuff I think is to be embraced and it’s in a way it’s quite reflexis where the way the show is created it’s actually reveals itself a little bit to the audience and I think that’s quite nice because I think it should be fine to be quite a from to fight this is home in St see no we’re just plugging away with whatever tech we’ve got at our disposal you know and we’re still at night really good work because it’s the contents rainy that matters and maybe they are personally to find that annoying but you know what if people didn’t notice that much and I just thought it was their own smoke alarm Hey everybody check in their box chase initially some lives sorry Jan we will check in person sure always a silver lining may yeah big thanks to our generous patrons Apache on dot com forward slash AP cultures for keeping us going if you’re not already supporting us your missing item behind the scenes content exclusive audio and early releases as well as being justifiably smoke for helping identity podcaster sharing free education you can see all my mistakes and get actions no one else is hearing all straight to your inbox or personal RSS feeds join the part today at the entry on dot com forward slash A. three cultures top three important as well in terms of year mentoring needy I love the man trying and you’re talking about mind set these are quite nice lessons and trying to overcome perfectionism and as she say you you brought up earlier but imposter syndrome imposter syndrome comes up a lot and they show %HESITATION because I talked to a lot of creative practitioners and a lot of people who’ve gone into academia from working class backgrounds use there’s a lot of us he just feel like we’re not supposed to be in these rounds and we’re just trying to do it anyway and we’re just trying to get up in the in our own brands to shut up for that it’s not like anything with mine sat that year and chassis and talk to them as people yes so again my these distracts two ways with the song is that we always seem to think you know we don’t have enough we’re not enough we’re not doing a good job raising our children just different things and so those are the mindset I’m trying to influence among with the %HESITATION the podcasters it’s more a matter are you have something you have a message %HESITATION Jonathan again as a pope and he talks about your message matters you have a message and it matters and don’t get hung up and new star you know so that’s the kind of message for broadcasters just do it right and I think it les brown says %HESITATION jump and grow wings on the way down and when you’re online you can do that you know you can go back to manner and write what you feel is wrong or somebody gave me some constructive criticism when you work on that that’s where I approach each show regarding my greens and now are there any other things any other areas of wikipedia creative process or keeping it just in life that maybe we’d facilitate their creative process that you’d like to go over with people you know that you meant to or any other kind of Harry is the main talking that RT or a bike cover and financial freedom was mindsets feels a quite a big industry it feels like there’s a lot of people light fire you influencers and so on her trying to tell people how to live their lives and do this everything else just magically get better but is there a way that you with your mentoring that you’re set apart from that and because the signs like you’re trying to help people help themselves which is already keep part of it yeah so it mainly is I’m I’m just saying a lot you can do whatever it is you’re trying to right what is your car I’m you look inside and realize what it is you supposed to be doing and this is more for people who you know you’re strong man because you know you should you want to start a podcast for example you want to do it and you’ve been thinking about it for years probably but you you stand on the sidelines watch in agonizing biting your fingernails you know reading about reading about watching that would you still not doing it right and so these are the people I I want to talk to I want to reach because you’re not gonna fulfill you nothing to stop biting your nails a standing on the sideline until you jump in right and do it just do it I like to call on Nike just do it because again you can always make corrections as you go because you’re not getting on C. N. B. C. R. CNN where millions of people are going to see you you’re just starting out maybe nobody will see your first month I hear you your first month but it gives you time to practice your craft and get better given the confidence you need to talk about what it is that’s on your mind so I’m not there trying to throw somebody you need to start a podcast and it stays that’s what you want to do then go ahead and do it there’s no reason you can’t be Joe Rogan right now you may never know your older but do what it is you have on your mind yeah and that that’s a really important point is Axact the you’re not going to get a million dying notes you may never get a million Dinos and you doesn’t matter it’s okay that’s fine yeah because I think a lot of and the podcasters have blocks crisis moments probably more than once vehicle and I’m going to go and my lessons are in the hundreds or the lowest always since no one likes me and that’s a disservice to the few hundred people or however many actually artist nineteen yes sometimes they let a look at my analytics I go one person on Bulgaria this and the show well hello TA thank you you know right yeah yeah and I think it’s partly news says he’s begin to email marketing you know you said people will complain that they don’t have thousands on the email list and he said if you have ten on your email list you have a lot of people on your email list talk to them you know if you have a hundred on the email list if you have a hundred people in the room show up to hear you speak I have a lot of people so talking to people who are listening to you there’s a reason they’re listening to you because they want to hear what you have to say I’m going that way and it was during the time they got that way I looked out my numbers I was like oh my god to me although my don’t have all these numbers and then I remembered that you know and then sometimes I get a review or I get an email from us from someone who said you know I’m so glad you’re doing this this company so much whatever it was and I’m like yeah he’s just about one person yeah it helps and it’s doing something so I’m going to keep pressure yeah you never know he is going to be amazed or helped by your story soon yeah right there to somebody the fine tuning yeah %HESITATION Janet eve travels quite a lot I know we like to write about your travel something check to blog about your travels is that the kind of thing that influences your podcasting anyway or is it just something is generally it’s and then trust in your life D. G. sync there’s a link there might not be this is enough to face just I’m just wondering if things he picked up along the way hi E. thought might you know I like to ask people if their fire multi lingual there anything if the language impacts our creativity and anyway some wondered if that you if you’ve traveled a lot like this I feed into your creativity and anyway that’s real stuff okay so so yes I knew trouble %HESITATION let me step back with that at fifteen I left Jamaica went to England I lived in England and I got married and moved to Canada and I lift kit got divorced and moved left Canada into the U. S. and I’ve been looking for within the Canada and the U. S. for awhile that was the extent of my child for a long time at the moment I’m in Mexico it is one of the things I dreamt about going for a long time is to travel the world countries want to travel to and spend six months one month whatever I also read from a book called let me go back to that and I can’t remember it now but it’s about this San Diago you might know the book who was traveling he went to Germany to look for the pyramids of Egypt or something and it was Paula Paula Cuevas won’t it just won’t come to me and I saw myself in that little boy who was doing that journey I find a parallel in my life we strive and I think that for me personally if I refused to travel OR cannot travel because health finance or whatever that I would not have lived my life to the fullest that makes sense I found in the last week or so since I’ve been in Mexico that I’m thinking about how we hold ourselves back because our mind can expand the way we seeing %HESITATION I could live somewhere else other than where I am right now all right I don’t know if that answers your question but that’s that’s the perspective I look on with traveling and getting around that is really interesting in a similar way so what you’re saying about the podcasting at school how do you do you know you can say it’s if you don’t bother to try it feels more available to women these days to be able to make her I mean the world to cross borders and that sort of thing but it’s still not as easy as it might be for other types of people yeah well it’s not easy and also all right I’d like to emphasize that travel doesn’t have to be to another country I think it’s great if you can experience another culture in their own country but the other thing I do a lot he’s a traveling on track in the US by train nothing experience in England that I love traveling by train I’ve done it in the U. S. and I just love moving from state to state on the train you can do what you want me to you want and it’s slow it’s slow travel I encourage that I like to go on weekends go away %HESITATION a week you know just different things just so I could change my environment change where I am someone said a change is as good as a rest and sometimes I when life gets a little bit too like I’m held in a price for it I want to just knock everything away and just find myself in another place and so I’m tired of doing that in my head that’s one of the reasons I travel I think people should think of ways of Charlene not Jarvis not going abroad but army travel car whatever it is that’s how I approach thank you for that that said I think that’s insightful definitely and I think there may be as a parallel to be drawn way stay approach to podcasting is well aware it’s a fight having another experience again I did hear comfort zone you’re not it’s not going to stop any fear or anxiety in my house but you take it with you and you just go back I’m going to date S. and spite of being yeah and we’ll see what happens and jump into the lead a little bit you know do you tend to meet a lot of people she kept talking to people is that part is the attraction free or is it just a bite please this is just about being in a different place so it is part of the attraction meeting people I have met as many people as I’d like to but every now so I mean this random person that becomes more than just a stranger I met and so sometimes the quality is better around the quantity that you know is in a meeting a bunch of people I mean you want to talk to people that you know I had end up having a long term relationship with you know I’ve met several people in Canada like that you know I I just met them just walking or something and from there from another part of Canada and we end up with a long term even though we don’t see each other in person we connect with each other continuously those %HESITATION situations for me are more fulfilling than just needing a bunch of random people at a bar or whatever I can raining raining and just saying it’s collapsing up people specific people and unnecessary learning something from them but X. having experience with them yeah because I feel like my podcasting journey has helped me do that quite a bit %HESITATION lines collection briefly interesting people and make new friends and things and get you another point of being up by life and just anything you know so yeah I think that’s really really cool yeah that’s another exciting thing about podcasting is that if your if your show is a good show you can make a lot of friends and connection by just interviewing gas and a lot of gas are willing to maintain that connection beyond the interview on the show yeah really good benefit of cast I think and it’s all coming back to the very human stories I think this is being a real saying that has come out of our conversation stay is two different things that humans experience since welcome side of thought Janice Sir is there anything we haven’t covered in our chat today that you were really hoping to talk right that I have master something I don’t think so I think you’ve given me the opportunity to talk about about you know the different things I’m interested in them I really appreciate you no I I just think I I was online and I like to be able to come back and talk to you are you come back on the show and or about what you do in sure enough that anything yet I’ve been really nice thanks to catch up again on each other’s shows because I just really so enjoying talking to you right now and you always come away thinking about eight things it slightly differently when I talk to your listen to your show so and yeah instead of stock yeah and I appreciate you listen to %HESITATION who is what is that %HESITATION I would listen to you show well I’ve definitely learned a lot from tales of Paul castrated I really highly recommend tests so chan before I eat that you get on with your day but she just pointless nurse to where they can find out more but you need more about your podcasts so any of your social links or websites or anything like that where people can go and pick up a bit more okay thank you for that so %HESITATION on Saddam’s part the link is my my website is solo moms dash taught dot com or if you go on Instagram on Jan was marine one Twitter and Facebook on there J. rose Marie any of those names you’ll find in any social media also on Tuesday the podcast raid is just a website to look apart castrate five thank you so much yeah and and thank you for giving me another hour of your time and it’s just been an absolute delight said how he on artificial cultures and yeah I really hope you will come back and we can pick up on some of these really interesting topics that we’ve been talking about it thank you very much for having me on I appreciate you


Audiovisual Cultures Episode 124 –Strand, Thor and Robert Simpson

Recorded on location at the Strand Arts Centre in East Belfast, programme manager Johanna Leech and cultural freelancer Robert J. E. Simpson chat to Paula Blair about the venue’s history, its current status and plans for its future. We then learn more about Robert’s work as an artist, an actor, a for-hire freelancer and with the CinePunked podcast. And finally, there is a post-viewing discussion between Robert and Paula after seeing Thor: Love and Thunder (dir. Taika Waititi, 2022) with plenty of references to plot details and lots of meandering off to other broadly relevant topics!
Music: commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Edited by Paula Blair with Audacity. Recorded on 2 August 2022.

Automated Transcript

you’re very welcome to audio visual cultures the podcast that explores different areas of the arts and media I am a liar and for this episode it was my great pleasure to speak in person T. G. one LH and her guys as program manager at the strand art center in east Belfast and cheat cultural freedom Sir Robert J. E. Simpson the following conversations were recorded on location at the strands first you hear from all three of us talking about it strands it’s history present and hopes for its future then more but Roberts and the different aspects to what he does and finally Robert knight shot quite generally up by things springing from the location and having just watched Seward often thunder and denotes we mention plot details so if you want to avoid spoilers fast pick mark this episode for after you’ve seen the film my huge thanks to our generous patrons without him I would not be able to keep making that show and providing it for free if you can join them and want to access exclusive bonus material including I takes it will have come from these recordings have a look at our membership options at Petri on dot com forward slash AP cultures you can also head over to our website audio visual cultures dot com and dropped one off donations of any amount you choose and use the buttons to make one off Tony tions of any in mind if you count two thoughts sharing this episode with the friends and giving us a nice review every access this podcast would be much appreciated okay I really hope you enjoy this one it was great to crack say record most and strong arts center fell in love with the sentiment many years ago was a very small tiles and rose from Hollywood rose I am very M. here’s while this may really great pals Robert J. Simpson %HESITATION Joanna H. as a programmer she yes you can tell soleil VS John John has been on the podcast before quite awhile ago talking by one of her art projects let’s say she’ll be speaking a week back and her guys is a programmer at the strands and as retail’s fails to meet up with Robert from semi punks and he’s right behind me that may talk asked him on sending yeah it’s really cool to be here it’s very special to me that we’re all here so thank you both for joining us the service of in the same room together before the ad was like we’ve known each other for so long in various different you know prices but like yeah yeah so I’m doing that would you be happy to give us a better if your spiel about the strong because it’s a really old sentiments one of Belfast the last time doing art deco cinema %HESITATION and it was known as a strong sentiment for a very long time and then it was rejuvenated as distraught arts center so would you be able to just give us a bit more detail of faith yeah so the strong does on Hollywood road and east Belfast Northern Ireland and yes I suppose said we are the oldest cinema left in Northern Ireland %HESITATION on the last pre existing kind of wartime and building on this from nineteen thirty five and we have four screens currently used to be one theater and when we became the art center a few years ago it just meant we were look at rates relief for the building I’ll be able to get charitable funds T. help us change from thirty five millimeter film to digital and apart from not the strand for time was a variety theatre so we’ve been able to take you sixty two KM and kind of out on all the creative things that we do so sometimes we’ll have like circus performers before film on it sometimes would be doing just straight up like comedy or theatre what film is still our first love and we have film clubs for younger people and older people and we’re hoping she refurb next year on we’ve got four of the six million that we need I’m not just take pride hold me electrics and here disability access and lost a few bits and pieces of people enjoy contests thank K. and Robert you’ve done a few events here you yeah hosts and you can change the thing so what’s your experience with the strong this was would be my local summer when I was a kid %HESITATION although we weren’t big cinema goers which is ironic considering how much time I spend watching film today %HESITATION so I certainly remember coming here as as a kid in the so it’s got a kind of nice warm for the feeling of family because that’s when we actually rolled together and every member of the class I still remember coming here to see Michael’s Christmas Carla my teacher from primary one thing behind me I haven’t seen her for years so it’s just a memory that I have %HESITATION as if any I think it’s it’s it’s fox and all of the history so I’m I’m like I’m really into this sort of film history and I have been wanting runs you K. take a photograph some doesn’t old cinema sites when I come and that this is still functional art deco nineteen thirties cinema and all of us thanks contesting that we still have that there are still a few other cinemas in the city repurposed from similar kind of period but the still retains a lot of his character %HESITATION so the whole appeal it’s a nice place to work as if they were there for very different screens are mostly done stuffing and the tiny screen around here spring for an screen too which is quite a woman the next big stage on the other screen I just love the feeling of the if the case experiment of the shape of the room and I love that it’s got that big D. performing space with the screen behind the scenes in the front row on the screen isn’t too closely and they went to the cinema somewhere else now the crux of the week insight and real woman deeply regretted cream my forty five degrees %HESITATION but it’s it’s a great place that sickness let it rest and I think he gets back on the books because it’s not in the city centre it’s in the sort of middle ground between here and like proper suburbia so people overlook a a little bit since and has always impressed me so you know it’s like this is the hardest on the Billboard charts what is the people I talked to the I don’t make stuff awesome he still knows where it is so I think this little gem on the %HESITATION like it’s all his stuff was all the more stuff here but this is trying to get a person the citizen and the funding and all the rest of us in the system also to eating yeah great yeah it’s a very special place to me at this the first cinema I would have gone see and I can’t remember what the earliest films I saw were that I had really fundamental films being experiences here so wait saw timber instead I met before Christmas and I was just a few weeks after my dad died so that was really special experience for me and I think you and I do I think we we went to see it again as adults but I think it was in the queue F. T. F. R. member correctly we saw together in KFC but I was family funded over quite a lot over the years as well the teenagers so the missile and I also when I was far too young went see Jurassic Park here at this and I hope they run off to the toilets on the new cover girl sequences all night because I’m the same way the school and walks up property each other’s about fourteen and I was in it so when I came to see it here so it is scary and yet they still pumping knows I still you know the first ones are the best yeah yeah yeah so it’s a it’s a specially plea yes and yes so I just wanna encourage anybody who’s ever living in Belfast but not in the east or visiting Belfast ever check it because there’s always such great things mean just up just last week he had the Rocky Horror Picture Show and had an amazing night here and you’ve always called gigs on there’s traditional Irish music but there’s there’s also %HESITATION you know things that might appeal to you all different parts of the community I think and as you say there Sarkis and there’s comedy nights and there’s all sorts of things so yeah absolutely jacket I just really special that either if you want to add anything I would say that it’s it’s the there’s nothing says strong thank you get necessarily no cinemas and is that tie in with the history of the site %HESITATION it’s not a multi plex variance here even though it’s called multiple screens %HESITATION it’s it’s something different it feels like you’re you’re literally taking in the E. ninety years of history here I don’t know for me that so stuff resonates more %HESITATION it feels like that’s an important thing to me team I’m a worry about place like I said it’s great to hear the phone line that you have are a lot of the funding that you need in order to kind of just jealous of this up a little bit more and approve it because so many of these places to get lost over time %HESITATION %HESITATION on various groups online and when you kind of read about another cinema that’s been torn off the condom to they can get the funding of local consciousness at now we don’t need it and it’s a little bit of the kind of the the culture of the area that’s gone so this is a special place it is important that it gets maintained it’s important that the case use of the people take a chance on certain I feel like it’s it’s important for east Belfast to have nice things that’s right they have nice cultural things because for a very long time it felt like we weren’t really allow you to have nice things are nice cultural things or enjoy those things if we did have some so I feel like even at slightly politically it’s a very important space to protect and to nurture for those reasons this file and I just think it’s it’s a real shame for other communities like Surrey Belfast because you know if north Belfast west Belfast sites both of us would have hot places like this around the finger tips you know just on the road and not something that I love here is that I live here and work here you know I can just walk around the corner you know good a gig here and not have to go in and out of the city centre %HESITATION but the stock has also always been like a place for everybody so even like it historically like throughout the troubles and things he would have had a mixed group of people come in here because we have people from Georgetown would’ve locked up or and because of and things of being close to the city center with like curfews the strong would still be open so we’ve kind of been not place people go on and it doesn’t matter where you’re from you’re gonna set Tyne and how this experience together and I think you know what that’s like what Robert was tennis I kind I feel less like family because either you can with your family or the cinema became your family so for individuals and for people and maybe also had been three traumas after wartime as well a lot of people said that when it came to the cinema they would be able to like let all of their kind of excess baggage go on for their mental health it was really important so we have a project called strong stories to try to collect all these stories or you know we were talking to someone he was hurt there currently staff so they would sign the film to their parents and then she was worried that she wouldn’t get all of that kind of cloths but you know with her mom was just so happy to be in space I’m happy that she’s in a space where you know you shouldn’t be doing anything or be a certain person she could just come and be entertained so entertainment is the most important thing in my own skin the sun was always came behind northern we needed this %HESITATION I mean it’s one of the things I love to I came across Belfast whose they skipped he skips to the cinema %HESITATION in front of most of the time of our home so I can stick my boxes %HESITATION but it’s just to remind you that that’s the way that we can avoid it or this way some of us have a voice the the the traumas that were going on during that time I happen to be looking at a research on ice looking through some old kinematic off with police and there was a list of the cinemas in Northern Ireland in nineteen fifty seven outlook items dozens and dozens and I were going to I don’t have any of course one of the hospitals in and told us it’s really depressing so they they are the old time capsules I know you guys teachers and stuff here as well and showing off the history center to focusing photographs when people cough most tourists and locals alike the stuff we see in the so you get into you we live in the stories that otherwise we you know we kind of just walk past I think that being nice hello printer yeah great strong Mr well thank you so much for your time that’s really kind if you find tax useful with your podcasts we’ve got two options for you you can subscribe to the audio visual cultures podcast on U. shape for captioned videos and you can visit all the visual cultures dot com and click the transcripts top both sites are linked in the show notes along with information like this episode J. Simpson yes hello who took it stays in a room with you I’m not on a computer screen this is a weird thing about social media and the way that our world works on it is that you you can feel that you are with someone a lot more than you actually are just because you have a computer screens and your Facebook updates and S. and we’ve done a couple of podcasting type things together so it doesn’t take us that long since I’ve seen you but it probably yeah we have %HESITATION we saw each other in person lasting things probably by October twenty nine new it’s scary because I haven’t been here in a long time well honestly August twenty twenty two hours like a whole other Jackie is we haven’t changed in some ways we have and in some ways we have consensus even the fact control of the pandemic yeah nine I would love for my listeners she learn more about you because I mentioned G. and we’ve done that we’ve done and I am in conversation but I picked out I don’t my my other personal you change that Wilson on the podcast and I’ve since any problems which is very kind of you to help me on this I basically invited my styles so you were on the list anyway again just our ordering young yeah well I think we’re at a point where it’s just anytime that she’s trying to find a way of doing things together you know because we are quite easily set up for online stuff but it’s just really great status in person yes it would you be happy to well I think what I’ll do is I’m going to throw a bunch of stuff in there my perception of old route to things you do X. I don’t know how I describe you but you do you do with this stuff so I’m gonna just say that you research and write about film young felons he runs any problems he makes any proposed class and you do the website and everything which is class and it’s really great if you subscribed to not because you create blogs by Robert and Rachel he’s also working on so many pounds ye are an artist G. E. jeho don’t even don’t even offer that right year Hardesty yeah you draw I think you G. to be disciplined yeah in some sculpture and then then yes yeah actor things are easy ask your I would say an expert on hammer on the date and not just company in Salem but comedy ferry generate here and it’s easy Aston expired it was a friends in that world yeah I’ve talked to lose stuff fight which is the things I feel like I knew a bite so are you happy that meander intake is three something I mean I realize it is a whole lot of stuff %HESITATION I could give advice when I was a teenager I met friends to begin with right right from friends for many years Hey told me just to focus on one thing because it would mean that case was easier to work out what I did and I stupidly nor the device and carry on doubling in as many things as possible %HESITATION if I was being generous about myself I think the word is poly mas Paul at that the other way looking as my Jack of all trades master of none the weather self deprecating and all of that %HESITATION so yeah I just I mean I didn’t describe as I work freelance in the arts that’s why I’m in the moment and I also ask them before which is in denial this year %HESITATION which I thoroughly enjoyed yeah I do a bit of arcs I kind of happened for a long time I don’t want to talk or face coming up back into it during the time that make an exhibition coming up in a couple weeks which is nerve wracking because it’s the first time I’ve done a solo show all like my actual Han’s artworks a lot of it is a sort of love as portraits based on raw and inspired by life should I did %HESITATION cold comedy of madness which is on the nice comedy in mental health and ended up with my friends Ross %HESITATION twenty sorry we did a couple times %HESITATION dinner before pandemic I can’t so hasn’t been touched I’m still thinking about all the things and over the pandemic of kind of going back into the house the seasonal stuff %HESITATION John things I love going out %HESITATION city %HESITATION I I guess I do some research and history of the month long time a switch in the university %HESITATION you know I was an octopus and things as well of the lower crime films over the years but not an official connection them for for quite some time %HESITATION I’m still researching their company has to have the the marking on the moment a couple comite Smokey before then the air now %HESITATION on their kind is distribution and exclusive films stuff well said and then second which is sort of my driving thing these days those mean Dr Richard Kelly controversial tile %HESITATION she showed ME I don’t give years actually should yeah I just like a gender neutral tiles not a reason to do it state but it’s a pretty yeah this is a switch on the kind of %HESITATION steer a lot of us the more me these days to switch us just caught a writing career stock room then %HESITATION things and family and %HESITATION that’s basically a project that supports using film today I was kind of like using phone conversation %HESITATION so it’s a sensible sensibly an organization that talks about film but actually we’re trying to do something or try to look at social conditions we try to look at that service %HESITATION thoughts and and and life and stuff and and use the phones as a way to open this conversation is waiting to find an ingress into sometimes difficult topics %HESITATION I mean we’ve done stuff with censorship and stuff but it’s Parker favors and stuff my gosh lighting number things with mental health all stemming throughout the lands of projecting film everyone feel safe and phone numbers of the film %HESITATION but you can actually kind of get under the skin of kalos stuff so we do that %HESITATION you know we got our podcast with Cummins publishing on as well and %HESITATION we do live events so we can interpret them our own pro on them I’ve haven’t had much happening since we’re trying to get back into it again %HESITATION yeah delete things behind a very we’re talking bout of the night but if you do them very well and C. G. some ready class stuff we’re going to go and see somewhere whichever one is that site in a minute so and and have a leave at lunch but we’re going to talk about more after its hopes night maybe by the phone but we can try to me because I don’t know I I N. Xin the sun’s going to pay I’m no I’m not gonna say before we go in the I’m not a Marvel aficionados neither am I which I think in a way it’s quite interesting because what if we come up with something you know or it might just be we we will talk about the film itself but we just keep having to reach out by Ian your stocks generally here I’ve seen a few of them I haven’t seen the whole gentle cycle phone so it’s it’s going to be fairly open ended for me although I find I wrestle find ironic that someone who’s not with a comic book nerds the first common tree trunk that I did for the release was for %HESITATION marvels really it is hard to talk %HESITATION which is kind of strange %HESITATION it is S. as in its action Marvel film yes yeah so I mean you know my relationship with these films as isn’t Sam big spider man fan I had seen no sign remains but then I was reading exclusively so may first time and then now it spends a picture on a news to the MCA’s so I’m sort of catching up a little bit because I mean despite our man I haven’t seen the sort of big Avengers homes or anything I know stuff but what’s happened things like that but I’ve just been definite and I you know I’ve seen the seconds guardians of the galaxy it just happened on this and I have seen so Ragnarok but I have not seen the work so you know there’s there’s so really fun and I liked it so I think it sort of it I think this is a quote because it’s taken thirty days so it’s sort of marvelous G. synthesis it’s what I eat I’m aware of but we’ll see what happens I think they should lose a cameos and stuff it should be quite fun I I’m just happy to an open minded and have a laugh related to that system for a couple hours really is not yeah and to you China very kindly Cytisus complimentary tickets because we have both done stuff for the strand before and %HESITATION sometimes on paid so you know it’s nice it just got some calls %HESITATION you know be able to do this and to stay up the straddle back lately yeah okay so do you see it later big thanks to our generous patrons Apache on dot com forward slash AP cultures for keeping us going if you’re not already supporting us your missing item behind the scenes content exclusive audio and early releases as well as being justifiably smoke for helping identity podcaster sharing free education you can see all my mistakes and get actions no one else is hearing all straight to your inbox or personal RSS feeds join the part today Apache on dot com forward slash A. three cultures this is a call to all right for a long time I have no idea this call for action line make them wrong but anyway civic spaces up stairs and shotguns that Joanna has very kindly and that is used to just have a bit more potassium we caught some nice artworks in the Scotland expands off the strands of photos and things but other analysis Benetton studio today four was it production of hairspray that’s coming hello Sir so yes and there was a lot of activity in the states very sweaty and here and here yeah hi this is very quiet and it’s just me and Robert how many tasks and staring at the holes in the crimes for the survey a hotel on the poke and very weird because those were here for all of my life yeah hold the city keeps on changing us was you’ve been away for so long it’s nine AM and I still live within a few miles of here but I’m not done enough this little bit yeah mmhm yeah so it is strange seeing senator sorry we’re just tired of the word love and thunder I thought it was quite the kids in the front row or I thought we’re gonna have to tell my my idol going shut up I think they sent a silent and I figured if you what it’s going to be such a light cross she finally found that they’ll join the money because they’re right at the front of the tenth most say they were OK after five months the first few minutes survey they didn’t detect analyze and I thought I suspect they thought they were on their own I think when they really service people may they not ISIS faxes yeah they were I think they thought they were told was when they were talking about it well I don’t know this jump scares in the film because some of the started by like minded horror and I thought can I did jump scare on the so well in that report and you have to be careful you can play pranks on kids anymore I mean look it’s terrible because the schedule was the you know you you we all your life to kind of be able to do it by %HESITATION the nineteen nineties enjoy the I thought it was good fun yeah I don’t know the film’s well enough to be invested in store on to be in no way you need to add anything so for me it was just like I was I was quite entertained for a couple hours yeah I think very similar for me I haven’t really thing we were talking about is our dear I have only ever kept in an isolated the MCAT so what I don’t really remember him most of these people are most of the time you know I just remember there was a funny rock creature and rock and I was very spectacular today he also directed both of these items that was all I remembered about Ragnarok tank and I was and they they thought little sketch was it was Sam Mayo and some often yes it was one of them I don’t know who the third one was something he was probably not Damon’s father and I’d like to really alike but they were playing it’s you know Loki and Thor and Odin and this week probably Friday at Asgard reenacting a lot of us that %HESITATION Lewis ragnaros or or something that was quite funny and %HESITATION yeah this in the car seat as I can remember sure sold so there we are I do think there was some sort of toward Olympic skating you can write about that’s all I remember yeah whatever yeah as you say I’m not home enough basses and guardians of the galaxy I only see the second one I just laughed like a drain three out today yes I could sign child so many options grounds couple of ours may see past the most Marvel films as a man hello I DO you kind of got a little bit frustrated with the abundance of characters I still think I mean like me being a kind of old school phone comments like universal monster movies where it was a low diminishing returns as the crowned everybody and it seems to be working for the marble stops the ball it also means that sometimes it’s just it’s my focus is to spread yeah just give me a character on the villain %HESITATION that may work but it was it was fine I mean I didn’t know who the backstories for most the characters but it was fine nice this sentimentality in and %HESITATION dying people all look here’s I thought myself Welling up but Sir no responses as there are for a lot of grief I thank yeah I haven’t seen the word which I feel a bit bothered by it because you know I do you have a very special place in my heart for Kenneth Branagh horseshoe directed at I haven’t seen all of this and I haven’t even seen Belfast yet I need to say it and it’s just never going to be no single well that didn’t come by Regis and you castle and then it was very shown anywhere in new castle signed so I wasn’t feeling okay about going to the cinema yeah when it came to light so %HESITATION just win and I’ll watch it when I can cope with it is I know that it would only have been probably only make me feel super home seconds also yeah I do find sometimes I finds fans from here but that this time sort of watch get fibrations I’ve been watching it maybe for research purposes and it’s really emotionally overwhelming because going yes Sir %HESITATION there you know he says most of the apostles and actually show in Belfast so yeah that’s a yeah they can swim as like seventy ones like that with it just because it doesn’t look like that anymore because a lot of the stick the British Army and anyone doesn’t show me up into the so the whole thing so the Senate she’s anyway hello there rumble yes %HESITATION yeah I haven’t been investments Heiser I think I’ve seen all three Iron Man films for a long time ago and I don’t remember anything beyond Robert Downey junior send them I think one of cultures and them and Nick fury Sam L. Jackson turns up that’s all I remember about those I don’t care I think I saw the first American %HESITATION %HESITATION I haven’t seen the denture stuff that’s already I was really want to see the spider man their most recent Spiderman yeah I haven’t seen it yet Netflix had spider-man’s Andrew working up see the second one with Tom hardy because their old homes thanks again except I think it’s homecoming we sing we watch that recently and I I went to watch far from home and it was gone I think it just was a couple of days to date it was already taken off Netflix so needs to see us at some point and then I can see all the spider man together yeah I mean you need to I wouldn’t have been just hold this vitamin and see films last year the spider man comics I wanted to follow what was going on and I hadn’t seen the more thing that works so that was also like my way of kind of getting into the whole MCU stuff so we watch them in order I kind of got the big thrusts but the role the big mixed mushrooms with everybody in experiments like a tiny bit part player in old and because it I started off by rewatching the many films that those and then attempt at the second set in the third set you know certain health but yeah some paid off thanks to say sorry I want spider Gwen and my mom’s father once a once yeah I just want all that %HESITATION in those miles Morales hello and despite our sh well that was just that you love to I think that this wasn’t even it was more just what could we both go and say that either I have seen yes we can go and see her face because I think there’s other phone so that the man I thought that was weird like complimentary check it’s far so hate for sin go to the center for some of well I mean like I’m missing I have means that pressure losses on that Mike yeah I do miss my regular my weekly outings this enough and not inside her I see them pay for a subscription ticket nine the facts so nice fun %HESITATION ball I’m still not I mean it’s it’s it’s worked I got my body for money so far and Cher well I’m not using it and all yeah see I used to do a little to suffer he asked Hey %HESITATION scanner and I was always said well if you are is back in the back and say I use it in in the Merion was Sarah I said no to soften its voluntary work for them and everything even the days in the office just right without men and things so I just want to send my for free all the time for a couple years okay so you simply cannot say so %HESITATION and selfish about it obviously thank you go to the center I do things are summarized for frail sometimes them and somebody asks me what my doctor sent in a telemedicine Feldman visual so basically what is something you got to go to the center for fails having a doctor it doesn’t give you a free pass to you and the thing I have for her yeah this is Larry or not so I question sure Lester is kind of nice couple not one author less what else can you pass yes this week’s sex at parties I don’t know what the doctor is only ninety minutes fines and concrete it’s nice really economy some people feel a bit intimidated it’s doctor because it’s a doctorate but I think that’s it she she if people don’t necessarily understands what is it I think you’re actually person or someone your origin story you know your your rags to riches rags to rags right to the hope of riches rifles thanks you know it was all kind of realized it’s just a normal person to sell as Jenny from the block K. single people look at you on the street in figure something they the paper %HESITATION do you want to get in so I want to play you know like there is this kind of an interpersonal gray I think you’re not getting in trouble off %HESITATION because some insight on the inside of it yeah share that that’s a whole a diatribe against me was a lone gas that’s actually kind of go %HESITATION hot in the ring you ready and you can’t stay stop happened and then never got back into yeah and you don’t do the research and all and anyway the toxin in an institution yeah I find that fascinating because you can do the research yeah you know I think a lot of people to look at I think you need really understand that’s when you called three to PhD process all of that work full not license so inaccurately put in for years of your life it was for she’s a document for examination and won’t stop meeting is over you discussed out for an hour or whatever box and it can be all it can to nineteen all rights on box moment in time and not to sites your weather you convinced your examiner surely deserve a doctored or not it’s a fairly subjective sass and it’s one that is life changing and it alters your very psyche it’s not something like necessary advice my name is Jay if you count data research and you can write it back but what it is you’re really interested in if you’re able to find a way and the means and the resources to share our Monday yeah because that’s not what a PhD necessarily yes no we had %HESITATION I was talking to a doctor afternoons on the same from how custom yeah and that was just on her fifty through since she went on to write on traditional and kind of give a little bit of reassurance that it can be counted on but it’s it’s it’s a hard slog as well because I think you probably view decided for me by the academic community you know our academic because you you know you’re not doing a project as such perhaps but then again it’s all fake tie dynasty if you don’t publish your stuff in the right places your work the matter how good is meaningless yeah so some of stuff five maybe want to do mine you know it doesn’t matter what standard to make get it tell you it wouldn’t comment so the whole things is policed and monitored and how long to sing so frustrating I mean I was looking one of my friends got some justified some other publication on big because taking years of work today and then you see the price point almond you know it’s like you need a mortgage in order to buy this book the researchers I put is an accessible to anybody who’s not part of an institution yeah which again sort of sits ready all day for me I kind of we talked about this before this is all day with me with this idea that education should be accessible Robson I mean this is this is probably like working class way from east Belfast I still very much feel there is opportunity so I hired and I took advantage of to learn a thing of the people should be able to do that shouldn’t be behind big glass doors yeah what should be you know you gotta have accessible no I completely agree because that’s I mean again that’s the thing that might be it’s easy access I developed at NC I thank and I can’t afford to buy it it’s ridiculous for paperback it’s forty five times no excuse I’m not still years after its nine well I didn’t appreciate years ago and things have moved on so much because it was very much about contemporary moment I mean I was publishing and I was already out of date and parts and snowing it’s well it is so very much has changed and it’s talk back and it’s on the scale and there are things that I would do differently and it was what it was at that at this time and it was never in it to be a survey it was just this is what came up for me on time and you know I think there’s still something in it and I think if it wasn’t so traumatizing to go box say I probably try and JD a more accessible version of it because that cracks me up that night for such a long time and even said either cursive and six oxime price I just don’t understand why but it was stopped urgency to population to get a job even just across the fixed term job somewhere totally precarious just to get a fit in the door with those I have to take the contract archetypal bushing is a permit scheme it’s horrible it’s I mean it’s it’s there’s a real work that is done with the old family the bulk of the people who do the work don’t benefit from it and if you’re in on Sunday to PhD program in which I was staying in the cells so you don’t get the benefit stuff see your husband hates do your work that you then going to sign over to somebody else to make the money yeah and they do make the money on that so here in a way that they sell it to the university libraries where it’s read by five people it’s just it’s just really great to me and it creeped me having seen some academic contracts the rights that people sign away for nothing and collision doesn’t pay the vast majority of people anyway you may not stop the grim reality of it but I’ve seen it and I think they went away all the rights in perpetuity I thank the system will not rescind those rights in order to maintain the tiny little kind of profit margin it got coming in I just I think it’s a scandal but I’m continuing this conversation very quickly so we want to let you know this is just to have it Virginia Tech because they don’t know how much steps to be fair yeah to be fair to take a CD and the words of income there I’m not sure how much mileage you can get we can have a go I mean a lot of it’s not without its problems it’s great crack and everything but you know he does raise a child army which I wasn’t too comfortable about remorse is a telegram if you think you just trusting Selbach Oster sedated well I mean I guess Seuss’s it did feel slightly manipulative %HESITATION to do so but there’s also been a woman all hope and that the policy coming fall by our children you know that there are actually real hope for everyone NAS because we screwed up the promise but the case possible I mean for enough because of the nature of these films and the sort of comic book storylines it is old %HESITATION war but the kids are doing as a last resort but they are helping and changing things and the adults counted without the kids I like to think you know as a director and as a writer that he’s a bit more savvy and liberal and I maybe get in and out to lunch it’s a fun sequences synergy sync sequence that that it’s it occurs to me hi this is any different from what we’re fighting against in certain countries where there’s child soldiers on it strokes wars and things like that and they’re reliant on comments and stuff and it’s great that they’ve got to save our city of K. it’s three different places there in Asgard which is vegan the Scandinavian and they’re all different colors all different races in Stockholm mix together and that’s really nice but at the same time you know you’re lumping all these kids and it is scared kids and their toys are coming these deadly weapons to kill the sand eagle creek church you know and there but it’s not face this evil and it’s not maybe necessarily that long ago that kids of certain racial box primes there are ancestors are not faced with evil and so I think that there’s maybe some March somebody hasn’t been the salt box very I don’t know or maybe it’s a way of overcoming it I don’t know how you’re feeling yeah but I didn’t feel good about it I mean I’m not one children in the house possibly as well home developer to really feel about it %HESITATION yeah I think it’s I think it’s a valid points in a way I kind of want when I think about children armies and discourage another line of ice like a part time job the dominoes the down you know and in which case dots why certain I’m going to buy and I children are scary the thing is they are powerful and they do have a lot more strength and %HESITATION yeah I mean that the point about that I mean you can put the with every single awesome them kind of narrative because the dam is always going to be someone that’s different there’s always some of the separation you can never find yourself really I need to see for yourself you got to do down under the pretenses of being something Alderton so I don’t know how you don’t and I don’t know hi culturally we don’t in some ways drawl on decades all imagery and bigotry and bias and uncertainty leading to the broad brushstrokes night doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it I I don’t think it’s a case of you shouldn’t do it but I think you kind of just need to be aware it’s it’s a fine line for all the the the talk of stuff and then drive to be more progressive which is a good thing I probably I don’t think we can stick her head is on sale a list of possible happen that we have and how these historical sites I know there’s not alone some of them are still true you know I mean you look at books on the Middle East and and and so she sent her Friday night and there is a sense of slightly %HESITATION faceless kind of threats you know we we suggest entire races of people are the same with the Russia when I’m rushing again this year %HESITATION but certainly every Russian piece of artwork from the twentieth century you could no longer play you couldn’t play then we see you couldn’t watch their films because they were all the other animals rats it’s more nuanced than not and I think that I think it’s okay to hop out that nuance and I mean ultimately argument on this question hello he’s very definite office I am very definitely has a reason yes that’s going to come yeah that’s the thing about eight A. M. C. and probably they’re slightly more peripheral works because it was reminding me of rock concert that balcony house appoints me as anything yes I kind of agree with this guy my mom Christian bale side a little bit kill all the golds not really they’re they’re making things worse or not really so just said about basic concepts you know I saw yeah this guy he’s been run roughshod lakes he’s not had a fun time and that’s actually quite understandable that he wants to see a band students missiles and not just stop at the death of his old people I mean this because he just doesn’t care and he was quite happy for them scientists are fine you know because it’s about like what we’ve been street and U. K. and what’s happened is that I think over in the states in so many places where those who are in part in some way he holds the park there have been a great time hello even when they’re not having a great time no no way better sign Mr so that’s what we’re in and the U. K. in this moment and summer twenty twenty T. anyway you know our prime minister he’s not our prime minister but is still our prime minister has home rough year but you’ll turning of his own making still on the ground time so do way way better than just about everybody else in the whole country so it felt a bit like thought it did feel yes there’s a point there but I did feel like Christian bale’s character who were I think it was his name is I really did fill in his fight for a lot of food and I just thought you only did just that now the topic this is you and the war is set kind of house techno local walks can one he’s actually trying to help him but the rest of the market and trusses you know so if I did find that quite interesting it did remind me of a set what’s the same is it Carol co creative skills no I’m thinking of Jessica Jones said the guy in Black Panther anyway he has a he has a real point you know and and not found the nine I thought that was really important said bring in that moral ambiguity rather than just skin sources spots and you know you did have a lot of that language if I’m going to go and get the five guys in this but I don’t think he was off on a guy and always he’s Christian bale so he has a super hero from the other universe the rifle universe so having mine for such a long time I mean I think you’re right I think I think that the nuances being played with is important but I think I think that is testament to the generation of where and where your villains are no longer just fell injured you guys are never entirely good I mean risks of spoiling for anyone who hasn’t seen this ours is a populist waters yeah yeah so I mean there is a point in which %HESITATION sore killed since and that is transgressive bold but also you’re kind of looking I mean what he’s doing is he’s sort of punishing somebody’s in the house %HESITATION who seems disinterested the but also he comes in he’s actually he’s %HESITATION he’s the gold color in a moment and there is the observation made the you know the times and and soon you doing exactly what you’re trying to stop saying therefore are you any better no you’re not you’re you are exactly the same willing to carry your own but the motivation is very similar to it it’s like you know it’s in the need to protect other people is sending bills characters is one to kill to calls because people are losing their lives in order to protect the people who don’t care and the office and see what’s going on as well as guardians because they’re not just on my house said they’re looking at the bigger picture I suppose that the the political the global political equivalent is is exactly that it’s it’s what goes on in terms of warring countries it’s it’s that those fears and says those leaders who will how the army’s go in blindly and lose themselves but really don’t care you know they’ll they’ll set their house on there that used a line which is Wednesday I did enjoy a all the rock music I mean I feel like I mean Thomas skulls and roses how much money does Aksel rose needed this point because the end of the chatter something more surgery coming up I don’t know her you know he’s not going to say but I enjoyed it but at the same time I kept thinking of making minds because make it mind you the salute to those songs again that you can just see Meghan I think the thing in your own innovate the title and stuff those needle drops those specific needle drops of all the guns and roses song that are familiar to people they aren’t even sounds of guns right they feel very tired I mean I think they’re used pretty well it gives us some energy but I feel like if you need those specific song pini welcome to the jungle beats way sweet child of mine and I said he whatever he needs those to give your phone the energy you might need to re assess what’s going on in your storytelling %HESITATION certain though that it needed them to get the energy but I assumed it was part of the S. six of the currents and I know that the gardens the galaxy scores or you know the song tracks run scorer kind of popular search and things on the guardians are here at the start of the film something that kind of almost two decades the tone that you’re gonna have to follow on from I mean it didn’t didn’t really bug me I think from a reading cynical point of view it’s a great way of getting the parents the ground I mean that’s just the parents the grandparents in yeah because is what’s really scary and I keep on saying this on social media is that you and I are not of a generation we could be grandparents offices Friday thank hi my online dating like this is like gradually crawling away like no %HESITATION but you know I I I think that it’s %HESITATION dots part of what’s going on is it means you got the older generation so that’s the starting to lose some so they may be okay now listens to the but their love and everything else so it’s kind of it’s it’s it’s this alchemy H. A. and Andy they kind of got like magic that brings these generations together which probably seems kind of appropriate them we have all these kids looking up to this older generation who also looks up to an older generation and how that kind of feeds and cross fertilizes I’m being very generous yeah for someone who is notoriously not a fan of comic book movies I think it’s worth census in the bait the CCI because it’s very C. GI tastic and there were points in some of the fight sequences right just saw he couldn’t make an animated maybe just make an animated movie I’d rather just watch all animation at this point all I’m saying on screen for however much a percentage of them it’s just a minute I mean man it says wait wait let’s see no and essentially because I think on the Sega name right Sarah her mood maze take it’s cool then later chairman Paul costs so it’s been talking about is kind of locked the case and you know mark mark does not like spam he ran off to join the spellings told you know there’s been a lot of people kind of trying to speak up on behalf of the soul the visual effects artists yes because it’s a really tough job and there’s a huge amount of them making it for my class I think the conditions aren’t very good to their working conditions are gays and they’re not unionized and they they’re under huge amounts of pressure to get the work done and the average year doesn’t necessarily know the sheer amount of stuff that goes into what we see on screen because you got people who work specifically on shadow work specifically on what color people who work specifically on bot like being it’s a huge team of people making everything that you say %HESITATION and you happen to work on that characters in the costumes and the people in the basements and that what happens in the lights and all sorts of different things that have to come together and they’re under huge pressure to do it very quickly and I think then that can lead to the there’s a sense of weightlessness there’s still I think there’s still an issue when they’re when CGI’s had to be rushed even really huge budget elms there’s still an issue with Bob character just that quickly happening wait anymore you have to in the maze so it’s just like sodomy that’s on an X. ray %HESITATION VS Morris I think income math facts the special effects are I think there’s so much more realistic and nonsense you know eight cabinet dissociated minus the C. GI visual effects because there’s no half still and so I can make an arrest is because it doesn’t feel like there’s any real jeopardy when there’s no limit to anything you know this makes sense but I don’t want N. trash talk the people in me because it’s not their fault thirteen to order what they send to let’s say it’s a nuanced conversation thank I used to be very very vocal and my dislike for C. GI having films are promos I guess you know fifteen years ago well whenever all right when I was kind of fool’s CG I wasn’t really advanced and off so didn’t actually use it sparingly it was reading the office %HESITATION I think it was the mummy I recall when this is like nineteen ninety nine will make their call the water and it was just so distracting Lee not radio and stuff like that we the greeted me because just use a tank it’s it’s going to cost you less money and will look like actual water but the way that the technology is going online it’s works a lot better I mean we were talking off the phone briefly and with John about ready player one which is all CG I and part of it because you’re in the computer world yeah the screen I mean owns on Saint Martin all along we talked to a free night awards and is again a very CG I haven’t well but you know the thoughts and the computer mouse hearts men’s bait I think that there’s still an awful lot of CG work that gets done the year doesn’t recognize SEG asshole I mean it’s quite disturbing when you when you see how much sometimes and they find this insurance is constructed in a and a computer one Hans the computer the stuff of the white Aryan scenes in the they bring into them because he’s a comic book movies I have a little bit more time for the because I realize you couldn’t create those spaces physically you need to give it a go one and certainly there’s going to be physical elements within new spaces I don’t know if you look at the the big war thing the bill for months Lauren okay I don’t know what I’m going to hold okay so what I did and this is it this is this all part of the Disney Lucas universe anyway so Marvel probably using the same stuff they basically have created this massive wraparound stage backgrounds that make it to the wall that was overrun this awful little pixels that projects the CG images in real time with the actors performing a problem and is almost seamless so the space is actually the screens will move and I’ll change lighting and stuff instantaneously the work with the cameras and you get a much more seamless experience simply actors as well what is meant is I mean like you McGregor famously on solid because he did the job because he was acting the blue screen the whole time there’s nothing there was night he’s just gone but we won and essentially you know we’re going back to the same stuff but the CD this time is standard it looks convincing and your city in it and the international space I mean I know myself a little bit of acting work they do to you if you stay in a room with the sap is being built for this enough there to kind of sell the illusion in a performance I am much more in a part of the performance and and what have you stick in a blank a blank room give me a black box and I’m kind of not not the black box the numbers are very welcome to hire me for but you can in a black box and it is harder to kind of immerse yourself as opposed to maybe call props and things look and I’ve been to and stuff like the department streets recently so you’re actually in the physical spaces and not really to sell stuff for you so when the CG I understand that it’s there for a reason and because of the aesthetics of comic books I can kind of accepted I felt like when I first went there whenever they go into the shop around something was black and white I thought that that kind of know why ask the statics vision effective and I mean it reminded me a little bit of Sin City %HESITATION yeah you know which which was deliberately echoing the comic but it’s based on but it has the feel of a comic you know when you look into because they are predominantly still black and white as snow every time you’ve got color comic so that that I thought works really well but also hides all the problems with CJ in the southern Roos shadows in the shadows so I really like that part I thought it was done really well and then you do you can’t these elements of color because it says now not the Hummer the lights G. and up a bit thanks my user and so that you can see her face light up and everything else stays and block my ears so I was really cover was really well done and yes it does hide a lot of you can hide things in the darkness and god you know so it’s at help in those parts that were still very CG I tastic on amino No Way Hey it’s a nice little introduction to some people who wouldn’t see a black and white film here it’s a nice way of just making it will open their absurdly I think again it speaks a lot to take these %HESITATION mentality in his his influences I mean for what was I suppose it’s it’s like the issue with the G. pitcher and home you can have a sketchy pictures always your story and your son is okay I can hear what’s going on in a concise and I go to store them in dance and I’ll I’ll overlook the fact that you’re using separate run thirty five miles or you know using the crime video camera folks on the news and you know the the list that cameras I had an issue with some of the sign in this film I couldn’t make out all the dialogue at times I don’t know if I just mean means that my ears need cleaning out I’m getting a maze I do have some of this or if it was about so I mix good evening where we were in the Senate on the sign you know it’s going to match the facts because not enough of the front speakers all these things can make a difference in terms of your your experience but whenever that’s happening I’m kind of struggling so the scene I I start coming out of the film a little bit about the dodgy C. GI I didn’t even know us there was enough there is enough of an emotional hearts for me to kind of just go on that and I was laughing and that the weird rock creature thing yeah I mean there’s a lot of humor for me works so it can go one that was something I did ready for member enjoying about Ragnarok and guardians of the galaxy TV they’re really funny %HESITATION riotous Lee funny and I appreciate it thanks because it’s retention I haven’t really seen a lot of the other stuff with low key and that can be better handled so if you know anything Loki and Ragnarok psychology brothers you know they’ve been these mortal enemies but neither just argue in an elevator and it’s really funny and so you know what their stuff like that and it constantly and it stops it was very Marvel universe stop taking itself so seriously I appreciate the thought you know and I think already into the galaxy some not really reality at several points in off each other and they’re all so funny with each other it’s what separates it from the DC stuff and the DC stuff really was a match for a long time %HESITATION I think the hope for DC is being actions taken aback and stopping something less like a kind of nasty marble and just relish in that kind of the greatness of your your simple stories with exception possible flash next year which are looking for all right other than that the tension that suit the C. hall and Michael Keaton coming back yeah that’s right that’s great yeah hello there is an issue now with the K. plan the flash and also its obligations right seen anything about any of that I will send you some links okay I actually was really quite keen to see parts of price I’m going to see that happen yeah and and it looks really fun so maybe that’s a say after moving toward something like Akane interaction yeah the interests in the Michael Keaton again has done his turn in the Marvel Marvel as well sure so that was a really nice surprise checks I have no way to state no patents into spider man %HESITATION any phones but just in the past year called off I mean the the current incumbent is a joy to watch her I did not expect to enjoy his films as much well I got a real buzz are them yeah and the last of the the spy movies because it’s fun service yeah thanks you know I’m all here for it HM eight so we’ve got you know it it did the things that tickle thing and but also I mean I I I do think that there’s been a huge part of the sort of things that come up during the pandemic we hog being much more nostalgic look back a lot we look for comfort and place the couple was not on the night it was in whatever we highlight ten fifteen twenty years ago so a lot of these movies that are doing these multi verses that are a lot of these franchises there being repaired it with some of the old incumbents I mean I think that that is also kind of fat into our own needs to we can access I mean I think we always have thought that it’s just it’s being read the reading office the last couple years share maybe a physical leverage points just my experience as well with the first spider man directed by Sam Raimi daca faxes by nine eleven nine they had to change the ending of the film as it was going to have all the Tarzan and me they were destroyed and then the maid of the world was very different certainly invaded the western world is very different after that and I eat do you feel like there was a huge shock and brings in talent television mini cross everything really but you know I have observed as well because I was very engine twenty four country terrorists drama thanks to god and even things like the axe files when it was still being made it got much darker than it ever been before and there was this turn and a lot of film and television production and stop spider man especially because of the setting because of the New York City siding they felt it so deeply and spider man being embraced by the city and thought city specifically failing I cant needed a hero and a way came right at the right time even though I was affected by it and I think you’re right I have always wondered if spider man is sought special one because those films were they did really well talks office they maybe didn’t work received huge you are critically but they were box office hits all three of them I have wondered if you know where the impervious to because of what it happens and I think people are spending PhD since stuff like this I don’t know but maybe somebody art therapy has investigated this property in there was better but I’ve been curious if I thought I said no I’m not gonna spider man the person was a cagey take their photographs must be my I call this giants %HESITATION spider man figure there was also some windows I have used the body still knocking around somewhere so I know that I am inherently biased because I love the I remember the TV series as a kid I don’t watch the cartoons and there were TV films as well that I remember watching and stop was part of my memory but also I think I was just at the right age when the Spiderman movies too much I was what will the person was ninety nine it was nice to his mom so I was trying to when I came out I was slightly older than Peter Parker is meant to be an artist and I think one reason systems connects it’s because it’s used a lot of the super heroes we see our old white privileged men up until very recently that the bomber is the ultimate white privilege not I am on white privilege mon lots and lots of money Peter Parker is working class yeah this is really what he’s learned because he actually has nothing yeah he’s intelligent but he’s a little bit bumbling there’s a girl really loves what he’s all about us and he is keen to go into the change yeah we will go through as we just entitles and that is something that I think that resonates and I think he’s gonna hearts that I mean he actually is a hard he’s a lawyer to show his emotions he’s not close off in the way that some of the others were he’s funny he’s Heller is when he’s played right he’s hilarious I I think that just make some slightly more lovable he he he’s the lovable rogue and marble been quite good at guessing capitalizing on this day they’ve got a bit more really someone’s with everything else but he’s a circuit that you kind of wanna keep you would like to bring your minutes when you get it what do you think you know what that was my kids or my nephew you hopefully get my Hogan I hang out with them and I think that may be wiped out works the nine eleven stuff yeah you’re right in terms of the was that moment and it was a fitting animals that kind of moment in the film and it felt like you know they’re making a statement my foot %HESITATION I mean I still remember that I’ve seen the trailer that they had to the birth date he catches a helicopter between the two cars a lab %HESITATION Mabel’s definitely an element of this box I don’t know I mean I think we always need a hero to combat this is this campus will Thomas are briefly it’s it’s the escape isn’t that some all person and when nine eleven happened I think it would make a big difference here in Northern Ireland where you know we kind of that’s the honest we’re used to people getting killed on a regular basis for no good reason and I remember thinking at the time it was horrible but I also felt kind of slightly normalize but we look for scapegoats when a person to take us away from this kind of fierceness processing here you have something that was it skip this that was also quite home grown threats which felt you know like the end of the film that sort of sits there on notice that game you know what ever since it’s it’s there or not Bob pasty so company keep calling for proper academic well we’ll have to find if anyone knows %HESITATION animals get tons hello %HESITATION and I live with he’s got offended about everything around well it’s been really good to talk about society because we don’t really get much response said to talk like that and it’s quite cool to see that work already on a PH with stuff not be necessarily entirely in the C. M. agreement but enough that we don’t kill each other that’s not why I think this is the same as this country though it didn’t feel like killing people I disagree with my parents generation I think that’s how you solve your absolutely it was just to show you know all those years by the university in Dyson’s pines that were spent casing Charlie wasted no we can have a tax and sign your over to it’s not we’ll call casting is four stars from me our box enjoy this I really enjoyed it and it was I think skate company to see if the kids have a good time to shut up and say and I think it was a wee bit scary first on because there was a bit where it was I thank you thank you know I made the jump scares me the milestone for the jump scare number last spoke to me is quite good if you know that the CFO with the audience’s version intended for what yeah and we’re not lives anymore and the dinosaur I think the thing that I can throw the records so I was just happy that you were bearable and the cinema because that’s my thoughts are always giving side isn’t right because the first time we’ve gone to see some of the cats are pretty sure has always said like what if this person doesn’t behave themselves well this is why you like I would never never minister first dates because like I you know I think that’s how you know other than that there was his second in an office the staff and all because we’ll be able to shop it’s people people talk will with your phone but it works but I did I thought of it sucked up in the atmosphere and it’s all because it’s just not right okay and then it’s also leaving behind this mission yeah exactly I think I I actually suspect they genuinely didn’t realize we were there for quite awhile and then the first time you run and it’s way then I think they really so there’s something and there are lots of the stuff that this call these Jurassic Park to then you haven’t seen it yet either no I’m dying to see them on the sale really last week before sending ships to dis or movies and I I I find it perfectly fine I mean it’s it’s it’s a retread of the first woman anyway all American for but it’s on it’s not scary even though there’s more dinosaurs more screen time but it didn’t offer me yeah not so much a thing it did enough for me to kind of maybe look at the stuff the stock together and how long all the suspects I mean this is the thing about probably talk about this before with you like friendships and stuff that if weather today the last few years differently and I’ve made a point this year can we connecting with people something virtually you know someone gets in person but it is quite nice is that need to get get a dime back well thank you Robert this is the most enjoyable pleasure what a great day that’s enough the T. make more nice memories and this shines a hospice yeah get back enough reason to think it’s a building sites in the all seeing in this party and this is true I mean look at its home %HESITATION and that that’s what we are hi guys for me being here once the strike was never mind was never a regular spot it was somewhere I went hostile this time I mean it’s all things that they don’t sing of arguing with John about it like I remember being a cage driving posterity in queues outside here with the four signs that freelancing who’s going to looking at these baselines always things slightly envious of people getting acute and I don’t care anymore yeah maybe a Film Festival some the only time I ever have to queue to get into a scream hello I’m also call upon the social to get older so I really don’t the people well this is the great just so happy that please how’s life because I’d be devastated if something really happened to it you know yeah since then so I’m part to me all my life thank you sharing this with me thank you for asking so here it was tell us where your expressionist %HESITATION huh okay so if if this was a relatively soon %HESITATION my extension is home the north’s going museum which is in Bangor castle Bangor Northern Ireland straight into training right this is daisy has actually started cinema seeking the seven look at my heart mmhm %HESITATION it’s opens on the twenty third of August and it will run through until the eighteenth of September okay okay system for just under a month but I will have her work to anywhere else that actually wants to do something with it excellent it hurts because he knows that I sent thank you again


Audiovisual Cultures Episode 123 –Studio Visit with Susan Hughes

Paula Blair visits Susan Hughes at Orchid Studios in Belfast to chat through her work. Susan is from Belfast and graduated with her MFA in 2021 from the University of Ulster and received that year’s Centre for Contemporary Art (Derry) and Platform Arts (Belfast) graduate awards. She has completed many artist residencies in Ireland and Scandinavia where she has used her traditional fiddle-playing as a bartering tool to gain access to local stories. In this episode we learn about Susan’s practice involving painting, text, sound, colour and light across different media, and spend time in particular on uses of language and encounters with the natural world.
Music: commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Edited by Paula Blair with Audacity. Recorded on 28 and 29 July 2022.

Automated Transcript

no C. facial cultures the podcast three different topics across film arts and media this is a special one because it’s the first in person recording not with someone I live way since March twenty twenty on the twenty eighth of July I visited artist season Hughes at her studio in Belfast and she kindly let me poke around and talked about her work as you’ll hear season marks across lots of different media including video audio music painting storytelling and sculptural light boxes and a lot of these incorporate taxed light and color in some way Susan is very drawn to water and land that is near water season as a graduate of university of Ulster’s masters in fine arts program and we talk a little about her experience of completing that during covert restrictions before a play you are chopped me huge thanks to our fantastic patrons at Petri on dot com forward slash a fee cultures for your generous support to gather our patrons are funding our website and every night again tak upgrades and I really wouldn’t have come this far with Saudi official cultures with items so if you wanna join and help that process and helps out work as well as getting lots of exclusive extras and early releases then please have a look at our tears on peach tree on and see if there’s anything that works for you and if you just want to drop a one off Pfeiffer for example there are buttons on the website which is audio visual cultures dot com or please just show support body sharing with friends and giving us a nice review where for days that he listen I’m a huge fan of citizens and I hope by the end of this chapter he will be T. enjoy somebody doesn’t at the same person was in March twenty eighth just before the end times so here the chosen one season so it’s really a class to be in your studio and how will we put the fight and see your work in the flash it’s ready to answer phone yeah %HESITATION for anybody to send hi we know each other that is three two one LH he’s big friend of the show and has been on herself and she did dead bending glass Choubey neon few months ago and you were one of the incredible people he gave some of your work so last night I discovered she existence because I’ve been away from Belfast Northern Ireland for quite awhile and I missed a lot of people so you know it seems like I mean you’ve you’ve been on the art scene for quite awhile but he did your MFA there was not he graduated last year so %HESITATION he seemed to be really prominent this year but that’s my perception from being quite far right side so I mean if you’re happy season which she like to give us just a bit of background about yourself and say what you wanna say and tell us a bit of an introduction to your work and then we’ll start picking through and see if we can sure M. well I didn’t I am thirty at night and I did my degree you know like twenty years ago yeah twenty years ago and the art college here in Belfast and a study Panton but then it was a big guy what like seventeen years I guess until I did my masters and in between them you know I did different things was that I was an art teacher in a school and then I can go a bit disillusioned with it education system and decided I wanted to get back into the art and have a proper practice so I left teaching and a lot of residencies and knots I suppose developed a methodology or way work in words my fiddler played Irish traditional music and so my fellow would kind of be tracked me to certain places in Ireland and Scandinavia as well now %HESITATION and Norwegian folk music as well and then in those cases I would swim in the sea and the music as well would be like a way to learn effective under the sea and also it’s like currency so you can like swap June for a ride in a boat more for some someone will bring up the mountain or you know you can kind of get to know people quicker get into society quicker so I became really interested in Swiss folklore and storytelling and not necessarily just folklore but also it was kind of experience all things dramatic stories are I would hear of white and the city and they were all intertwined with my own experience as well this is well this woman and the relationships we build with people in romantic relationships as well on the intensity that is that associated with the physical environment so we added crystal resin seasoned and Norway and have done a few on Ireland’s everyday like islands my Daddy is a bird watcher so that would it become something I got interested in myself when I was eighteen I started I went to volunteer with the RSPB on on Robben island %HESITATION and then a few years ago and to a little island in Iceland that was a bird sanctuary soon yeah the the birds and and those kind of really %HESITATION hands are places that are kind of on the edge which is where the birds go to places that are on the order parameters of say Ireland %HESITATION ice land that they stop off Oct those are places that really interests me in the usually quite harsh and dramatic places but then added to my masters I graduated two years ago and not change it changed everything you know like it it’s %HESITATION I had been working in a very limited pilots doing collages these little sort of sculptural only after things they’re actually and this was this was before my monsters but those connect the colors of the sea and Ireland and one third basically Grays and turquoise is %HESITATION drawings and things and am yes reduce your photography %HESITATION hyphen one forever I’ve been using taxed for a long time nine and everything was quite autobiographical and personal but they wanted the monsters I can’t came item myself a bit more I started using other people’s stories and other people’s experiences and I was interviewing people and then kind of retailer story but three a lot of video this was my final show would have been a mixture of video art installations this year by fox it was also not sure that you are hot yeah that was part of me and a monster shows and I was it was out of the facilities in the article above you know life technician who can help you with having your video editing to get to higher level and %HESITATION just shooters conversion of your comfort zone yeah you know and and getting the confidence try materials and you know I don’t know anything with sculpture but none of us know anything about anything you just have to get on with it and try it you know and this is what what is what you do you have even if your tree into something else is your eye and you’re like I wanted things to be certain a sack yeah yeah and and you I knew what I wanted you know I talked to I started to learn how to I. T. sources while and even everything didn’t have to be done by my hand I can get the perspex guys to cut costs things to measure and I get to employ someone to make me a box that was really really crisp and perfect instead I can make myself so that was a pretty mind blowing you know when they had things like making video I always had this feeling of everything had to be completely authentic and on that if I was making a video for the subject of the story was about a certain face the dolphin a child to be from that place but then you know I started learning but fully artists I’m sorry if you want to create drama and story years everything’s kind of possible and you can if the story is authentic and you’re telling if it can be authentic with I’d have enough you know all of those things haven’t become a place so few things are not really interested in the monsters this was the any kind of further education I don’t Belfast perfectly good for support me with learning how to write proposals and things have gotten getting you better at talking about your work and articulate and yourself so all of that was helped me get more opportunity since graduating as well the Athens asik yes you have as a little show a few months back you probably think was meant %HESITATION this platform it seems very based Ryan’s that idea if there’s a lot there’s a lot of language really interesting use of language is just hiding somebody has said something so the idea of SWAC spot it was a touch the story that you picked up somewhere and I’ve been really drawn in by your use of tax because it feels abstract is but it’s very much linked to something very real for either yourself or for somebody else maybe it’s somebody you know or to be ratified or interviewed or something like that and I am just so interested in how you use and the way somebody has said something and it’s often quite accidental you know in spontaneous sewer you know it’s they haven’t sort of sudden thought it but something I need to say something profound about this but it comes right into quite a profound way but it’s quite accidental yeah yeah I mean I I think I started out I I’ve always been right myself you know but I was looking at my father’s bird watchin backs is can Hey there like ledgers I suppose where he would take any notes when he was in the early days of our motion is so extreme minority that he would like hi detail the kinds of every place that he went and the bird in high heat high the birds flight wasn’t so I started looking through those and yes this accidental classes and whenever I isolated things that he had written they were just so beautiful and they could also and when they’re taken out of context this year and then invent their own narrative so they become like more valuable or something yeah yeah we really enjoyed planner aren’t aren’t I like place in my own words west beside his yeah because everything that I write is so old I self consciously poetic I’m trying to be yeah so I said you know one fact is so affected okay really you know by all the the time to talk to writers and I enjoy reading that and I’m so paranoid about what people think about what I write what I mean chorus his stuff is in my god or are you someone somebody’s just tell a story well the people that I’ve managed to get hold of to tell stories a lot of them for complete you know on conscious of of that kind of thing you know but then when I combine it with my own stuff is more self conscious it can it changes it then again you know it’s almost like an active and kind Sir these two stories might meet each other and then you just have these moments is just drawing together almost so’s reading some of your stuff in your web page this morning and that’s how it felt when you you would compare you’re a kind of an experience west and according to that friend to told you an experience I’d had that was entirely different but very soon so they almost pinched together or they repel each other but they’re just offices you know there are two sides of a coin almost you know that’s the way it’s perception it’s a ways of thinking things that’s what’s been Mister members you were quoted we change from where retrospectively looking at something and say may have been incredibly anxious in the moment and terrified not knowing what’s gonna happen next and then you look back in your own reading was fine actually I think you were I was you know this Iraq’s those bobbing into each other moments I think yeah yeah they can it because you’re I think you’re talking to bye %HESITATION no the story I interviewed a neighbor of mine worn it I mean she she I just call her on my friends but then one day she just mentioned are her boyfriends and like they’re both in their seventies like your boyfriend manages the value of that time when when I got lost in the jungle what you need is a it’s still legal story I mean I was like just I couldn’t stop thinking about it and then I Oster Kening come back and tell me the story again I’d lost stuff kind of initial yeah I think of her talent but she too was again perfectly you know yeah she’s she’s a beautiful speaker and she is good with words but she she’s kind of carefree as well so but anyway her interview actually transcribed it and she talked about it you know gotten lost but also really specific things that claim and all M. a particular MD riverbed %HESITATION you know with the animals and the sign of the animal Slater in nineteen she can see them and when when you’re transcribing them sure it seems even your lesson over audio soul %HESITATION are serving you kind of get obsessed with this voice and on her and her voice in her story can I merged into my own memory of an experience of getting lost in the mist intermingled with my friend and I started to it was the weirdest fan it was kinda like faded out as it was you know that I felt like I was more now than I was in her body and then I was remembered my own body imagining planning dying and this particular beach in Donegal and and then be in the best with my friend and you know just these three stories I was completely obsessed with them and they started emerging because sometimes they would have these that moments like what you’re saying where they they become like inversions are like the inmates were she’s talking about climbing up the rocks and I was in my gin and climb and dine Roxanne hello yes is talking about starting to loosen it so yeah it is like a market and printed articles and stories and I started to like make code between what was common worker there animal science mentioned were rather worse the weather but what was the cedar in in both these different places I don’t know it’s just it’s just fun to do that and it really like broke open language and narrative as well I’m and thing of loyalty to the story it kind of three things often your the the fact itch everyone remembers things differently means that there and everything’s open for possibility as an artist and represent things you know we’re standing in front of Isaac Haas and that’s really into something quite similar to our I think you were talking to somebody and then they call and they were describing how people used to pay before lots of light pollution and things and people I well people could see in the dark before all the facts and you see all these three words on the on the square like box that’s quite a reddish color as it wasn’t Shakespeare in the time of three word slogan I think so get brexit %HESITATION nor such like that and I say cops it’s just so hard you know so there’s a paradox pieces this is there the the words are extracts is %HESITATION it feels almost not quite but it feels almost like a hi Katie where you’re trying to fix something something basic to quite tiny space on your economical selling good you know so I find out re fastened as well but it’s not just the words it’s the combination of the words and the color and the light and the sharpness I think because you’re very specific in the fonts that you choose as well so there’s a crispness to it so it’s striking but there’s no punctuation so there’s nothing to see tell the reader hi there supposed to take this and anyway you know it’s very it’s free but yet it is structured because they’re on top of each other there and the last almost and it’s it’s just just like another three class because it’s so they’re all four letter three four letter words and he Serret long enough it’s like I mean I get my ice tested all times it’s a bit like a cannon hi tests and then like what kind of process you go through T. choose the words part of the whole story and then the decisions you make with it whether it’s a rectangle shape or a square shape what color you know what a service of process is there a structure or is it intuitive you know what I mean sometimes it’s really easy to stock jumped like their eyes I Cox said the mine who you follow me I was writing notes and write notes and or a sale a lot of stuff and everything was amazing but at one point eighty I was talking very fast and it’s like really thank Donegal Donegal accent and so I could understand them like me P. five percent this time is the authentic I did couldn’t understand what he said but %HESITATION you just if you Sandra had like whatever you were talking about phosphorescence in the blog which in these weeks quella the west’s people call that night angland and the lights in the book anyway I’ve never seen and unseen and save it on the ball and I was saying like why do people not know about it you know and people it doesn’t exist I was always here so it’s always there it’s on there all the time he C. N. these people meant is that I can’t cats you just said it really clearly I came out of nowhere and I was just like oh my god this perfect man for the best thing I’ve ever heard in my life and %HESITATION that was just really easy yeah and it made sense it was like perfect for for all the different beliefs different concepts of thinking about it he said it better than I could ever say you know and then in other circumstances I’d like with the interview this morning I had loads of freezes taken out you know and it’s look looking at how they work exactly and if I decide I want to make something with text and %HESITATION I wanted to be like boxes this is like this this is the same so I knew if I wanted to make a light box that square certain words are going to fit it on this one was a replica of a sign that hung in a cafe in the road three bars cafes and then you’re wanted to make a light boxes in dimension with the same materials our inch nineteen seventies orange perspex but then the dimensions I don’t know I can’t remember what it that is it’s like two meters by three quarters of a meter or something that meant that only certain phrases with fact well you know so it’s like a graphic design really important in New hello so some decisions are made yeah you know I’m not one it is it is the darkest come again with almond says Emma yeah which is it’s a concept that she will be here when I first read doc the first thing to send me a picture of it and %HESITATION it’s also makes he sank from the target come again because it’s so again it’s very simple words simple phrasing but there is something you can take that’s much better trump because he go yes you’re right it does keep coming again but it’s the past tense I think it’s well you know when you read I mean I sort of got a English literature background is also analyzing the words and really EMT satellite itself quite interesting to me and the past tense it has come again the idea if it happened again and you know it will come again but that’s not the one that says this is a hot come again and then saw its experience show or something %HESITATION almost places G. and a position of experiencing but the darkness had come again you know there’s some reason that could apply to so many and it could be poetic it could be figured of darkness it could be all sorts of things you know loss of memory and and I suppose in a way that’s what would happen with that story it wasn’t just that it was a literal retelling of of being lost in the jungle it was that there’s probably going to be captain the memory of sock is what was real and what wasn’t because this person had this entirety individual experience in the service of the sedation involved in sight on the engine because of the situation because it was a couple of days and stuff and you know box but it’s just a fascinating thing can pick to simply make up a very old lady you know because often colored people’s and it fits so well with the neon because it stopped kind of tone is not a site kind of popping bright color almost garish UN’s gonna grab your tent yeah a lot of the big thing for me is supposed to like my subject matter is you know the coast and you know very earthy the saying the lines and then my materials are neon perspex vivid digital video and then even within individual videos I would use like send fantasizing resigns and like very crisp ships that break my footage as well but that’s all to do with like traditional figures well into I can coaches are trying to make them see things or trying to courage them to save it use and the like urban urban aesthetic and I’m also it’s a great representation like a contractor sense what it feels like to swim you know really rough weather or to to be lost in the mists and not falling into the gold it is associated with really dark fairy stories you can’t replicate that so I’m not going to even attempt to you know represented in a representational way but I can I can kind of use these materials more effectively it’s hard to describe but I mean underline everything is for me is %HESITATION kind of terror to do with that you know six climate %HESITATION day that that comes from humanities disassociation S. Adnan like disloyalty to the natural patterns and habitats all those things so I find it it’s it’s it’s it’s a problem that like most a lot of artists are having to deal with my work everyone is concerned about it not everyone a lot of people are concerned about the client and felis responsibility to make work about it and they want to make work about it because it’s like at the forefront of their minds blocks it’s so hard to eat if you’re preaching about it and taps here it just becomes boring and it’s already like dating all these ways make a market by the time it took me a moment our guests who did it so quickly so it’s just having to kind of ignorant for me this like I think they and the neon as well comes to from M. and Kelly bags and only goal it’s a fishing port in kind of very disturbing discussion black I don’t eat meat or fish but thank goodness sizes fashion phone systems are fine on it and %HESITATION so Kelly bags is a weird place for for me when I go through it if this kind of gray you know the the blackness of the same as always great beautiful you know but there’s stag you know the the railings along the harbor the stock is your car fallen energy stuff you tripped and it’s their their candidate in this extremely honest sincere holler nice okay hi this is Orange she on Iraq I just a couple years ago I went to it’s like so seductive and shock and like shock and doing laundry it’s the greatness of the environment and I I just loved it was yes adoptive I’ve just completed used by it and I saw it I mean it’s always there always painted railings red and orange and stuff but I think because of modern pigmentation you know that things there’s fluorescence is more arriving to more cheap cheaper to reproduce so I did go back and I walked ten o’clock PM to mean it was really expensive like a hundred quid or something like that for ten I’ll never get through at all if anyone wants any present or too much of it but that was our service service turning point for me you know you start using these really bright colors yeah like to it and in shock because I suppose that that’s a element is safety restraint of a terror and there’s a it’s it’s warning you know it’s there’s a warning that there could be danger here there and you’re talking about swimming in the sea and these are choppy seas and a very cold season we’re talking points so there’s going to be the inter so there’s S. carried it off pretty specs and places %HESITATION E. yeah she talks a lot about that piece it’s nature back on its my more holes through each other and she’s from Derry originally in one parent was Protestant bonus Catholic and shipping to see images also thank and you know super hot this very strange childhoods for a G. two childhood and she’s very drawn to the folks and %HESITATION losses C. swimming and stuff and talks about eight the precarity of thought this is the D. injure that’s involved the times when that’s almost part of the thrill is I’m I gonna survive the swim especially if it’s a nine member some sun it’s really immersive and Coles and but exciting there Sir it’s thrilling and it created really evoking the place three words and a you know I’m thinking and remembering reading up there when I’m seeing your images hearing you talk about your own experiences of surveying and things like that the neon orange and stuff that element to being so visceral with the land and the sea you know and it’s almost like it’s as if you more lives because of the prospect of the danger the thoughts was coming across to me at least yeah I like that edginess yeah you know so it’s very interesting that you’re talking about bringing up the list of color because it’s not for the sake of it it’s these are colors that were nearby it something more as you stand like and in the middle of a what would be considered maybe a Blake the staff you know sort of land sea scape there’s up pop of color that saying what no we actually can’t be complacent about an exit it’s a kind of %HESITATION the bodily thing is well liked in the wavy neon and light boxes have an effect on your body when you come into their space like they light spills on the floor and they see fit so %HESITATION that’s the way it what it does to rising very broadly and on the whole link to club culture and dancing in the body and all of that is simple you know important references well for me just thinking about the names of your shows this file we’re talking about works that were attached to shoes that were named things like lost not lost I cannot use of language sociology coming in their their socks make six variance I mean I always come back to this because that was a lot of my research but I think so many of us from this place you from this island from the city from this time we have some sort of geology always because you know certainly of our age being young peoples and a complex you know where it was very sectarian it was split up and it was one side against another site and that kind of thing so that it’s probably boring for people that I always come back to that but I dispense many years being in not that you know it feels like there’s no escape to even if it’s nothing to do with that but it’s the idea of this thing and you’re not saying that’s the opposite of it you know I feel like last coming three quite a lot in your work to you soon I’m just that idea of what your loss but you’re also not lost yes I will definitely I mean I I wouldn’t really think about that someone’s going to make it work but it needs to sense like and I’m I’m from %HESITATION mix March not only as well so there is dot Canaan okay Irish music but I didn’t know anything about Irish music girl went on EFC has the whole world there yeah I sort of be your fit in two different places I’m not Kennett sense of belonging when and your family being kind of separated because just of people going to England to find work you know that sort of things well unlike where I feel very rooted here but not everybody does and yeah yeah it says free faucet as well to hear but it’s not just the freedom almost at the fiddle playing his seem to prop up the bar during %HESITATION I hadn’t really come across and they hate paid their way by offering the chain before or at least you’re not and the contemporary context you’re not doing it right now I mean did that come about organically free for you high eight hi missile to this very performative you know it’s very %HESITATION present very live and then it’s hi planned this out you know is an intention or is it just %HESITATION I’ll play a song I feel if I can all right I don’t have the money although it’s not in my mind and flat trend today in reading my way and if this is right you know it takes like it’s just a battle is this amazing man really partial to like especially in Norway I think I went to a lot of residencies in Norway and when I was there you know because it’s like you’re just another person you just another artist Dan whenever you play fiddle everyone starts paying attention to you and you’re playing Irish music that everyone loves and so then people are drawn over two years and once you get all the %HESITATION it like opens up conversations with someone she you’re having conversations with people you can ask old where would I go to find we’re going to go to go for a good walk and then they’ll be like I’ll take you and then you know and then I met or yet yeah I don’t know isn’t everyone in in G. as the artist who also plays fiddle and then their interests not more than you know people can relate to music it’s like a much less Ilion N. then the art scene and it’s it’s totally social as well or as artists whose solitary so we’ll get out the post but Jen Norway like cheese I mean it was because of my music that I would have gotten to know a particular guy I ended up going out with you know through him you know we had games we started out by me gaze and then add in you know in that way more people that way and he would have brought me out in the boat and yes very or organic but and it was when I went to it when I was like %HESITATION gold like sixteen I went to the %HESITATION it’s you know it’s should we cherish already is change and when I was there I was playing classical music it was in the school of music orchestras and everything you know I didn’t I. Anne are she’s going to but when I went in there as we would go to the pub every night like it’s me isn’t your it was legal to drink as a teenager when you’re sixteen they’re worse here with eighteen days Boise’s and the Manson on them there were these songs were planned and that you were in the U. S. team and they were thank you why drover and whiskey in the jar and stuff Qatar and that is this is there is a girl from school music right recognized but she managed to obviously learn a few these songs and everyone wanted to be their friend and everyone wanted to buy them drinks yeah and I was like I have to get in we went away and they just learned things like rocks and then I got more into it but it it was then I realised the kind it open it’s like a passport or something you know it’s not like I’ve traveled like a member going to China with someone M. many years ago I remember my fiddle and no one was cast may soon you know so it it depends on the society you know wooden competition on people as well yes yes there’s a reason okay yeah it’s it’s on the relationships that I’ve dealt with people through music have a lot of people have totally like been my muses and like all the fads and all aspects of my creative attention on the experience that we are good to go for walks of people because when those people have met through music through all all I you know is there anything about eight year practice you want to talk about it that I don’t know because I I’ve come to you fairly recently you know there’s a lot I don’t know and you know hooked around in your website in things you’ve got lots of stuff there but is there anything maybe what you’re working on at the minute or anything do you feel has really emerged that surprise she knows or anything sort of about your work that I need the house and picked up on %HESITATION haven’t notified or anything that you think you’d like to talk about I don’t think so I mean it I think it’s pretty hard for me to talk about America’s really varied and yeah are quite diverse I don’t fix and that I’m not like a sculptor or video artist I do does the things like my life she was an audio installation on two big massive blown off screen print of underwater photos that it took you know they weren’t where as previously at Lowe’s he wouldn’t have known me a stand video worked out Seoul Addison really neatly it’s not easily categorized book but yeah I think yeah well we liken categorized yeah my focus is I mean maybe you do want to go over this but it might be I do may be helpful for some people you did your MFA while we were in lock dines and human at the height of the pandemic stuff I mean they can Bach on quite a bit of that no way what was out like three G. sync it brought eight actually challenges are G. sync you know the limitations actually benefits not maybe necessarily the right words but maybe some yeah it’s almost like I mean there is there is no party and no longer no exceptions I just went to college all the time it was amazing I got so focused nine it didn’t faze compromised if you know what I mean you know it didn’t I was just a fluke but then at the same time we didn’t and we were like to go in college like we we we thought we were being rolled because we could only go in from nine to five Monday to Friday another call this is everywhere or just closed yeah I’m always stand there trying to make their art in their bedrooms yeah we were it also leaves for Iraq okay and but we and we had our creek synergy showreel and you know it was quiet unfortunately a lot of people didn’t come in a lot of people were nervous and just like set up studios at home anyway share so it took if there is a better a lot of grief even up I thought realizing that you know the three people who came in every day that was kind of it we had our own sort of smaller community but you know everyone can enter their crafts and we did have our final show but no one could come in and see our final Chong surely side and it’s like you know we work the imac you’re you’re in control as the exhibiting environment the article is your you install everything yourself so I mean it you know I had this beautiful dark room and everything was pristine and exactly how I wanted it and it was really immersive and yet no one could experience it we had like video %HESITATION terrors and everything in those people attended who were not authorized you know like curators from France and France from Canada and Australians I thought for guys who it was and he is now a book NEO had to had to kind of mourning the loss of our final show which will never never be recreated again like I I mean my light box that I need for that that was just one element of this whole project that I was presented with video and audio in the darkness so don never be recreated spoke with sign yeah they’re always great craft the bank opens it yeah when I was living here and that was one of the highlights of the year was that yeah the shooting shows mmhm at the college so that’s a real shame but that’s why it like do you wanna said banning glass exhibition that’s kind of felt like for me %HESITATION %HESITATION like a the final show that I never I never had because of so we celebrate every and there’s so many people of all different ages and and it was exciting yeah yeah the muezzin yeah R. J. definitely and it was really nice inclusion you know in the light the idea of the light boxes just fit so well because there were so many thank you honest thinking was that the the rich so many like boxes for the studios in the U. TV bill them for it was that had been taken dining roommates and there is this visible absence you know this absent present so if there used to be a light box there and so to have your light boxes and that’s basic it really complimented it’s everything else that was going on and you know again this types of color because while they’re not neon we would describe those colors as neon she itself those colors you know so that if they had to flee if you find tax useful with your podcasts we’ve got two options for you you can subscribe to the audio visual cultures podcast on U. shape for captioned videos and you can visit audio visual cultures dot com and click the transcripts top both sites are linked in the show notes along with information like this episode last season I mean aspen so coast to I know you did your studio that’s so exciting do you have nieces she’d like people to go to see more about your work silly website and social stuff where people can actually see some of what we’re talking five yeah my website is season use artist dot com a lot has pretty comprehensive archive of the projects have been doing over the last few years on Oct there’s also a link to a blog or where I’ve been doing writing over I don’t ten years %HESITATION from different locations Ryan conte dying in Donegal and Norway and Iceland and then I’m on Instagram as well asked Susan Dorothy Hughes path that that’s crazy and yet do you go and tackle those like kids yeah your works very co author I am a big fan thank you so much reading this and given me so much your time and sort of first name to people’s lives a little bit it’s a mess so it’s really kind of in yeah yeah thanks thank you for