
Audiovisual Cultures Episode 124 –Strand, Thor and Robert Simpson

Recorded on location at the Strand Arts Centre in East Belfast, programme manager Johanna Leech and cultural freelancer Robert J. E. Simpson chat to Paula Blair about the venue’s history, its current status and plans for its future. We then learn more about Robert’s work as an artist, an actor, a for-hire freelancer and with the CinePunked podcast. And finally, there is a post-viewing discussion between Robert and Paula after seeing Thor: Love and Thunder (dir. Taika Waititi, 2022) with plenty of references to plot details and lots of meandering off to other broadly relevant topics!
Music: commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Edited by Paula Blair with Audacity. Recorded on 2 August 2022.

Automated Transcript

you’re very welcome to audio visual cultures the podcast that explores different areas of the arts and media I am a liar and for this episode it was my great pleasure to speak in person T. G. one LH and her guys as program manager at the strand art center in east Belfast and cheat cultural freedom Sir Robert J. E. Simpson the following conversations were recorded on location at the strands first you hear from all three of us talking about it strands it’s history present and hopes for its future then more but Roberts and the different aspects to what he does and finally Robert knight shot quite generally up by things springing from the location and having just watched Seward often thunder and denotes we mention plot details so if you want to avoid spoilers fast pick mark this episode for after you’ve seen the film my huge thanks to our generous patrons without him I would not be able to keep making that show and providing it for free if you can join them and want to access exclusive bonus material including I takes it will have come from these recordings have a look at our membership options at Petri on dot com forward slash AP cultures you can also head over to our website audio visual cultures dot com and dropped one off donations of any amount you choose and use the buttons to make one off Tony tions of any in mind if you count two thoughts sharing this episode with the friends and giving us a nice review every access this podcast would be much appreciated okay I really hope you enjoy this one it was great to crack say record most and strong arts center fell in love with the sentiment many years ago was a very small tiles and rose from Hollywood rose I am very M. here’s while this may really great pals Robert J. Simpson %HESITATION Joanna H. as a programmer she yes you can tell soleil VS John John has been on the podcast before quite awhile ago talking by one of her art projects let’s say she’ll be speaking a week back and her guys is a programmer at the strands and as retail’s fails to meet up with Robert from semi punks and he’s right behind me that may talk asked him on sending yeah it’s really cool to be here it’s very special to me that we’re all here so thank you both for joining us the service of in the same room together before the ad was like we’ve known each other for so long in various different you know prices but like yeah yeah so I’m doing that would you be happy to give us a better if your spiel about the strong because it’s a really old sentiments one of Belfast the last time doing art deco cinema %HESITATION and it was known as a strong sentiment for a very long time and then it was rejuvenated as distraught arts center so would you be able to just give us a bit more detail of faith yeah so the strong does on Hollywood road and east Belfast Northern Ireland and yes I suppose said we are the oldest cinema left in Northern Ireland %HESITATION on the last pre existing kind of wartime and building on this from nineteen thirty five and we have four screens currently used to be one theater and when we became the art center a few years ago it just meant we were look at rates relief for the building I’ll be able to get charitable funds T. help us change from thirty five millimeter film to digital and apart from not the strand for time was a variety theatre so we’ve been able to take you sixty two KM and kind of out on all the creative things that we do so sometimes we’ll have like circus performers before film on it sometimes would be doing just straight up like comedy or theatre what film is still our first love and we have film clubs for younger people and older people and we’re hoping she refurb next year on we’ve got four of the six million that we need I’m not just take pride hold me electrics and here disability access and lost a few bits and pieces of people enjoy contests thank K. and Robert you’ve done a few events here you yeah hosts and you can change the thing so what’s your experience with the strong this was would be my local summer when I was a kid %HESITATION although we weren’t big cinema goers which is ironic considering how much time I spend watching film today %HESITATION so I certainly remember coming here as as a kid in the so it’s got a kind of nice warm for the feeling of family because that’s when we actually rolled together and every member of the class I still remember coming here to see Michael’s Christmas Carla my teacher from primary one thing behind me I haven’t seen her for years so it’s just a memory that I have %HESITATION as if any I think it’s it’s it’s fox and all of the history so I’m I’m like I’m really into this sort of film history and I have been wanting runs you K. take a photograph some doesn’t old cinema sites when I come and that this is still functional art deco nineteen thirties cinema and all of us thanks contesting that we still have that there are still a few other cinemas in the city repurposed from similar kind of period but the still retains a lot of his character %HESITATION so the whole appeal it’s a nice place to work as if they were there for very different screens are mostly done stuffing and the tiny screen around here spring for an screen too which is quite a woman the next big stage on the other screen I just love the feeling of the if the case experiment of the shape of the room and I love that it’s got that big D. performing space with the screen behind the scenes in the front row on the screen isn’t too closely and they went to the cinema somewhere else now the crux of the week insight and real woman deeply regretted cream my forty five degrees %HESITATION but it’s it’s a great place that sickness let it rest and I think he gets back on the books because it’s not in the city centre it’s in the sort of middle ground between here and like proper suburbia so people overlook a a little bit since and has always impressed me so you know it’s like this is the hardest on the Billboard charts what is the people I talked to the I don’t make stuff awesome he still knows where it is so I think this little gem on the %HESITATION like it’s all his stuff was all the more stuff here but this is trying to get a person the citizen and the funding and all the rest of us in the system also to eating yeah great yeah it’s a very special place to me at this the first cinema I would have gone see and I can’t remember what the earliest films I saw were that I had really fundamental films being experiences here so wait saw timber instead I met before Christmas and I was just a few weeks after my dad died so that was really special experience for me and I think you and I do I think we we went to see it again as adults but I think it was in the queue F. T. F. R. member correctly we saw together in KFC but I was family funded over quite a lot over the years as well the teenagers so the missile and I also when I was far too young went see Jurassic Park here at this and I hope they run off to the toilets on the new cover girl sequences all night because I’m the same way the school and walks up property each other’s about fourteen and I was in it so when I came to see it here so it is scary and yet they still pumping knows I still you know the first ones are the best yeah yeah yeah so it’s a it’s a specially plea yes and yes so I just wanna encourage anybody who’s ever living in Belfast but not in the east or visiting Belfast ever check it because there’s always such great things mean just up just last week he had the Rocky Horror Picture Show and had an amazing night here and you’ve always called gigs on there’s traditional Irish music but there’s there’s also %HESITATION you know things that might appeal to you all different parts of the community I think and as you say there Sarkis and there’s comedy nights and there’s all sorts of things so yeah absolutely jacket I just really special that either if you want to add anything I would say that it’s it’s the there’s nothing says strong thank you get necessarily no cinemas and is that tie in with the history of the site %HESITATION it’s not a multi plex variance here even though it’s called multiple screens %HESITATION it’s it’s something different it feels like you’re you’re literally taking in the E. ninety years of history here I don’t know for me that so stuff resonates more %HESITATION it feels like that’s an important thing to me team I’m a worry about place like I said it’s great to hear the phone line that you have are a lot of the funding that you need in order to kind of just jealous of this up a little bit more and approve it because so many of these places to get lost over time %HESITATION %HESITATION on various groups online and when you kind of read about another cinema that’s been torn off the condom to they can get the funding of local consciousness at now we don’t need it and it’s a little bit of the kind of the the culture of the area that’s gone so this is a special place it is important that it gets maintained it’s important that the case use of the people take a chance on certain I feel like it’s it’s important for east Belfast to have nice things that’s right they have nice cultural things because for a very long time it felt like we weren’t really allow you to have nice things are nice cultural things or enjoy those things if we did have some so I feel like even at slightly politically it’s a very important space to protect and to nurture for those reasons this file and I just think it’s it’s a real shame for other communities like Surrey Belfast because you know if north Belfast west Belfast sites both of us would have hot places like this around the finger tips you know just on the road and not something that I love here is that I live here and work here you know I can just walk around the corner you know good a gig here and not have to go in and out of the city centre %HESITATION but the stock has also always been like a place for everybody so even like it historically like throughout the troubles and things he would have had a mixed group of people come in here because we have people from Georgetown would’ve locked up or and because of and things of being close to the city center with like curfews the strong would still be open so we’ve kind of been not place people go on and it doesn’t matter where you’re from you’re gonna set Tyne and how this experience together and I think you know what that’s like what Robert was tennis I kind I feel less like family because either you can with your family or the cinema became your family so for individuals and for people and maybe also had been three traumas after wartime as well a lot of people said that when it came to the cinema they would be able to like let all of their kind of excess baggage go on for their mental health it was really important so we have a project called strong stories to try to collect all these stories or you know we were talking to someone he was hurt there currently staff so they would sign the film to their parents and then she was worried that she wouldn’t get all of that kind of cloths but you know with her mom was just so happy to be in space I’m happy that she’s in a space where you know you shouldn’t be doing anything or be a certain person she could just come and be entertained so entertainment is the most important thing in my own skin the sun was always came behind northern we needed this %HESITATION I mean it’s one of the things I love to I came across Belfast whose they skipped he skips to the cinema %HESITATION in front of most of the time of our home so I can stick my boxes %HESITATION but it’s just to remind you that that’s the way that we can avoid it or this way some of us have a voice the the the traumas that were going on during that time I happen to be looking at a research on ice looking through some old kinematic off with police and there was a list of the cinemas in Northern Ireland in nineteen fifty seven outlook items dozens and dozens and I were going to I don’t have any of course one of the hospitals in and told us it’s really depressing so they they are the old time capsules I know you guys teachers and stuff here as well and showing off the history center to focusing photographs when people cough most tourists and locals alike the stuff we see in the so you get into you we live in the stories that otherwise we you know we kind of just walk past I think that being nice hello printer yeah great strong Mr well thank you so much for your time that’s really kind if you find tax useful with your podcasts we’ve got two options for you you can subscribe to the audio visual cultures podcast on U. shape for captioned videos and you can visit all the visual cultures dot com and click the transcripts top both sites are linked in the show notes along with information like this episode J. Simpson yes hello who took it stays in a room with you I’m not on a computer screen this is a weird thing about social media and the way that our world works on it is that you you can feel that you are with someone a lot more than you actually are just because you have a computer screens and your Facebook updates and S. and we’ve done a couple of podcasting type things together so it doesn’t take us that long since I’ve seen you but it probably yeah we have %HESITATION we saw each other in person lasting things probably by October twenty nine new it’s scary because I haven’t been here in a long time well honestly August twenty twenty two hours like a whole other Jackie is we haven’t changed in some ways we have and in some ways we have consensus even the fact control of the pandemic yeah nine I would love for my listeners she learn more about you because I mentioned G. and we’ve done that we’ve done and I am in conversation but I picked out I don’t my my other personal you change that Wilson on the podcast and I’ve since any problems which is very kind of you to help me on this I basically invited my styles so you were on the list anyway again just our ordering young yeah well I think we’re at a point where it’s just anytime that she’s trying to find a way of doing things together you know because we are quite easily set up for online stuff but it’s just really great status in person yes it would you be happy to well I think what I’ll do is I’m going to throw a bunch of stuff in there my perception of old route to things you do X. I don’t know how I describe you but you do you do with this stuff so I’m gonna just say that you research and write about film young felons he runs any problems he makes any proposed class and you do the website and everything which is class and it’s really great if you subscribed to not because you create blogs by Robert and Rachel he’s also working on so many pounds ye are an artist G. E. jeho don’t even don’t even offer that right year Hardesty yeah you draw I think you G. to be disciplined yeah in some sculpture and then then yes yeah actor things are easy ask your I would say an expert on hammer on the date and not just company in Salem but comedy ferry generate here and it’s easy Aston expired it was a friends in that world yeah I’ve talked to lose stuff fight which is the things I feel like I knew a bite so are you happy that meander intake is three something I mean I realize it is a whole lot of stuff %HESITATION I could give advice when I was a teenager I met friends to begin with right right from friends for many years Hey told me just to focus on one thing because it would mean that case was easier to work out what I did and I stupidly nor the device and carry on doubling in as many things as possible %HESITATION if I was being generous about myself I think the word is poly mas Paul at that the other way looking as my Jack of all trades master of none the weather self deprecating and all of that %HESITATION so yeah I just I mean I didn’t describe as I work freelance in the arts that’s why I’m in the moment and I also ask them before which is in denial this year %HESITATION which I thoroughly enjoyed yeah I do a bit of arcs I kind of happened for a long time I don’t want to talk or face coming up back into it during the time that make an exhibition coming up in a couple weeks which is nerve wracking because it’s the first time I’ve done a solo show all like my actual Han’s artworks a lot of it is a sort of love as portraits based on raw and inspired by life should I did %HESITATION cold comedy of madness which is on the nice comedy in mental health and ended up with my friends Ross %HESITATION twenty sorry we did a couple times %HESITATION dinner before pandemic I can’t so hasn’t been touched I’m still thinking about all the things and over the pandemic of kind of going back into the house the seasonal stuff %HESITATION John things I love going out %HESITATION city %HESITATION I I guess I do some research and history of the month long time a switch in the university %HESITATION you know I was an octopus and things as well of the lower crime films over the years but not an official connection them for for quite some time %HESITATION I’m still researching their company has to have the the marking on the moment a couple comite Smokey before then the air now %HESITATION on their kind is distribution and exclusive films stuff well said and then second which is sort of my driving thing these days those mean Dr Richard Kelly controversial tile %HESITATION she showed ME I don’t give years actually should yeah I just like a gender neutral tiles not a reason to do it state but it’s a pretty yeah this is a switch on the kind of %HESITATION steer a lot of us the more me these days to switch us just caught a writing career stock room then %HESITATION things and family and %HESITATION that’s basically a project that supports using film today I was kind of like using phone conversation %HESITATION so it’s a sensible sensibly an organization that talks about film but actually we’re trying to do something or try to look at social conditions we try to look at that service %HESITATION thoughts and and and life and stuff and and use the phones as a way to open this conversation is waiting to find an ingress into sometimes difficult topics %HESITATION I mean we’ve done stuff with censorship and stuff but it’s Parker favors and stuff my gosh lighting number things with mental health all stemming throughout the lands of projecting film everyone feel safe and phone numbers of the film %HESITATION but you can actually kind of get under the skin of kalos stuff so we do that %HESITATION you know we got our podcast with Cummins publishing on as well and %HESITATION we do live events so we can interpret them our own pro on them I’ve haven’t had much happening since we’re trying to get back into it again %HESITATION yeah delete things behind a very we’re talking bout of the night but if you do them very well and C. G. some ready class stuff we’re going to go and see somewhere whichever one is that site in a minute so and and have a leave at lunch but we’re going to talk about more after its hopes night maybe by the phone but we can try to me because I don’t know I I N. Xin the sun’s going to pay I’m no I’m not gonna say before we go in the I’m not a Marvel aficionados neither am I which I think in a way it’s quite interesting because what if we come up with something you know or it might just be we we will talk about the film itself but we just keep having to reach out by Ian your stocks generally here I’ve seen a few of them I haven’t seen the whole gentle cycle phone so it’s it’s going to be fairly open ended for me although I find I wrestle find ironic that someone who’s not with a comic book nerds the first common tree trunk that I did for the release was for %HESITATION marvels really it is hard to talk %HESITATION which is kind of strange %HESITATION it is S. as in its action Marvel film yes yeah so I mean you know my relationship with these films as isn’t Sam big spider man fan I had seen no sign remains but then I was reading exclusively so may first time and then now it spends a picture on a news to the MCA’s so I’m sort of catching up a little bit because I mean despite our man I haven’t seen the sort of big Avengers homes or anything I know stuff but what’s happened things like that but I’ve just been definite and I you know I’ve seen the seconds guardians of the galaxy it just happened on this and I have seen so Ragnarok but I have not seen the work so you know there’s there’s so really fun and I liked it so I think it sort of it I think this is a quote because it’s taken thirty days so it’s sort of marvelous G. synthesis it’s what I eat I’m aware of but we’ll see what happens I think they should lose a cameos and stuff it should be quite fun I I’m just happy to an open minded and have a laugh related to that system for a couple hours really is not yeah and to you China very kindly Cytisus complimentary tickets because we have both done stuff for the strand before and %HESITATION sometimes on paid so you know it’s nice it just got some calls %HESITATION you know be able to do this and to stay up the straddle back lately yeah okay so do you see it later big thanks to our generous patrons Apache on dot com forward slash AP cultures for keeping us going if you’re not already supporting us your missing item behind the scenes content exclusive audio and early releases as well as being justifiably smoke for helping identity podcaster sharing free education you can see all my mistakes and get actions no one else is hearing all straight to your inbox or personal RSS feeds join the part today Apache on dot com forward slash A. three cultures this is a call to all right for a long time I have no idea this call for action line make them wrong but anyway civic spaces up stairs and shotguns that Joanna has very kindly and that is used to just have a bit more potassium we caught some nice artworks in the Scotland expands off the strands of photos and things but other analysis Benetton studio today four was it production of hairspray that’s coming hello Sir so yes and there was a lot of activity in the states very sweaty and here and here yeah hi this is very quiet and it’s just me and Robert how many tasks and staring at the holes in the crimes for the survey a hotel on the poke and very weird because those were here for all of my life yeah hold the city keeps on changing us was you’ve been away for so long it’s nine AM and I still live within a few miles of here but I’m not done enough this little bit yeah mmhm yeah so it is strange seeing senator sorry we’re just tired of the word love and thunder I thought it was quite the kids in the front row or I thought we’re gonna have to tell my my idol going shut up I think they sent a silent and I figured if you what it’s going to be such a light cross she finally found that they’ll join the money because they’re right at the front of the tenth most say they were OK after five months the first few minutes survey they didn’t detect analyze and I thought I suspect they thought they were on their own I think when they really service people may they not ISIS faxes yeah they were I think they thought they were told was when they were talking about it well I don’t know this jump scares in the film because some of the started by like minded horror and I thought can I did jump scare on the so well in that report and you have to be careful you can play pranks on kids anymore I mean look it’s terrible because the schedule was the you know you you we all your life to kind of be able to do it by %HESITATION the nineteen nineties enjoy the I thought it was good fun yeah I don’t know the film’s well enough to be invested in store on to be in no way you need to add anything so for me it was just like I was I was quite entertained for a couple hours yeah I think very similar for me I haven’t really thing we were talking about is our dear I have only ever kept in an isolated the MCAT so what I don’t really remember him most of these people are most of the time you know I just remember there was a funny rock creature and rock and I was very spectacular today he also directed both of these items that was all I remembered about Ragnarok tank and I was and they they thought little sketch was it was Sam Mayo and some often yes it was one of them I don’t know who the third one was something he was probably not Damon’s father and I’d like to really alike but they were playing it’s you know Loki and Thor and Odin and this week probably Friday at Asgard reenacting a lot of us that %HESITATION Lewis ragnaros or or something that was quite funny and %HESITATION yeah this in the car seat as I can remember sure sold so there we are I do think there was some sort of toward Olympic skating you can write about that’s all I remember yeah whatever yeah as you say I’m not home enough basses and guardians of the galaxy I only see the second one I just laughed like a drain three out today yes I could sign child so many options grounds couple of ours may see past the most Marvel films as a man hello I DO you kind of got a little bit frustrated with the abundance of characters I still think I mean like me being a kind of old school phone comments like universal monster movies where it was a low diminishing returns as the crowned everybody and it seems to be working for the marble stops the ball it also means that sometimes it’s just it’s my focus is to spread yeah just give me a character on the villain %HESITATION that may work but it was it was fine I mean I didn’t know who the backstories for most the characters but it was fine nice this sentimentality in and %HESITATION dying people all look here’s I thought myself Welling up but Sir no responses as there are for a lot of grief I thank yeah I haven’t seen the word which I feel a bit bothered by it because you know I do you have a very special place in my heart for Kenneth Branagh horseshoe directed at I haven’t seen all of this and I haven’t even seen Belfast yet I need to say it and it’s just never going to be no single well that didn’t come by Regis and you castle and then it was very shown anywhere in new castle signed so I wasn’t feeling okay about going to the cinema yeah when it came to light so %HESITATION just win and I’ll watch it when I can cope with it is I know that it would only have been probably only make me feel super home seconds also yeah I do find sometimes I finds fans from here but that this time sort of watch get fibrations I’ve been watching it maybe for research purposes and it’s really emotionally overwhelming because going yes Sir %HESITATION there you know he says most of the apostles and actually show in Belfast so yeah that’s a yeah they can swim as like seventy ones like that with it just because it doesn’t look like that anymore because a lot of the stick the British Army and anyone doesn’t show me up into the so the whole thing so the Senate she’s anyway hello there rumble yes %HESITATION yeah I haven’t been investments Heiser I think I’ve seen all three Iron Man films for a long time ago and I don’t remember anything beyond Robert Downey junior send them I think one of cultures and them and Nick fury Sam L. Jackson turns up that’s all I remember about those I don’t care I think I saw the first American %HESITATION %HESITATION I haven’t seen the denture stuff that’s already I was really want to see the spider man their most recent Spiderman yeah I haven’t seen it yet Netflix had spider-man’s Andrew working up see the second one with Tom hardy because their old homes thanks again except I think it’s homecoming we sing we watch that recently and I I went to watch far from home and it was gone I think it just was a couple of days to date it was already taken off Netflix so needs to see us at some point and then I can see all the spider man together yeah I mean you need to I wouldn’t have been just hold this vitamin and see films last year the spider man comics I wanted to follow what was going on and I hadn’t seen the more thing that works so that was also like my way of kind of getting into the whole MCU stuff so we watch them in order I kind of got the big thrusts but the role the big mixed mushrooms with everybody in experiments like a tiny bit part player in old and because it I started off by rewatching the many films that those and then attempt at the second set in the third set you know certain health but yeah some paid off thanks to say sorry I want spider Gwen and my mom’s father once a once yeah I just want all that %HESITATION in those miles Morales hello and despite our sh well that was just that you love to I think that this wasn’t even it was more just what could we both go and say that either I have seen yes we can go and see her face because I think there’s other phone so that the man I thought that was weird like complimentary check it’s far so hate for sin go to the center for some of well I mean like I’m missing I have means that pressure losses on that Mike yeah I do miss my regular my weekly outings this enough and not inside her I see them pay for a subscription ticket nine the facts so nice fun %HESITATION ball I’m still not I mean it’s it’s it’s worked I got my body for money so far and Cher well I’m not using it and all yeah see I used to do a little to suffer he asked Hey %HESITATION scanner and I was always said well if you are is back in the back and say I use it in in the Merion was Sarah I said no to soften its voluntary work for them and everything even the days in the office just right without men and things so I just want to send my for free all the time for a couple years okay so you simply cannot say so %HESITATION and selfish about it obviously thank you go to the center I do things are summarized for frail sometimes them and somebody asks me what my doctor sent in a telemedicine Feldman visual so basically what is something you got to go to the center for fails having a doctor it doesn’t give you a free pass to you and the thing I have for her yeah this is Larry or not so I question sure Lester is kind of nice couple not one author less what else can you pass yes this week’s sex at parties I don’t know what the doctor is only ninety minutes fines and concrete it’s nice really economy some people feel a bit intimidated it’s doctor because it’s a doctorate but I think that’s it she she if people don’t necessarily understands what is it I think you’re actually person or someone your origin story you know your your rags to riches rags to rags right to the hope of riches rifles thanks you know it was all kind of realized it’s just a normal person to sell as Jenny from the block K. single people look at you on the street in figure something they the paper %HESITATION do you want to get in so I want to play you know like there is this kind of an interpersonal gray I think you’re not getting in trouble off %HESITATION because some insight on the inside of it yeah share that that’s a whole a diatribe against me was a lone gas that’s actually kind of go %HESITATION hot in the ring you ready and you can’t stay stop happened and then never got back into yeah and you don’t do the research and all and anyway the toxin in an institution yeah I find that fascinating because you can do the research yeah you know I think a lot of people to look at I think you need really understand that’s when you called three to PhD process all of that work full not license so inaccurately put in for years of your life it was for she’s a document for examination and won’t stop meeting is over you discussed out for an hour or whatever box and it can be all it can to nineteen all rights on box moment in time and not to sites your weather you convinced your examiner surely deserve a doctored or not it’s a fairly subjective sass and it’s one that is life changing and it alters your very psyche it’s not something like necessary advice my name is Jay if you count data research and you can write it back but what it is you’re really interested in if you’re able to find a way and the means and the resources to share our Monday yeah because that’s not what a PhD necessarily yes no we had %HESITATION I was talking to a doctor afternoons on the same from how custom yeah and that was just on her fifty through since she went on to write on traditional and kind of give a little bit of reassurance that it can be counted on but it’s it’s it’s a hard slog as well because I think you probably view decided for me by the academic community you know our academic because you you know you’re not doing a project as such perhaps but then again it’s all fake tie dynasty if you don’t publish your stuff in the right places your work the matter how good is meaningless yeah so some of stuff five maybe want to do mine you know it doesn’t matter what standard to make get it tell you it wouldn’t comment so the whole things is policed and monitored and how long to sing so frustrating I mean I was looking one of my friends got some justified some other publication on big because taking years of work today and then you see the price point almond you know it’s like you need a mortgage in order to buy this book the researchers I put is an accessible to anybody who’s not part of an institution yeah which again sort of sits ready all day for me I kind of we talked about this before this is all day with me with this idea that education should be accessible Robson I mean this is this is probably like working class way from east Belfast I still very much feel there is opportunity so I hired and I took advantage of to learn a thing of the people should be able to do that shouldn’t be behind big glass doors yeah what should be you know you gotta have accessible no I completely agree because that’s I mean again that’s the thing that might be it’s easy access I developed at NC I thank and I can’t afford to buy it it’s ridiculous for paperback it’s forty five times no excuse I’m not still years after its nine well I didn’t appreciate years ago and things have moved on so much because it was very much about contemporary moment I mean I was publishing and I was already out of date and parts and snowing it’s well it is so very much has changed and it’s talk back and it’s on the scale and there are things that I would do differently and it was what it was at that at this time and it was never in it to be a survey it was just this is what came up for me on time and you know I think there’s still something in it and I think if it wasn’t so traumatizing to go box say I probably try and JD a more accessible version of it because that cracks me up that night for such a long time and even said either cursive and six oxime price I just don’t understand why but it was stopped urgency to population to get a job even just across the fixed term job somewhere totally precarious just to get a fit in the door with those I have to take the contract archetypal bushing is a permit scheme it’s horrible it’s I mean it’s it’s there’s a real work that is done with the old family the bulk of the people who do the work don’t benefit from it and if you’re in on Sunday to PhD program in which I was staying in the cells so you don’t get the benefit stuff see your husband hates do your work that you then going to sign over to somebody else to make the money yeah and they do make the money on that so here in a way that they sell it to the university libraries where it’s read by five people it’s just it’s just really great to me and it creeped me having seen some academic contracts the rights that people sign away for nothing and collision doesn’t pay the vast majority of people anyway you may not stop the grim reality of it but I’ve seen it and I think they went away all the rights in perpetuity I thank the system will not rescind those rights in order to maintain the tiny little kind of profit margin it got coming in I just I think it’s a scandal but I’m continuing this conversation very quickly so we want to let you know this is just to have it Virginia Tech because they don’t know how much steps to be fair yeah to be fair to take a CD and the words of income there I’m not sure how much mileage you can get we can have a go I mean a lot of it’s not without its problems it’s great crack and everything but you know he does raise a child army which I wasn’t too comfortable about remorse is a telegram if you think you just trusting Selbach Oster sedated well I mean I guess Seuss’s it did feel slightly manipulative %HESITATION to do so but there’s also been a woman all hope and that the policy coming fall by our children you know that there are actually real hope for everyone NAS because we screwed up the promise but the case possible I mean for enough because of the nature of these films and the sort of comic book storylines it is old %HESITATION war but the kids are doing as a last resort but they are helping and changing things and the adults counted without the kids I like to think you know as a director and as a writer that he’s a bit more savvy and liberal and I maybe get in and out to lunch it’s a fun sequences synergy sync sequence that that it’s it occurs to me hi this is any different from what we’re fighting against in certain countries where there’s child soldiers on it strokes wars and things like that and they’re reliant on comments and stuff and it’s great that they’ve got to save our city of K. it’s three different places there in Asgard which is vegan the Scandinavian and they’re all different colors all different races in Stockholm mix together and that’s really nice but at the same time you know you’re lumping all these kids and it is scared kids and their toys are coming these deadly weapons to kill the sand eagle creek church you know and there but it’s not face this evil and it’s not maybe necessarily that long ago that kids of certain racial box primes there are ancestors are not faced with evil and so I think that there’s maybe some March somebody hasn’t been the salt box very I don’t know or maybe it’s a way of overcoming it I don’t know how you’re feeling yeah but I didn’t feel good about it I mean I’m not one children in the house possibly as well home developer to really feel about it %HESITATION yeah I think it’s I think it’s a valid points in a way I kind of want when I think about children armies and discourage another line of ice like a part time job the dominoes the down you know and in which case dots why certain I’m going to buy and I children are scary the thing is they are powerful and they do have a lot more strength and %HESITATION yeah I mean that the point about that I mean you can put the with every single awesome them kind of narrative because the dam is always going to be someone that’s different there’s always some of the separation you can never find yourself really I need to see for yourself you got to do down under the pretenses of being something Alderton so I don’t know how you don’t and I don’t know hi culturally we don’t in some ways drawl on decades all imagery and bigotry and bias and uncertainty leading to the broad brushstrokes night doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it I I don’t think it’s a case of you shouldn’t do it but I think you kind of just need to be aware it’s it’s a fine line for all the the the talk of stuff and then drive to be more progressive which is a good thing I probably I don’t think we can stick her head is on sale a list of possible happen that we have and how these historical sites I know there’s not alone some of them are still true you know I mean you look at books on the Middle East and and and so she sent her Friday night and there is a sense of slightly %HESITATION faceless kind of threats you know we we suggest entire races of people are the same with the Russia when I’m rushing again this year %HESITATION but certainly every Russian piece of artwork from the twentieth century you could no longer play you couldn’t play then we see you couldn’t watch their films because they were all the other animals rats it’s more nuanced than not and I think that I think it’s okay to hop out that nuance and I mean ultimately argument on this question hello he’s very definite office I am very definitely has a reason yes that’s going to come yeah that’s the thing about eight A. M. C. and probably they’re slightly more peripheral works because it was reminding me of rock concert that balcony house appoints me as anything yes I kind of agree with this guy my mom Christian bale side a little bit kill all the golds not really they’re they’re making things worse or not really so just said about basic concepts you know I saw yeah this guy he’s been run roughshod lakes he’s not had a fun time and that’s actually quite understandable that he wants to see a band students missiles and not just stop at the death of his old people I mean this because he just doesn’t care and he was quite happy for them scientists are fine you know because it’s about like what we’ve been street and U. K. and what’s happened is that I think over in the states in so many places where those who are in part in some way he holds the park there have been a great time hello even when they’re not having a great time no no way better sign Mr so that’s what we’re in and the U. K. in this moment and summer twenty twenty T. anyway you know our prime minister he’s not our prime minister but is still our prime minister has home rough year but you’ll turning of his own making still on the ground time so do way way better than just about everybody else in the whole country so it felt a bit like thought it did feel yes there’s a point there but I did feel like Christian bale’s character who were I think it was his name is I really did fill in his fight for a lot of food and I just thought you only did just that now the topic this is you and the war is set kind of house techno local walks can one he’s actually trying to help him but the rest of the market and trusses you know so if I did find that quite interesting it did remind me of a set what’s the same is it Carol co creative skills no I’m thinking of Jessica Jones said the guy in Black Panther anyway he has a he has a real point you know and and not found the nine I thought that was really important said bring in that moral ambiguity rather than just skin sources spots and you know you did have a lot of that language if I’m going to go and get the five guys in this but I don’t think he was off on a guy and always he’s Christian bale so he has a super hero from the other universe the rifle universe so having mine for such a long time I mean I think you’re right I think I think that the nuances being played with is important but I think I think that is testament to the generation of where and where your villains are no longer just fell injured you guys are never entirely good I mean risks of spoiling for anyone who hasn’t seen this ours is a populist waters yeah yeah so I mean there is a point in which %HESITATION sore killed since and that is transgressive bold but also you’re kind of looking I mean what he’s doing is he’s sort of punishing somebody’s in the house %HESITATION who seems disinterested the but also he comes in he’s actually he’s %HESITATION he’s the gold color in a moment and there is the observation made the you know the times and and soon you doing exactly what you’re trying to stop saying therefore are you any better no you’re not you’re you are exactly the same willing to carry your own but the motivation is very similar to it it’s like you know it’s in the need to protect other people is sending bills characters is one to kill to calls because people are losing their lives in order to protect the people who don’t care and the office and see what’s going on as well as guardians because they’re not just on my house said they’re looking at the bigger picture I suppose that the the political the global political equivalent is is exactly that it’s it’s what goes on in terms of warring countries it’s it’s that those fears and says those leaders who will how the army’s go in blindly and lose themselves but really don’t care you know they’ll they’ll set their house on there that used a line which is Wednesday I did enjoy a all the rock music I mean I feel like I mean Thomas skulls and roses how much money does Aksel rose needed this point because the end of the chatter something more surgery coming up I don’t know her you know he’s not going to say but I enjoyed it but at the same time I kept thinking of making minds because make it mind you the salute to those songs again that you can just see Meghan I think the thing in your own innovate the title and stuff those needle drops those specific needle drops of all the guns and roses song that are familiar to people they aren’t even sounds of guns right they feel very tired I mean I think they’re used pretty well it gives us some energy but I feel like if you need those specific song pini welcome to the jungle beats way sweet child of mine and I said he whatever he needs those to give your phone the energy you might need to re assess what’s going on in your storytelling %HESITATION certain though that it needed them to get the energy but I assumed it was part of the S. six of the currents and I know that the gardens the galaxy scores or you know the song tracks run scorer kind of popular search and things on the guardians are here at the start of the film something that kind of almost two decades the tone that you’re gonna have to follow on from I mean it didn’t didn’t really bug me I think from a reading cynical point of view it’s a great way of getting the parents the ground I mean that’s just the parents the grandparents in yeah because is what’s really scary and I keep on saying this on social media is that you and I are not of a generation we could be grandparents offices Friday thank hi my online dating like this is like gradually crawling away like no %HESITATION but you know I I I think that it’s %HESITATION dots part of what’s going on is it means you got the older generation so that’s the starting to lose some so they may be okay now listens to the but their love and everything else so it’s kind of it’s it’s it’s this alchemy H. A. and Andy they kind of got like magic that brings these generations together which probably seems kind of appropriate them we have all these kids looking up to this older generation who also looks up to an older generation and how that kind of feeds and cross fertilizes I’m being very generous yeah for someone who is notoriously not a fan of comic book movies I think it’s worth census in the bait the CCI because it’s very C. GI tastic and there were points in some of the fight sequences right just saw he couldn’t make an animated maybe just make an animated movie I’d rather just watch all animation at this point all I’m saying on screen for however much a percentage of them it’s just a minute I mean man it says wait wait let’s see no and essentially because I think on the Sega name right Sarah her mood maze take it’s cool then later chairman Paul costs so it’s been talking about is kind of locked the case and you know mark mark does not like spam he ran off to join the spellings told you know there’s been a lot of people kind of trying to speak up on behalf of the soul the visual effects artists yes because it’s a really tough job and there’s a huge amount of them making it for my class I think the conditions aren’t very good to their working conditions are gays and they’re not unionized and they they’re under huge amounts of pressure to get the work done and the average year doesn’t necessarily know the sheer amount of stuff that goes into what we see on screen because you got people who work specifically on shadow work specifically on what color people who work specifically on bot like being it’s a huge team of people making everything that you say %HESITATION and you happen to work on that characters in the costumes and the people in the basements and that what happens in the lights and all sorts of different things that have to come together and they’re under huge pressure to do it very quickly and I think then that can lead to the there’s a sense of weightlessness there’s still I think there’s still an issue when they’re when CGI’s had to be rushed even really huge budget elms there’s still an issue with Bob character just that quickly happening wait anymore you have to in the maze so it’s just like sodomy that’s on an X. ray %HESITATION VS Morris I think income math facts the special effects are I think there’s so much more realistic and nonsense you know eight cabinet dissociated minus the C. GI visual effects because there’s no half still and so I can make an arrest is because it doesn’t feel like there’s any real jeopardy when there’s no limit to anything you know this makes sense but I don’t want N. trash talk the people in me because it’s not their fault thirteen to order what they send to let’s say it’s a nuanced conversation thank I used to be very very vocal and my dislike for C. GI having films are promos I guess you know fifteen years ago well whenever all right when I was kind of fool’s CG I wasn’t really advanced and off so didn’t actually use it sparingly it was reading the office %HESITATION I think it was the mummy I recall when this is like nineteen ninety nine will make their call the water and it was just so distracting Lee not radio and stuff like that we the greeted me because just use a tank it’s it’s going to cost you less money and will look like actual water but the way that the technology is going online it’s works a lot better I mean we were talking off the phone briefly and with John about ready player one which is all CG I and part of it because you’re in the computer world yeah the screen I mean owns on Saint Martin all along we talked to a free night awards and is again a very CG I haven’t well but you know the thoughts and the computer mouse hearts men’s bait I think that there’s still an awful lot of CG work that gets done the year doesn’t recognize SEG asshole I mean it’s quite disturbing when you when you see how much sometimes and they find this insurance is constructed in a and a computer one Hans the computer the stuff of the white Aryan scenes in the they bring into them because he’s a comic book movies I have a little bit more time for the because I realize you couldn’t create those spaces physically you need to give it a go one and certainly there’s going to be physical elements within new spaces I don’t know if you look at the the big war thing the bill for months Lauren okay I don’t know what I’m going to hold okay so what I did and this is it this is this all part of the Disney Lucas universe anyway so Marvel probably using the same stuff they basically have created this massive wraparound stage backgrounds that make it to the wall that was overrun this awful little pixels that projects the CG images in real time with the actors performing a problem and is almost seamless so the space is actually the screens will move and I’ll change lighting and stuff instantaneously the work with the cameras and you get a much more seamless experience simply actors as well what is meant is I mean like you McGregor famously on solid because he did the job because he was acting the blue screen the whole time there’s nothing there was night he’s just gone but we won and essentially you know we’re going back to the same stuff but the CD this time is standard it looks convincing and your city in it and the international space I mean I know myself a little bit of acting work they do to you if you stay in a room with the sap is being built for this enough there to kind of sell the illusion in a performance I am much more in a part of the performance and and what have you stick in a blank a blank room give me a black box and I’m kind of not not the black box the numbers are very welcome to hire me for but you can in a black box and it is harder to kind of immerse yourself as opposed to maybe call props and things look and I’ve been to and stuff like the department streets recently so you’re actually in the physical spaces and not really to sell stuff for you so when the CG I understand that it’s there for a reason and because of the aesthetics of comic books I can kind of accepted I felt like when I first went there whenever they go into the shop around something was black and white I thought that that kind of know why ask the statics vision effective and I mean it reminded me a little bit of Sin City %HESITATION yeah you know which which was deliberately echoing the comic but it’s based on but it has the feel of a comic you know when you look into because they are predominantly still black and white as snow every time you’ve got color comic so that that I thought works really well but also hides all the problems with CJ in the southern Roos shadows in the shadows so I really like that part I thought it was done really well and then you do you can’t these elements of color because it says now not the Hummer the lights G. and up a bit thanks my user and so that you can see her face light up and everything else stays and block my ears so I was really cover was really well done and yes it does hide a lot of you can hide things in the darkness and god you know so it’s at help in those parts that were still very CG I tastic on amino No Way Hey it’s a nice little introduction to some people who wouldn’t see a black and white film here it’s a nice way of just making it will open their absurdly I think again it speaks a lot to take these %HESITATION mentality in his his influences I mean for what was I suppose it’s it’s like the issue with the G. pitcher and home you can have a sketchy pictures always your story and your son is okay I can hear what’s going on in a concise and I go to store them in dance and I’ll I’ll overlook the fact that you’re using separate run thirty five miles or you know using the crime video camera folks on the news and you know the the list that cameras I had an issue with some of the sign in this film I couldn’t make out all the dialogue at times I don’t know if I just mean means that my ears need cleaning out I’m getting a maze I do have some of this or if it was about so I mix good evening where we were in the Senate on the sign you know it’s going to match the facts because not enough of the front speakers all these things can make a difference in terms of your your experience but whenever that’s happening I’m kind of struggling so the scene I I start coming out of the film a little bit about the dodgy C. GI I didn’t even know us there was enough there is enough of an emotional hearts for me to kind of just go on that and I was laughing and that the weird rock creature thing yeah I mean there’s a lot of humor for me works so it can go one that was something I did ready for member enjoying about Ragnarok and guardians of the galaxy TV they’re really funny %HESITATION riotous Lee funny and I appreciate it thanks because it’s retention I haven’t really seen a lot of the other stuff with low key and that can be better handled so if you know anything Loki and Ragnarok psychology brothers you know they’ve been these mortal enemies but neither just argue in an elevator and it’s really funny and so you know what their stuff like that and it constantly and it stops it was very Marvel universe stop taking itself so seriously I appreciate the thought you know and I think already into the galaxy some not really reality at several points in off each other and they’re all so funny with each other it’s what separates it from the DC stuff and the DC stuff really was a match for a long time %HESITATION I think the hope for DC is being actions taken aback and stopping something less like a kind of nasty marble and just relish in that kind of the greatness of your your simple stories with exception possible flash next year which are looking for all right other than that the tension that suit the C. hall and Michael Keaton coming back yeah that’s right that’s great yeah hello there is an issue now with the K. plan the flash and also its obligations right seen anything about any of that I will send you some links okay I actually was really quite keen to see parts of price I’m going to see that happen yeah and and it looks really fun so maybe that’s a say after moving toward something like Akane interaction yeah the interests in the Michael Keaton again has done his turn in the Marvel Marvel as well sure so that was a really nice surprise checks I have no way to state no patents into spider man %HESITATION any phones but just in the past year called off I mean the the current incumbent is a joy to watch her I did not expect to enjoy his films as much well I got a real buzz are them yeah and the last of the the spy movies because it’s fun service yeah thanks you know I’m all here for it HM eight so we’ve got you know it it did the things that tickle thing and but also I mean I I I do think that there’s been a huge part of the sort of things that come up during the pandemic we hog being much more nostalgic look back a lot we look for comfort and place the couple was not on the night it was in whatever we highlight ten fifteen twenty years ago so a lot of these movies that are doing these multi verses that are a lot of these franchises there being repaired it with some of the old incumbents I mean I think that that is also kind of fat into our own needs to we can access I mean I think we always have thought that it’s just it’s being read the reading office the last couple years share maybe a physical leverage points just my experience as well with the first spider man directed by Sam Raimi daca faxes by nine eleven nine they had to change the ending of the film as it was going to have all the Tarzan and me they were destroyed and then the maid of the world was very different certainly invaded the western world is very different after that and I eat do you feel like there was a huge shock and brings in talent television mini cross everything really but you know I have observed as well because I was very engine twenty four country terrorists drama thanks to god and even things like the axe files when it was still being made it got much darker than it ever been before and there was this turn and a lot of film and television production and stop spider man especially because of the setting because of the New York City siding they felt it so deeply and spider man being embraced by the city and thought city specifically failing I cant needed a hero and a way came right at the right time even though I was affected by it and I think you’re right I have always wondered if spider man is sought special one because those films were they did really well talks office they maybe didn’t work received huge you are critically but they were box office hits all three of them I have wondered if you know where the impervious to because of what it happens and I think people are spending PhD since stuff like this I don’t know but maybe somebody art therapy has investigated this property in there was better but I’ve been curious if I thought I said no I’m not gonna spider man the person was a cagey take their photographs must be my I call this giants %HESITATION spider man figure there was also some windows I have used the body still knocking around somewhere so I know that I am inherently biased because I love the I remember the TV series as a kid I don’t watch the cartoons and there were TV films as well that I remember watching and stop was part of my memory but also I think I was just at the right age when the Spiderman movies too much I was what will the person was ninety nine it was nice to his mom so I was trying to when I came out I was slightly older than Peter Parker is meant to be an artist and I think one reason systems connects it’s because it’s used a lot of the super heroes we see our old white privileged men up until very recently that the bomber is the ultimate white privilege not I am on white privilege mon lots and lots of money Peter Parker is working class yeah this is really what he’s learned because he actually has nothing yeah he’s intelligent but he’s a little bit bumbling there’s a girl really loves what he’s all about us and he is keen to go into the change yeah we will go through as we just entitles and that is something that I think that resonates and I think he’s gonna hearts that I mean he actually is a hard he’s a lawyer to show his emotions he’s not close off in the way that some of the others were he’s funny he’s Heller is when he’s played right he’s hilarious I I think that just make some slightly more lovable he he he’s the lovable rogue and marble been quite good at guessing capitalizing on this day they’ve got a bit more really someone’s with everything else but he’s a circuit that you kind of wanna keep you would like to bring your minutes when you get it what do you think you know what that was my kids or my nephew you hopefully get my Hogan I hang out with them and I think that may be wiped out works the nine eleven stuff yeah you’re right in terms of the was that moment and it was a fitting animals that kind of moment in the film and it felt like you know they’re making a statement my foot %HESITATION I mean I still remember that I’ve seen the trailer that they had to the birth date he catches a helicopter between the two cars a lab %HESITATION Mabel’s definitely an element of this box I don’t know I mean I think we always need a hero to combat this is this campus will Thomas are briefly it’s it’s the escape isn’t that some all person and when nine eleven happened I think it would make a big difference here in Northern Ireland where you know we kind of that’s the honest we’re used to people getting killed on a regular basis for no good reason and I remember thinking at the time it was horrible but I also felt kind of slightly normalize but we look for scapegoats when a person to take us away from this kind of fierceness processing here you have something that was it skip this that was also quite home grown threats which felt you know like the end of the film that sort of sits there on notice that game you know what ever since it’s it’s there or not Bob pasty so company keep calling for proper academic well we’ll have to find if anyone knows %HESITATION animals get tons hello %HESITATION and I live with he’s got offended about everything around well it’s been really good to talk about society because we don’t really get much response said to talk like that and it’s quite cool to see that work already on a PH with stuff not be necessarily entirely in the C. M. agreement but enough that we don’t kill each other that’s not why I think this is the same as this country though it didn’t feel like killing people I disagree with my parents generation I think that’s how you solve your absolutely it was just to show you know all those years by the university in Dyson’s pines that were spent casing Charlie wasted no we can have a tax and sign your over to it’s not we’ll call casting is four stars from me our box enjoy this I really enjoyed it and it was I think skate company to see if the kids have a good time to shut up and say and I think it was a wee bit scary first on because there was a bit where it was I thank you thank you know I made the jump scares me the milestone for the jump scare number last spoke to me is quite good if you know that the CFO with the audience’s version intended for what yeah and we’re not lives anymore and the dinosaur I think the thing that I can throw the records so I was just happy that you were bearable and the cinema because that’s my thoughts are always giving side isn’t right because the first time we’ve gone to see some of the cats are pretty sure has always said like what if this person doesn’t behave themselves well this is why you like I would never never minister first dates because like I you know I think that’s how you know other than that there was his second in an office the staff and all because we’ll be able to shop it’s people people talk will with your phone but it works but I did I thought of it sucked up in the atmosphere and it’s all because it’s just not right okay and then it’s also leaving behind this mission yeah exactly I think I I actually suspect they genuinely didn’t realize we were there for quite awhile and then the first time you run and it’s way then I think they really so there’s something and there are lots of the stuff that this call these Jurassic Park to then you haven’t seen it yet either no I’m dying to see them on the sale really last week before sending ships to dis or movies and I I I find it perfectly fine I mean it’s it’s it’s a retread of the first woman anyway all American for but it’s on it’s not scary even though there’s more dinosaurs more screen time but it didn’t offer me yeah not so much a thing it did enough for me to kind of maybe look at the stuff the stock together and how long all the suspects I mean this is the thing about probably talk about this before with you like friendships and stuff that if weather today the last few years differently and I’ve made a point this year can we connecting with people something virtually you know someone gets in person but it is quite nice is that need to get get a dime back well thank you Robert this is the most enjoyable pleasure what a great day that’s enough the T. make more nice memories and this shines a hospice yeah get back enough reason to think it’s a building sites in the all seeing in this party and this is true I mean look at its home %HESITATION and that that’s what we are hi guys for me being here once the strike was never mind was never a regular spot it was somewhere I went hostile this time I mean it’s all things that they don’t sing of arguing with John about it like I remember being a cage driving posterity in queues outside here with the four signs that freelancing who’s going to looking at these baselines always things slightly envious of people getting acute and I don’t care anymore yeah maybe a Film Festival some the only time I ever have to queue to get into a scream hello I’m also call upon the social to get older so I really don’t the people well this is the great just so happy that please how’s life because I’d be devastated if something really happened to it you know yeah since then so I’m part to me all my life thank you sharing this with me thank you for asking so here it was tell us where your expressionist %HESITATION huh okay so if if this was a relatively soon %HESITATION my extension is home the north’s going museum which is in Bangor castle Bangor Northern Ireland straight into training right this is daisy has actually started cinema seeking the seven look at my heart mmhm %HESITATION it’s opens on the twenty third of August and it will run through until the eighteenth of September okay okay system for just under a month but I will have her work to anywhere else that actually wants to do something with it excellent it hurts because he knows that I sent thank you again


Audiovisual Cultures Episode 122 – It For Others

Paula Blair reads her article on Duncan Campbell’s Turner Prize-winning film It For Others – see full citation and link below for open access to the published text. Topics include prize culture, capitalism, Marxism, colonialism, cultural appropriation, looted art, documentary, commercialism, the art market, and film culture, particularly the late-twentieth-century Left Bank film-makers in France.
Blair, Paula, ‘Accommodating the Mess: The Politics of Appropriation in It For Others’, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae: Film and Media Studies 12 (2016), pp. 149–165 <>
Music: commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
Edited by Paula Blair with Audacity. Recorded on 27 June 2022.

Automated Transcript

hi folks I hope your poll while you’re very welcome to the official cultures Cassidy explores lots of different areas across film the arts and media time Paula Blair and if you caught the previous episodes and much I talked to bite grounds up occasions you know I’m having a bit of a busier time just right at the moment the writing project I’m paying for that is part time but I don’t tend to do things by halves so it is my main focus for nine but never fear I’ve still got stuff planned for the pods and always have some backups on the code just like what I’m going to do today it had some recordings specs with potential casts that have fallen three people are still catching covert under getting on while so it’s still tricky to just try and pen people dying and people are very busy they’re people life and fight is and they’re just having a busy time as well so it’s just a bit tricky sometimes to get people to talk to you but sometimes people like it when I. D. these sorts of episodes so here we go here’s another one so in this episode’s I am going to read from one of my published academic articles from a previous academic life and hopefully it will be of use to your tape someone right there before IT that’s my massive thanks to our fabulous patrons over at Petri on dot com forward slash AP cultures I’ve recorded this episodes on my new laptop yes folks it finally happens violets my old laptop was really honor last gasp the processing had just become utterly frights in the past I’ve had total systems failures I’ve had the Y. if I. card burning all right I’ve had all sorts of stuff going wrong with that machine and I’ve been really struggling to see be able to afford and they something that kids comfortably handle the podcast saying so that machine which I bought for quite cheap and twenty thirteen it lasted for nine years she did tremendously well her name is violent I loved her so much you know she still technically work so I’m not getting rid of or at least not for awhile but she has been a big part of my life for a long time so I just wanted to mark her life a little bit it’s like been doing some work recently and I just got paid for a bunch of stuff so eight got the money three from the grounds but as well as side I I’ve been getting paid for all their work I’ve done this year so that money coming in it just means that I could breathe a bit more and I went on the refurbished rate and actually I was looking for a refurbished machine and I ended up getting a slightly older machine that was completely brown yay it’s really worse luck and and a lot folks because there’s a lot of on the soles you know maybe a year or two year old laptops and computers and stuff and just tackle right there that just never got sold in the first place so their old stock that get passed on see other companies and so I got a brand new E. S. S. machine but from twenty twenty one I got it for about half the price that its equivalents are going for right now all you that are brand new twenty twenty two machines so you know what’s worse just like gonna Rhines and also it’s just it’s slightly less harmful for the environment seek at tack that’s on sold old stock or that is refurbished do you think about that next time you’re replacing your stuff %HESITATION so she got some really good perfectly fine tack for a lot cheaper than the brand new stuff and I’m in no way sponsored by asus but if they’re interested I will not say no because I know I have to have your machines that I work on they are beautifully quiet I have to say that was a real massive selling point for me as per violent just signed it like an aircraft taking off just a normal processing on this machine is basically silence you know there’s very little I’m gonna have to do this already haha he deserted always but yes so she was honored last gasp and I I couldn’t really bear to entirety runner into the grind it how to do that with computers before when they were literally falling apart in my hands file it was almost off that stage I’d go to primer can close her over anymore had to leave her open up like a desktop computer all the time because the hardware was breaking apart the casing was breaking apart the bulk of the kissing I could I had to take it off because it was pushing the fine and the fine was clipping again said and it was so so law it’s all sorts of stuff like that was going wrong even if you follow on Instagram you live saying that stuff was going wrong all the time so anyway so yes this is a a got paid for some things but I also put what was available from the podcast Kitty to wards the costs of the new machine so an extra big massive sign key T. lovely people here patrons for the show because he in part have paid for this machine and it’s things like that that are enabling me to save upgrade my tack ands make a shoe sign better all the time and see make my editing work a lot easier because you’re not gonna have to scroll through and try and cover over really horrible signs and the box careens anymore because I’ve got a client machine you know that’s old trying to you guys it’s a massive help and if you’re listening and you’re not one of those people yet if you would like to join them and access loads of exclusive extras send already really says police to join a Petri on dot com forward slash AP cultures there are also support buttons on the websites and audio visual culture stock com if you’d prefer to just drop into a one %HESITATION if payments or something to to help bites anything that comes directly through the website goes towards the website primarily so that would be a massive help as well if you’re not able to see any of those things then I’m just really grateful for your lesson and it would be a massive help if you could tell the friends tell somebody you know by joedy official cultures and hike great you think the show is please see give us a nice rating and a neighbor review you wherever you listen Murphy access this before nine enjoy this reading of my published articles lists entitles accommodating the mass the politics of appropriation and it for others which is a gallery film slash experimental documentary made by Duncan Campbell and twenty thirteen and it was the winner of the twenty fourteen Turner prize so we’ll be talking about that later as well and this was published an accent university sepi NCAA I’m not pronouncing any of those things properly film and media studies volume twelve and twenty sixteen this is an open access article that I will link save I’ll see how see how it turns sights the transcript that I normally put on the website I’ll probably have the transcripts for justice opening parts and then I will link to see where you can get the article open access because you know there’s no point N. M. C. posting up my mind goes words when you can read them properly as they were published and see some of the images as well and if you follow you might know that my conference paper that this came from when I went to the creation of paca and Romania see to the initial work on this I it’s on my personal YouTube channel so if you access that show on each shape because they’re closed captions Arafat she so for you as well then at this point where I’m saying all of this I will have a link to the video version of my conference paper I used to have to video footage of me actually giving a conference paper and then I think they made that private again so nobody else can see it because personally I quite like sharing what you’ve done and %HESITATION giving free knowledge to the world but they sent it back to private so even I contacts us it anyhow her but my video version of of my screen cast version of it is on my you tube channel so thanks a lot for you as well

Download the open access article here


Audiovisual Cultures 119 – Maysville

Paula Blair speaks to writer and director Leslie Goyette and producer Michele Englehart about their film Maysville (2021). In our conversation you’ll learn about their 3-year journey from script to finished film, their experience with crowdfunding and the kindness of communities, and the sheer tenacity it takes to achieve a goal you really believe in.
Music: commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
Edited by Paula Blair with Audacity. Recorded with Zoom on 4 May 2022.
Maysville website:
Leslie and Paula connected via

Automated Transcript

though you’re very welcome to you RT of facial cultures the podcast that explores different areas of film the arts and media I’m Paul up there and in this episode I talk to the writer and director let’s see cognacs and producer Michelle Engelhard’s abate their film maze filled which is available on various streaming sites as well as on DVD and Blu ray and the U. S. you’ll find useful links in the show notes and everything else you’ll need audio visual cultures dot com a big thank you to our patrons at Petri on dot com forward slash AP cultures his generosity is funding our websites and thanks as well to you heather pony read he replied on Instagram and I posted about yes more computer bows as it seems we have the same laptop and heather says I recently discovered your podcast and it’s great I’m really glad you’re enjoying it has their hands thank you and everyone else for investing in for engaging with us wherever you do that so in today’s discussion we skirted around Paul details for the film may you spell but I think that it’s fine for me to say that it is a tragic family ands coming of age periods drama set in depression era of the ship if you’re not aware of it it’s a real might necessary it in the United States Leslie and Michelle take history quite a lot of the production details including importantly their experience with crowdfunding and simply asking for things that you told people what they needed and they made a film that looks a lot more expensive than a speaker because of the kindness of the community stay were working with and I think that’s really pertinent for me because I was living in Newcastle upon Tyne has taught me shy bairns get nights you know if you don’t ask you don’t get let’s see Michelle really show you why it’s important to just go for it to just tell people like this is what we needs today that S. what do you think what can you do with a mention some difficult topics around death poverty and abusive behavior but there’s also a lot of joy and hope the restore some faith in humanity and both the story of may spell on the Siri if making maze spell they may face so it really hope you enjoy this one it was it was just a really great conversation and it was a real joy to meet lastly and Michelle as well they’re they’re welcome back anytime so hope you get a lottery if it nine I know I certainly did let’s see go yes and Michelle Banco hearts thank you so much for joining me on audio visual cultures we’re going to discuss your independent film maze spell that’s just so exciting but this first of all if it’s okay could I ask each of you C. NG sure selves to bet on C. six billion the roles each if you had in the film if we start with Leslie is out all right now I’m amazed to Michelle my name’s Leslie yeah I was the writer and one of the producers and the director for the town I am amazing partner Michelle yes my name is Michelle it’ll hurt I am %HESITATION producer and maze spell Celeste Lee and I teamed up to get the film made I know that getting the film made a toll was a huge achievement for both fifty and so we’ll try and learn a bit of bite that at any moment spent where did the story come from and why did you decide to tell it on film will talk but the story itself in a bad spot %HESITATION I just wondered what were the origins of the story first of all well the origins of the story it’s a coming of age story set in the nineteen twenties and that part of the United States called Appalachia Appalachia is a remote part of the United States it’s a very mountainous area it’s part of where I grew up so that part of the country it’s that poverty stricken area and I kind of wanted to tell a story about things that I had seen and things that I had witnessed and growing up in that area but I also want to take it back in time a little bit some of the characters are kinda loosely very loosely based on people that I had interacted with throughout my life heady and Willie that G. main characters early on in the film are are based on my sister and my relationship the closeness that we add the adventures that they have together things like that those are all things that I did as a child with my sister it’s not by any means autobiographical goodness it’s not autobiographical it’s based on you know the area where I grew up with and that’s where it came to me and why is hold on film was it the second part your question in Leslie can answer this better than me but I just want to say is a writer Leslie is a very visual writer when I first read the script I could picture every scene my mind like how it was going to beat it and she’s not a prolific writer is very you know not a lot of information but if the right amount of information for me to visualize really picture how how this would be films which I thought was unusual to do read a lot of scripts I think she’s a visual writer which lends itself to film and Sam and then it’s out what really attracted you to producing it that Michelle was just she wanted to visualize sought for Leslie well it will tell you the back story the city especially night we knew each other do we to have met on the set that are %HESITATION kids had done a commercial for probably eight years ago now while ago and kept in touch via social media Facebook she lives in Portland which is about three hours from where I’m at in Seattle so just you know queen says over social media but one day she came to me and asked if I’d be she had watched a short film that I had put out on social media that my son had been in and she watched it and thought he would be perfect for the role of Willie for this script she wrote I didn’t know she was a writer and she had never previously shown anybody her scripts so she’s kind of like a closet raiders just she sent me the scripts and I started reading it and I’m not sure if you had time to watch the film but the set up of the film is with the boys you know their tweens the first fifteen minutes of the film you watch the set up and I read up to that point in the script and I was just like oh my god this is one of the best scripts I’ve read and I could just my heart I was totally engaged by page ten you know just sucked in and by like sixteen or something I text her I said oh my god is she said oh my god good %HESITATION oh my god dad because I was the first person to read the script and I said oh my god I just called her and I said this is so good this is just so good so that’s how I got selected I didn’t know maybe at that time that was her first script I didn’t know anything you know if she’s made any short films or anything she came up to Seattle we did a table read and then after the table read she said so I don’t know if this can just be a short film if we could do a feature length film but you know what you ladies we can get it done could you help me I’ve never done so before so I don’t know I I tell people I don’t usually believe in fate but there was I feel like there’s an element here why this all came together why I said yes I thought it was just crazy I’m more conservative than Leslie and you know don’t usually take risks like this and I just was a great time in my life and we kind of just figured it out together over the last three and half years it’s been kind of a crazy ride we’ve learned a ton a ton and I think we produce something pretty good for you know given what we %HESITATION the resources that we had a play into second let’s see do you want to add anything to Michelle stories there well yeah I think that I I I call myself a closet writer for many years I have so many scripts and short stories and so on and that I write but I’ve always felt that sharing your writing is like letting someone see ill make it you know nobody you just don’t want to do that and because it shows all your flaws it shows you know your inhibitions it shows everything in your writing and people can’t really judge you on your writing style even though I love to write I’ve never really shared by writing with anyone so it was a big step a big step for me to say Hey I’m going to share something with you and it was easier to share it with someone that I didn’t know really well then it was share share with someone who I intimately know or care a lot about because Michelle could have been honest with me does that make sense I’m Michelle had no nothing best and she could have hurt my feelings that thank you I think it’s a something for us right now but her response was authentic and genuine and she was very enthusiastic about the script and made me feel somewhat validated I guess all writers maybe need some kind of validation before they take the next step at least for me at it that’s a really important story to tell I think because there’s probably a lot of people like they’re like you you hear setting on work and they’re too scared to share it with anyone and that’s a really great story of where it can actually work I’d if you take that leap into the abyss so that’s really great for people to hear I hope hope hope you know art is the most important thing to me art most important thing in the world because it it brings joy right whatever form of art there is it brings joy and it sometimes being on her way to share your arch keeps people from sharing it you know and it may really resonate with someone hi tended to did you go from the the ID in the script Sakshi getting it into production because I know that you you went to in the crowd funding rates I’m sure there’s a big story behind that as well I think one of the smart moves we made as we carved out six months to see how much money we could race to see whether we could take on a feature length film funding wise or whether we just might have enough money to do what we feel would be to put forward a short film I think a lot of filmmakers at least one a lot of local indie filmmakers I know they don’t necessarily take that time may kind of wing it and try to do stuff and no money and I do think we did the right thing by taking that time and doing it and it it didn’t just raise the funds it helps spur our marketing right from the very beginning to start building your audience early is that some advice we got from another producer that I think is was well taken so you can the two can go hand in hand we did a big what we thought was a big crowd funding and indie gogo which was quite successful we more than made our goal and that inspired us to think that we had enough to meet your future phone which we actually end up doing we had to do a lot of asking because we didn’t have enough money to make a really good quality feature of the film is set back in the nineteen twenties so that’s another feat that’s quite hard to pull off as an indie filmmaker to make it at that tech looking to the nineteen twenties and more expensive right all the props and Senate locations and all that so in addition to %HESITATION you know raising the money we had to do a lot of asking of Hey can you volunteer to let us use your vintage car yeah we asked the town’s we found two historic towns next to each other for filming you know we had to ask you know their city council if we can use their public spaces they gave it to us for free just about all the locations were given to us for free to use the props antiques and even an old tractors the perfect old tractor we’re looking for the actually look new we found a steam train there’s a local steam train that actually still operates down there and we needed one for the film they gave us the use of that for free yeah I mean it was just almost ridiculous how much was just given to us just because we asked so the combination of raising what we thought was enough money in conjunction with just getting out there and asking people people are excited said make a film this was in two towns that are pretty not remote but there is not a lot going on down there and them and they are historic and I think that a lot of people in those towns that was really cool that it a film set back in the twenties is going to be made in their towns there’s a lot of get up and go a lot of good will down there that we found it we also did at dinner fundraiser down there to raise money that was the initial reason but it actually did a lot more than that it got that good will get the word out in the excitement out a lot of the Ted that people down there became extras in the film they’re really excited about that and some of them brought their own wardrobes and just got really into it even the fire chief the ad at the fire station helped us we didn’t have sixteen hundred dollars to rent a rain machine so he he brought fire track and hooked up the hose and we got one K. we got one shot on this one J. and he just prayed the hose in the air and got the rain to come down on the actors and their work we were so excited we had shot the scene twice already with no rain right well doesn’t work we’ll have our back up right yes so and and it was amazing just to see the community come together to try to make this project because when we were at the dinner we just had a captive audience we ask people were like this is what we need this is what we need this is what we need is what we need and by the time we were done with that dinner we had two people volunteer their farms to be burnt down and we were just kind of you know right away what we need to burn down the barn does anyone ever bark we can burn down yes you well in two years yeah we’re just jokingly asking to %HESITATION thing that we learned in all of this is that at the end of the day people want to help people thank you it’s just a lot of times people don’t want to ask for help the R. model began eighteen it became that power up the ass be authentic in your ask be truthful be honest let them know this is where I’m coming from I don’t have a budget where I can you know give you money the people were just %HESITATION one all and excited to be you know a part of it it’d be part of something creative that’s bigger than yourself I think that I would sign on if somebody asked me you know it anyway it’s it’s exciting to be part of something that so many people are involved in to actually put something on the big screen that could look really good they didn’t know asked they didn’t know we had no stars in the film you know no A. listers that are recognizable and murky but they totally bought into the story and the idea of making a film down there and the fact it was sent back in time I think it was a another big selling point can also tune into six story and I just feel like there’s a whole other side of this film as well it’s going to really beautiful story that can circulate with so I think that to get into more details but the film itself you know as indicated very clearly by the title the location is so important and as you’re saying it’s that community and I it’s great to hear such a positive story right the making of the film because I think the film itself deals is really very difficult and she’s and not so much of a community spirit going on if I’m picking up on that right so I was just wondering if you kids help flashlight a bit more for any listeners especially here in the U. K. you know we’re we’re fed a lot of sculpture from the U. S. but the specific location and after that time that you’re talking about most of us are going to know absolutely nothing about that so if it’s okay could you just help flesh out a bit more forests to depression era I it’s very rural very might necessary yet and then the sorts of issues that you’re dealing with that because you know there’s going to be a lot bubbling up Ryan’s not as well in terms of because I think the suffrage movement but is going on and and there’s a lot of racial problems and then there’s classic she’s while you’ve mentioned so if you’re happy to maybe less EKG just last Saturday but Marcus what’s your story as well you want to tell well if we’re gonna talk about Appalachia I do need to make sure that I preface that these are my people this is where I grew up and I love the end of your where I’m from so by any means I’m the purpose of this is not to shine a negative light on the people of Appalachia but Appalachian in the nineteen twenty eight is very different %HESITATION Appalachian ballad eight we’re up we’re going back in time and we’re looking at a time when I don’t think things were so different so much in Appalachia as they were in other parts of the country women were more of a second class citizen then man even in the early nineteen twenties when men that were just started a little bit more we were dealing with I don’t want to give away too much of the story is there is a very big twist at the end and the big twist at the end actually we’ll explain the actions by a lot of the characters throughout infidelity is one of the most memorable thing that you could have done in that time in Appalachia it’s something that that was our letter you know what I’m saying very much about starlet letter that area it fell yeah like I said it’s under Sir but there’s not a lot of well generations after generations after generations lived there but not a lot of people a lot of families can’t break out of poverty cycle but at the same time they’re also a very strong eight they’re very strong in their faith and their beliefs so trying to explain that without giving like much of a story and it’s a little little bit than a fine line to walk there but it’s a very beautiful part of the country the Appalachian trail a lot of people will hike that it is just the mountains trail %HESITATION on the eastern part of the United States it’s beautiful and the people are wonderful they’re just very set in their ways and sometimes people will justify their actions by what has happened yeah and I hate to use the %HESITATION terms but I four nine if you hear a lot of times people still feel that way and back in that time the nineteen twenties there was not on law enforcement as you see it now right there was one local sheriff for like three or four to L. and that was the case that the story up there we had one share I never hear of many different things like that so I hope that can help an indescribable Billboard it Leslie you know the extension that some of this a lot of it is pulled from her her childhood here in there which Leslie and I are about the same age so grew up in the seventies it’s set back in the nineteen twenties because maybe it’s a little bit more believable so that some of this these things actually can happen they still actually Leslie maybe you could talk to this can happen today that some of the things that happen in the movie like that could never happen Welton Leslie might know about the situations in her childhood where things like that actually did happen yeah I grew up with this and we were court reporter growing up we didn’t have a car I don’t think anyone would ever relate to that you know what I’m saying the seventies eighties and nineties growing up how did you not have a car but we don’t have a car I would have a telephone that sounds great to you and when I was in high school we did not have a telephone we couldn’t afford it and having that you know even though some of the things that you see you know was in the seventies eighties and nineties I took it back to the twenties because I just don’t think that if I told the story of the seventies eighties and nineties well not as we’re not believed that people would not believe that how does a family not have excel how do you not have a land line in your house we didn’t read it I had a single mother with trying to raise three children of our own and it was just their circumstances that we grew up in so we decided I decided to take this story back to the twenties to make some updates you know that I can relate you’re from my child care it would explain things a lot easier that’s really great to hear about that less because I was something I was gonna ask you bite cassette the setting is almost a hundred years on from where we are today I think that actually quite a few of the issues that come up in the film are really Prashant right now all right I think especially with a lot of what we said with their abusive behavior and race relations and gender and equality and everything he can and well into the twenty first century noise so I think it is a very twenty twenty story and a lot of ways as much as as a nineteen twenty sorry so it it’s really great to hear I’m really fascinating what you’re saying is well the plight that decision to go back to the Chinese that makes a lot of sense actually because I grew up more in the eighties and the U. K. and yet we do even for a lot of a CVP considers horror underprivileged but we probably would have had access T. a landline telephone or a cover of some description at even a neighbor’s car or something like that so you know that’s really just fastening contacts here but I thought thank you both for that yeah yeah you just hit the nail on the head you’re really did you’re really something that up very well it’s just interesting you know even when I was telling myself some of the stories from my childhood shows like what at the same time and regionally we were just a few hundred miles from each other she was growing up in Illinois and I was growing up in Kentucky but we grew up in two very different worlds very very different worlds and it’s just fascinating just to see that how to people who are completely different not far from each other but just experienced two drastically different either you mentioned earlier as well that the two boys teddy and waylaid the beast very roughly on you and your sister and then putting it back to the twenties and changing them to police as Scott Disick in to facilitate the storytelling do you think it’s easier for employees or it’s easier for me because there were some parts that I did want to share about my life okay I just felt that it was the right thing to do was to make them boys some of the things that make my sister and I did work very well wait role you know what we would find in the Barnes and Klein you know fifty feet in the rockers I would die now if I saw my kids doing things like that you know we we go frog gigging and you know we would ship times we shot guns and in the field not a lot of things that you see Freddy and really doing there definitely more masculine things but those are the things that we had it that’s what we had to play with when you’re married remember from people so that’s just what we had to delete things that were around that’s what we have to play with and that’s what we yet there is a lot of times when I was very emotional on set you know I just think that it it would have been two little girls I would’ve been a total basket okay I’m still close with my sister and I love her so much but I think having a boy it’s the kind of things a little are a little bit more controllable yeah that makes a lot of census three users here I mean we talked earlier as well right just hi positives it production experience was and it does look like he hello maybe we can consider a lot of the actors as terribly famous or anything like that they’re actually really high caliber it and the performances set you’ve got out of them and she’s got really high production values and hi the film has been found the lighting music and and all of these elements that make it looks very polished and they make it look a lot more expensive than I probably actually will which is one of the men thank you all right coming from you that really means a lot someone has so much education and someone who has spent so much time studying found that’s really sweet of you to say that means that means a lot but we you know we were limited with our actors we were limited with what we had to change from what we have to work with but I do agree with you I do think that we got some really really genuine performances and %HESITATION I think that it came through and they were more than just characters they really worked really hard to get to where they needed to be instrumental scenes for heart things were very hard but I think they roast beef thank you all we wanted to make a family I talked to Michelle about this I did not want to tell this story how a modern day director would tell story stories nowadays are very different R. told very different and how old they are we’re told when I was when my children watch that comes from my childhood and I’m like oh this is scanned by me you’re gonna love it rob Reiner’s great blah blah blah this is Ron Howard and this is Joe Dante when I share with them they think I’ll use work %HESITATION really %HESITATION and they’re very much a narrative belt right whereas a more modern day wait you’re a lot of our modern day story starts with inner dialogue the characters we must the reaction that we eat your entry the audience you’re trying to see what is going through the mind of the characters and it’s not so bad body yet so Michelle and I were we want to tell in old fashioned story not very old fashioned but I wanted to tell it the way that we grew up watching and that was the intent that so with the listen to the score the score is very much something you would have heard and the eighties and nineties someone brought up out of Africa it has we’re going out of Africa or something like that and it’s more of an epic sound to it then something that it’s a little bit more modern and that was the look and the feel that we were going for day one with our cinematographer antara composer the film is getting really positive reviews wherever people are watching it so catchy point the search to words where they can find it and any information that as well like they’re they complained about it he Michelle would you like to yeah so it’s on Amazon and designed to be TV and it’s on Google play and YouTube it’s also being taken to the console market coming up so we’re excited to see if it hopefully can go somewhere yeah that Avenue and yeah we’re on Facebook based on the movie and Facebook is probably the best place to go to social media to find out the latest %HESITATION what’s going on there filming the reviews we post in there all the press everything is on and our Facebook page did I miss anything less like so interesting hi there if you have anything you you really want to hot up in the film because we’ve been tiptoeing around the story because we don’t want to give too much away but is there anything else you wanna add about your experience in making acts and the people that you worked with anything at all well I think we kind of already said it but just to reiterate that craziness of how I mean you mentioned the production quality value the film and that the good acting all round I think we really made a really solid looking film that’s the feedback we get that looks studio quality if you know more about our budget was less than six figure six you know you have to you know we say for the price of a new car we made this film over the course of three years and I I am biased but I think it looks and feels and watches it’s just it’s amazing for what we specs and I think you know we’re first time filmmakers never even made a short film before and we did this and pulled it off and so I think that’s that’s the story behind the story be back in just in general that’s a really good story beautifully told and we just hope that people will watch it and I see I hope this gives you the confidence to get more of the scripts I do thought closet yeah hello I I hope to find that one person out there that would believe in me we’ve been to hell do not tell anyone what you spent on the stock don’t keep that budget look you know keep it quiet because if anyone knew what we what we really did here with the amount of money that week that they would know that it was tried just shy of a miracle thanks there’s a part of me that says look what I can do for this amount of money if you would just believe in me I can do an amazing product with a few hundred thousand dollars you know I don’t even need you know millions of dollars I don’t need that and I don’t think a lot of people I need to bring a quality piece of work I don’t I don’t there was no backing up your call back I don’t know if you have heard of that or saw it but it was just for actors in a room that’s it and for a credible actors in the film was done for three hundred thousand dollars it just goes to prove that I’m trying you can just have a good story and if you have a good performance %HESITATION and just believe it stopped working I just believe in not directed that they can deliver something I would love to be able to find someone with a refurbished Alibag if we have so many stories that we have we can share there’s very different remains though very different where it I’m definitely more of a I liked eating any unnecessarily horror when I left I left to get people thinking I have four other scripts but I would love to help right thank you this crazy thing again I think that sets the toxic message to the nation I absolutely hear ye I I just totally agree with everything that you’re saying give people chances give people resources and look what they can achieve so that’s such an important message for this and I I just feel so privileged that you folks come on and talk about all this and shared your story and I hope that my tiny podcast can in some small way get that message out there as well for you so let’s see K. S. and Michelle angle heart thank you so much for your time thank you so much for sharing your story and just wish you all the best with everything it has to come and I hope there are great things coming for you and %HESITATION I really hope I get sick T. again that more links another time yeah me too well thank you so much thank you so much well it’s been a pleasure yeah it’s brilliant


Audiovisual Cultures episode 101 – Subversive Spanish Cinema and Language with Dr Fiona Noble

Paula Blair speaks to Fiona Noble about her book Subversive Spanish Cinema: The Politics of Performance (Bloomsbury, 2020), as well as alternative avenues for postdoctoral research and publishing, and language education.
Recorded using Zoom on 21 July 2021.
commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
Edited by Paula Blair with Audacity.
they say Saudi official cultures the podcast that explores different areas of the arts and media join me your host Paula player and the researchers practitioners and enthusiasts I made along the way see our website at audio visual culture so wordpress dot com and other links in the show notes for more information four nine enjoy the show hi folks how you tan Hey it's Paul here just a quick note before this episode begins the sign quality isn't brilliance on my hands and I've been having some issues with my microphone to breeding %HESITATION what it is some hope and I've got it sorted tight noisy but there are some episodes coming up that just aren't really the best quality so I'm really really sorry by thoughts as a Sam trying to figure out I think it's got something to do with my EKG and if that means anything to you being turned up too much and I probably thought it was lower than it was and I have the microphone a bit too close to my mice so I think that's what's caused it and I think I was playing around with it because the feed back through my head phones stopped working and I've been a bit to sort it's when I've been wearing headphones because it's supposed to feed back my own voice so I don't sign muffled to myself and not has been really quiet lately and I thought it was broken but it sucks he just really quiet I don't know what it is I'm still struggling with the sign levels on my computer and stuff signs been weird and computer for awhile so when I turn the volume up I can hear myself but then if I'm speaking to somebody else they are really super noise and I can't take it was highlighted as sue him yeah it's complicated I'll keep playing around with it and hopefully future episodes will be an improvement but this episode and the next one they're not great because of this issue so I'm hoping I've got it sorted it's noisy and it will be a bit more pleasant to listen to after days so thanks for bearing with me and my amateur are recording audios as ever psyche right enjoy the absolute all right hello hi is it going Eugene gente another or do you base your cultures the podcast that explores the fascinating areas and creative practice and person humanities research which is important right I'm calling and I am absolutely thrilled to be joined by my very dear friends doctor if you're not hello and we're going to talk about her research and contemporary Spanish cinema minds maybe she other areas as well let's see how you get on stay very warm welcomes you feel thank you so much for joining me thank you Paula it's a pleasure to be with you yeah so like again like dying back together a little just to I know we're maybe missing a few other key players but you're starting so some of you may or may not know CNN and I became friends when I had a short stint in operating way way back in twenty thirteen long time ago because not each other we're getting a little definitely you know I'm so glad to have you and show that night this is very important past experience has way way back and started this podcast because I think you might actually be one of the reasons why this all costs even exists and that's certainly why it has been a member of the house and I remember this is like may my memory is broken in many ways but I remember this distinctly years ago and I had a conversation and Aberdeen the sinking straight well it's not really just from study start where scholars cells are teachers are it's already in Seychelles studies socks one of the reasons why one of the things that has led me paying more attention to that or do you bet on socks so you're integral to this podcast it's a great time each option here all about so nice I remember that conversation see because it's something that that I do really been thinking about it kind of post PhD and post kind of fitting into a specific place in the university and then thinking about your research and where that was going on yeah for me I'm always trying to emphasize the fact that it's not just kind of visual culture because that's the environment that we came out of an opportunity really that was the key term I think that was circulating about tying the actually you know thinking about cultures Pluto and then also thinking of buying yeah the fact is not just special you know with stock audio dimension as well which is really really important and quite often get forgotten about I think that's really lovely that Sam this podcast or at least the name of the podcast have germinated from the conversation way back when in Sydney and I spent on it returning journey stretching out my own knowledge is already as well this is going to come right actually right on the package and one eight eight yesterday we send audio drama producer on weekends really super nerdy stuff about you know pounding and sanity what signs and it still cost I can't wait for that was the year should be hostile but anyway really really generated by journey clock that's not what we're talking about eight you are somewhat of an axe first I would think it's safe to say and contemporary Spanish cinema magic published three fantastic important batch cults first it Spanish sentiment the politics of performance knowledge publishes plans free and twenty translate I think for our listeners to help them get to know you have the %HESITATION but would you be happy to give us maybe a better democracy your research yeah course yeah I was he said my E. eighty out of expertise is contemporary Spanish cinema although that is broadening ites in current research to think it bites audio visual cultures more broadly so not just in a mob thinking of buying television which I mean where do we even pick television that's perhaps another conversation we can have you know Netflix CD's so I am kind of starting to think more broadly up bites the objects my research is not necessarily just kind of cinema in the conventional sense but that certainly we are my E. OB expertise lies I did my PhD in twenty fifteen or finished in twenty fifteen at the university of Aberdeen and dot forecast body specifically on city key figures in content despondent Cinemark and what I'm seeing contemporary in the context of the peach tea that was kind of poll seventy five eve so post death Frankel islands you know up to the present day are up to date twenty ten certainly with the PhD research more recently it ready search is focused on much more contemporary works you looking out Spanish cinema since the crisis and the economic crisis in two thousand seven thousand eight am I also kind of Netflix pretty CD's as well this thesis looked at children performers and immigrants so thinking about a specific identity positions on high with the was a representative do you sell them in the case that the SS the book is sort of %HESITATION or the thesis rather was a jumping off point for the peak in the sense that performance is one of the categories I looked up in the thesis and it became the main focus of the monograph the actually it involves a lot of new research it's not just kind of a revision off the thesis the deal so the biggest body focused on performance and performers in contempt responded cinema and it looks at the relationship between performance and politics in particular so not just kind of party the text but also the political in other shapes and forms I guess it feels quite strange talking about the big Canary because it in a lot of ways it feels like that's the past and it's quite strange when you don't use all this work into something and then you almost don't even remember for you to it for that because you've moved on and you're thinking about new projects the picture was it came out last year islands it's available Wednesday and it looks out VDS he spotted she films from the content to peers that are some that go back to the capustan competed as well but most of them are killing more recent films I'm quite well known sounds quite canonical films if you want to use that term so the likes of almost all of our is a key figure in the picture if I remember rightly I think there's one of his films in each chapter because performance is such a key theme in his work and I think you could probably write a whole monograph of art performance in an almost over his work I also look at films like I can have a so the Spanish black and whites retelling of Snow White and it's a silent are content to silent film as well which is interesting when we're talking about sirens and style that features in contempt a phone or conceptual division cultures I guess moving forward because I think you know right where my research is going I've got you on going projects at the minute so are you have a big project on the work often on the only one that I know what he's a key you can simply Spanish filmmaker and he's also been working recently in English language filmmaking then I've also got a project on gender and signed so coming back to our conversation about audio visual cultures and the kind of aural dimension of visual cultures it's very much in preliminary stages of research but you know it's also kind of looking at gender islands representations of signs both the sonic dimension goals the visual representation of science as well sorry I feel like I was a really rom believe responsibly didn't really give an overview of what I'm about asshole I sang on the screen people always treated us right and I have to remind them you're on a podcast I've invited you to come on to talks he made a bright start then you're apologizing to be talking to me about just relax and calm the little agency given the content they obey it's fine it makes me feel better this is maturing I'm kind of sars people around blended rate so there's loads there that's great he'd take on that and they they go for it because the case is you know just offense and a cat and a bit more detail like with your bank the first is Spanish and I'm not just those three words there's so much shame there said David west you know I mean so what do you mean basis first what do you mean by Spanish would be made senator what do you mean based foundation what do you mean basis versus sentiment what do you mean basic first it's fine you know it's a lot it's so there's neat and just those three words never mind the next words in the title city have certain salts for a summer what is it needs to be subversive what do you identify since arsenal's Spanish summer yeah that's such a good question I think that was one of the key points that came back for and I'd submit the first draft of the manuscript to the publisher is on the talks about four I needed to do to prove that threat and the idea of subversive Spanish cinema city the big not that it wasn't there but that you know just by adding things like and the conclusions each chapter unexploded back you can prove that threads together and the artists such leaders on their anonymous obviously they are such pertinent questions that really made me think about the significance of the title and how it related to what I was talking about it because I think if you look at the carcass of material for the big and the filling car pass it probably looks quite mainstream in some ways I'm not necessarily looking hot experimental filmmaking in Spain that's not part of what that be extending there's some really interesting things happening in kind of alternative cinematic practices worst filmmaking practices in Spain especially kind of post economic crisis that's not my forte told us not something I'm particularly knowledgeable back to somebody like Rebecca notes and he she has the blog nobody knows entity where she talks about Spanish cinema I don't know how active she is barking at the minute she's from the northeast actually and I don't know if you've ever come across sorry but she's a really knowledgeable person I buy alternatives Spanish cinema practices that's not what this because it's not a private kind of we cannot what's happening with the mainstream if that makes sense it's more about looking hot you know the key players all Spanish cinema there are some films in there that are less well known there are some filmmakers you know the likes of petrol model of our who is probably you know the most well known Spanish filmmaker certainly in the U. K. ET bought depict deals rather with subversive nests within those kind of mainstream contacts and looking out hi %HESITATION the position of filmmakers who were working under Franco's the likes of Carlos Salazar or at least customer Langat one into the burning them he's the uncle off have yet course people like them your last identifying filmmaker is under Frankel working June the dictatorship cheating the very strict censorship conditions that there were at the time so it's looking at those kind of precursors to what's happening in contemporary manifestations of performance and that presentations of performance in Kentucky's funny cinema and kind of seeing that flag comes through you from those oppositional filmmakers into the present day and what that looks like and how you can become %HESITATION means all speaking out against the common additives or the dominant ideas in society that makes sense yes absolutely I'm not a man not draws in those other identities you're talking about as well as to make a child's sense of arsonists and those types of records show Saturday and then hi performance encompasses anything you know anything about it society or here we are sure that Jones and I'm not sort of stuff so yeah I imagine there's a lot going on there and such for it will grind for politics and I mean it's interesting by Amin I know so little of what was going on and stand at the minute reminds me of the nasco J. isn't his attention because even just since you've done some of this research the rise of the far right I think it's happening really very prominently then if you're looking at a lot of lasting creative send some makers so is there anything and what what he has done and there is that sense and I was looking at that like high contemporary hi recent doesn't come up too because you provision twenty twenty but realistically academic publishing is relational so you know what's the most recent sounds say and you're right that's a good question on a day off the top of my head I would have had some from maybe twenty twelve twenty thirteen at the absolute latest act isn't really bad that you forget what which phone do you want to know yeah without looking upset you know I had late last month despite him does so I'm so excited by almost over just twenty thirteen we went to the same screening of that when you're in an Aberdeen if you don't I remember you being really indignant about the gay sex in the not so let's well because they can see and I think it was yeah I think we had a really interesting conversation about that actually but yes I think that off the top of my head off the top of my head I think that was probably the most recent films obviously post economic crisis but you know we're not talking nearly eight years ago not your soul yeah things have changed a lot and yeah you're right politically there's been a dramatic shift I think Spain in particular is really interesting in terms of that kind of party politics and the arts and culture ski %HESITATION because there's a fatty nines to political culture amongst actors writers particularly like in the filmmaking and visual arts industries you know there's a very prominent culture of speaking against right wing decision made today were right wing party politics right wing governments are but it it might be and I think that's historical to certain and because you've obviously hides the Francoist dictatorship three nineteen thirty nine to nineteen seventy five which is obviously a right wing regime and I think even under the Congress regime so the filmmakers I was mentioning like along governor them and sell it off you were in contrast leaning and and in opposition to the star quests regime on their policies on and so on I think doc feeds to do for you and I've got this body art Spokane culture all actors writers filmmakers producers you have it might be so the likes of pad on the door for the likes of technologies like that have your birthday I'm sure almost all known and even the the online world than others obviously as well could be less than one here in her body politically active they will be going to demonstrations they will be signing petitions they will be writing a collector is against public figures or decision making revived it might be I'm thinking about the Iraq war as a key example for you had people like Happy Birthday I'm on the tools are not about them it's all have our burdens mother he's also about a prominent or was she just passed away actually was about a prominent political figure as well and I don't know that's something I don't think we have here where there's that kind of value process that S. contingent of performers let's call them performers because that's what they are with a broad label actively you know not just in their work but you know kind of personally are you fatty politically aware and politically active so I think it is something that is quite specific yeah the idea of politics and performance are believed linked in Spanish culture and stops we are part of the idea for the book came from I guess the schools within those towns do you have any specific examples of what game what do you mean by performance and hi it's not political or ice politicized could you just give us maybe one or two examples just as opposed to illustrate some of those ideas nine absolutely so course hard to pick just one or two the one that jumps I initially is bothered that these data from bad thought which is biotics the legless yeah it's known as the lost circus in English was produced in twenty twelve but it's set in nineteen thirty seven and nineteen seventy three so you got palindromic setting in terms of tying marker is obviously it's made in twenty twelve so you've got that triple time structure or time frame to the film and it looks like a circus troupe so you have to keep characters two protagonists who are clients the kind of sidelined happy client and in nineteen thirty seven the figure who will become the sideline witness says his father being rounded up by Franco's forces in the civil war and you've done all the moment in seventy three where he's become this client in the circus group and I guess just as a kind of really rudimentary instruction Spanish history seventy cities key moment because Frank was I. L. at this point he will die in nineteen seventy five and you know has received a pass over to king Juan Carlos well at the point in nineteen seventy cedar key political tensions going on with for example the Basque separatist group ETA and you know you got this off the nation's capital Blanco who to rich living pets is the successor to Frankel so there's a lot going on historically at that moment the film uses the location of anybody that was cut either hosts which is the valley of the fallen just on the outskirts of Madrid in Spain where until that it recently I found closure means were but it but this volley was constructed partly body or mostly by Republican prisoners in the aftermath of the civil war it is always a commemoration of the Frank was fallen but doesn't commemorate the publican fallen at the same time that their bones and actually kind of built into the framework of the structure because a lot of them died while they were building so it's a very controversial site as you can imagine in Spanish politics and actually very recently I think I was just able to include it in the big chunks of it's one actually moved from the site your prize money will grins because obviously it's problematic in the content the contacts that you've got the means of are a right wing dictatorship and wasn't ever brought to consequence over there the crimes that he committed and likewise has officials as well so it's a really controversial site and it's a site that still mostly to this present day certainly when we've lost in Spain it was still a site of commemoration of Frankel and his regime and his principles and on the anniversary of his death there would still be demonstrations and whatnot there are so many prominent site I'm very problematic site on the law of the scenes of this film or some of the scenes in this film or stage on this monument and I remember I was in a conversation with you right the S. and higher you know there's this monetize each and then off the site as well because not only has it become a segmentation it's also a film sat right it's become part of the film industry it's become a way of making money in the film industry so it's certainly not easy to teens are all these tensions I think that is one example where you've got this body all VS confrontation of performance on politics some of the examples in the other films are kind of less obvious or last demonstrative in that we have the political side of things one of my favorite films in that B. is by a filmmaker cultural monuments to isn't that a well known beyond Spain but he's also a very unspoken political figure in Spanish culture and you know to the extent that he even kind of reminds filmmaking and decided to put all this comes up on you choose because you believe they should be accessible for all you know so he's a really interesting figure on his phone the little kid to get us so anything you want in English from twenty ten is about a little girl whose mom dice and her dots played by one they will both dole starts to dress up as the mother as part of their canoes mourning and healing process as a really beautiful phone it's not very well known it was hard to get a hold of until he put on you cheat for everyone said to see it deals with the politics of identity and gender and sinking city subversive nice within these mainstream venues because you know he is a white middle class men who cross dresses as part of you know he's killing and grieving I'm just doctors hearing even process having lost his wife and her mother thought it's interesting because I think the film acknowledges that read the film's not trying to say well you know it's okay just you know fight man can get drug too and it's all good you know that's not what it's about you but it's about how you actually his contact with a performer becomes part of the healing process and something that he can do to help his daughter gave her mother there's really obvious kind of political examples and then there's some of the more subtle political examples with it's maybe more by the politics of the patriarchy the politics of normativity the politics of white male privilege I'm kind of navigating those things so yeah that's two examples I could pick high but there are so many more be sure to pick because they will to be the best next on the rooms are really really helpful especially because you want to start considering it is a performance space but then it's a mask we don't think of it as a performance space but of course let's not many artists must reading reading out carnage saying if you're interested in giving regular support for the podcast that aren't too keen on peach tree and I know I have membership options and buy me a coffee dot com forward slash P. eight there where you can get the same extras as well as some others exclusive buy me a coffee head over to buy me a coffee dot com forward slash P. eight B. LA bart to price membership options or drop a fiver into this charge thanks and enjoy the rest of the episode something we talked about it quite a lot is to post docket damage to your alternatives I could demonstrate riches Europe most people he still have a Honda and wastes some academic publishing but we are working on getting me here anymore and and if you need to say so E. G. the extremely important markets being a school teacher needs all done some nominal worksheet and what we slow in going through the past couple of years and I'm really interested in hearing about your experiences a languages teacher specifically but I think if you're happy to be can talk about it right alternative academic experience and your experiences are pushing a little bit and not around are you straight up I thought that that meant that and we're seeing signs you in that area it's such an important aspect of I mean what would even call out just if I could demand generally recognized that so many of us are coming through the system you know getting a PhD and doing it quite successfully actually you know having a good CV doing all the right things and for one reason or another not ending up working in academia whether that's your choice that's me or whether that's trying to not managing to get a job or deciding to alter you know there's there's lots of reasons for that and I think it is something that I'm quite open about you personally about my circumstances you know there was a part of me that one thirds if you're not working in academia would be something that held me back if I wanted to continue with the search bar I would have to see that for now it doesn't seem to be and I think that more and more of us are choosing to take alternative paths because that's what works for us and we're not willing to sacrifice what happened is certain aspects of our lives to have the academic journal so yeah for me I feel quite happy with where things are I mean there is a part of me that we'd still love to have an academic position in a university but for now you as a mom of two young boys if you you know you aren't going to be level for very long as much as the days can be fat a log right now %HESITATION I'm quite happy with this balance I've caught between work so non academic work and then mom life and then you know research is there as well but that's what we were talking %HESITATION obviously before we can start recording you know it's a jungle and it's difficult and you know sometime I'm sorry question it and think should I be doing this this this you know is this the right thing by actually one of the most liberating things up pricing two bites at is that it's all on me so you know if I don't feel like doing something academically I don't have to E. there's no obligation I'm doing for I want to do because I enjoy it and yet is aspects of it that don't enjoy so much if there's a deadline coming up and you have to her mind to something and you're not really in the right frame of mind well I don't know for me it's working really well actually and I think I just acknowledge not you that I can't do everything so I have a job I have a career and a house you know my kids and you know I'm a relationship on and those are the things that are important in academia or research isn't there and it's really important to me it's not the defining component of my identity anymore which I think I don't I think we may be all go through that with the PTSD if it becomes like this huge thing and it can become really difficult to see yourself thanks right if not but for me you know it's just well this is me and I do all of these things I don't think because more and more of us are in that blue it doesn't feel so scary anymore I feel quite I feel quite at peace with my decision and from what I can tell it's not a negative you know people are still interested in what you have to say even though you're not working in an institution I mean I do have to say that I am really lucky to be able to like I have an honorary affiliation with autumn university I'm done I'm not being really supportive in terms of like right in the library access so you know I do have certain privileges although I'm kind of on the fringes of on the margins of academia like I do you have certain privileges that I benefit from in terms of being able to access material online and just having that support of an institution here you know are they if I'm doing any sort of applications while I've got the ordinary affiliation and then also a personal level I'm able to carry on academics Hughes who are so supportive and so generous with their time you know and so willing to have a little fun even some academics who I've never met personally but I know him through Twitter and deal with an application for me or the latest chapter for me my gas social media and you know networks like Twitter arms being able to you keep in touch with people virtually on a huge part of that feeling like an accent community even though you're not in an institution so it works for me just not true and you know as long unless it is working then I'm just going to keep going I think what's your thoughts on how do you think it's kind of manifesting like nowadays with that kind of alternative path or paths to academic work yeah I think decision ready useful socks I am maybe I haven't paid my spouse and she community has not steady I think of my social media activity has come of it all cast mostly I think so I don't feel is embedded in the circles but I know exactly what you mean because I have imparted stopped short it is rainy sunny day make friends I mean that's when rich water became a political science tests that's what it was amazing work for people like us that we would find each other I mean there are mutual friends of ours yeah I'm mad to became friends on Twitter and I became friends with someone like summer first already good friends now you know so that's really valuable and it just happens that your academic researchers as well which is not right you know so it's a great taste for showering and start earning and redeeming about you people last time I eat spoke at a conference certainly a person should was in twenty seventeen I had on my batch renounce scholar in people challenge me but actually chose not to stay independent because I don't think that's ever cherry nobody's ever truly independent and expose and days become something that's separate from independent thought makes sense that the language around this is very interesting to me I'm people said freelance just implies that you're ready to take on more coming yes I am because I need the money so yeah I am I am for hire that's exactly what I want said communicate using work freelancing on the straight answer that way you I will take on commission park you know some of that my recent publications I've done have been commissioned things and things that I've been asked to contribute take now wouldn't that things that I would have seen a call for papers and gone I have just saying you know it was somebody asked me today not causing the accident so I did that and then a girl I need more money to not %HESITATION which is nice because you don't usually get that ready an accent I focusing it's nice that you get the sort of monthly publishing publishers get your money so I suppose in terms of the community that's a good question because I I don't ring I'm sorry I suppose it's what we make it ourselves to immigrant communities is really great here leaves here right here south part of that community you don't feel alienated from up I don't know because it's because I spend ten more Africans coming part of podcasting community which is a great community because such young medium that we're all helping each other which is really nice so it feels a bit like that and it rains where so go well I don't know how to do this morning Heidi dammit here's how to dance here's this other way it's Janet people's history of the nation you because they know stops and they want to help you learn no stocks and you can help our people that aren't you know since it's quite similar and not even just scrap underlines and there's no real institution for it it's it's like pre university you know why so yes this is a very long way of saying I don't necessarily know my answer it's not so it's really really good questions as we talk about perjury you know it's just I suppose to find a way of keeping your hand then so you don't really ever closed the door behind G. you know I certainly burnt bridges possibly that I can never cross but you you're not in a sense you may well have the door open it might just be asked charts the enrollments and you know %HESITATION but it's great to hear that you're happy the kids we've both done nice where you're strapping around the country Janney centerpiece really far away from where you left it in somewhere you might want to where your family is the people that you know how are you going I mean I really want this job got it three six hundred miles away from where she won't stay in my life yeah in terms of location yeah the tricky one definitely and I think you know that's kind of why men in terms of like compromise or sacrifice and what you're willing to do or not do you or for your willing to go or not go and I think for me if you're attached to anyone in any way shape or form which I think we all are in different ways because as you said none of us are truly independent RIAA you know academically or personally and I think having to operate and make a decision to move elsewhere you know it's not just me that's a consideration and not question that is a big factor for me and you know I was quite selective even when it was kind of actively applying for academic jobs I was really really careful about which ones I applied for he didn't just apply for anything and everything because I'm not that there's loads to apply for but you know I really have to see myself and my family moving there and living there it wasn't just awhile there's a Spanish job let's go for that and you don't have to be the right fit for all of us you know not questions even more complicated when they are little humans to think as well so yeah I think it is part and parcel of the academic environment as an and I think it's a decision that you need a car you know that you you're comfortable whether you're not in that spot I think you're right I think that obviously keeping a Honda and that's definitely something I'm keen to do moving forward I'm actually like and we talked about this before the fact that we've been in a pandemic and everything's moved on lighting has actually been one of the few positives to come across this recent pandemic because I've actually been able to participate in a lot of the bands I would've been able to do physically in person or I might be able to do one of them fox the fact that everything's moved online is actually benefits it's people like myself or maybe constrains physically geographically by eat their job or their family or accessibility for disabled people in a for effort is that impeded off from accessing certain events or certain places the pandemic has actually opened a lot of things up so for me being able to participate in the political this clown she CD's that Santiago on S. that organized or you know I did a talk as part of the university of west ministers research seminar CD's it would have been unlikely that I would be able to go to Westminster for either one or talk it just it wouldn't have been feasible with as you can do online great you know I'm sitting here in my house everyone else is in their house listening to that I can talk about maybe people can learn about it and it's been one of the few positives to come out with us and I think moving forward I do hope that not something that we hold on to you and we think about alternative arrangements it doesn't have to be a replacement for in person events but why not screen there so that the mom who's picking our kids a bad can listen to it or you know the person you can't fly because they're terrified of flying had listened to it whatever it might be whatever the reason is it's opened our eyes to actually how we can make academia more accessible which is not a bad thing I don't think transaction date a great summer day I did a test someone are in Switzerland from this corner of this heist I was able to enhance your talk at Westminster from Newcastle upon Tyne so it's been great to be able to say that I mean he suggests %HESITATION unless and then everybody needs thank but to support friends stand on my arm and right cheeky comments and you know and then the child well I want justice I did not listeners I did not do that I wanted to say that but I did not do that I was very well but he had to go so you said Glenn said right here Johnson makes online on the child has just started to cry you know it's just full of nonsense you know I was going to tell testicles in Belfast from here and I was just regions and across you know it's just you know it's not and so I was in hindsight and I know it I jumped on the single tear Westminster hangers right now all this stuff has already come do you not respect to read this and I'll trust lacks just stopped senseless cross street search yes it's it it's opened up about the dusting it's open it up to the people and not just the ivory tower now I'm not so so important so so important she because a lot of different backgrounds and style which may not have been technical rates and talk continued personal work we might be searched Jan type people service desk dot different mindset needs to be a white country and people who just want to turn out for us this might not understand the thing understand thinking comes are staying against the prize and that's really nice and slow and steady wins world definitely we'd love for you to be part of the conversation with AP cultures called on Instagram Facebook and Twitter and we also have discord yes it may I like to talk about you than your joke mark the kids teach teach languages English French and Spanish ranch you've got a wee bit of anguish thanks channels to your box I guess you teach about a German as far as that right yeah you know which is huge impressive to me and you know I meant a language learner and then also signed somebody I don't know how you think about this but I feel like I'm somebody who does not have an option to change for languages and I don't know it's not it's not since you're not maybe it's just it takes sometimes it takes the accent I don't know that I just do not have that ability to pick it up never have to cram really super hearts just learn a little bit of that I am always fascinated to speak to anybody he has a whole other languages and their variants just on the right cyst and Madison and and then they'll get you in terms of culture it's such a fascinating things also we were talking about earlier that's where we start reading that he's thanks from there he can think differently and there's a different version of the eight and a different language I was wondering as far because your research is on Spanish cinema and I suppose it's quite technical to research when you J. modern languages and then you top shot see another saying it's not sure sentiment receipt or whatever thank you well I talked to the language learning you don't have to do it that way you know but there is stock barriers and all you did in the subtitles and somebody else's translation that you're relying on so I can really fascinated by all those sorts of various I suppose yeah I just wanted to see what your thoughts on those kinds of things might be I'm thinking of right this kind of ironic deals where I think I was finishing my masters and writing like a research proposal for PhD I don't remember Janet Stewart leading the workshop on it and she said to me you don't see that you're fluent in Spanish and I was like okay but it's not all the S. because why else would I be doing one and she said no but people can research Spanish cinema with being fluent in Spanish and thought always stuck with me because I thought well I just assumed that they would know what I I didn't realize I would have to spell that you know and make that explicit and I think it's one of those things that when you become fluent in another language you know the isn't one that you've been brought up with you almost kind of forget that before you can do is not necessarily something that other people can do and I'll often say you know what I'm doing things for the kids at school it's obvious like how do you not know that where it's not and I see this call can you not see that that word would mean not and he's like no I cannot see that that's your brain your brain just Knowles that dot the connection and not how it works so it doesn't make sense to me so I quite often brings things off and actually remember like repeating stuff a whole more thinking to do something to do in class he's kind of my Guinea pig because he would see himself probably similar to our youth you yourself so he would say he's not natural learn language learner doesn't have that kind of affinity for it his brain just doesn't work cannot wait and he find it really hard at school it is I mean I didn't start learning languages so I was in secondary school I don't know if you were the same yeah and we have all contacts with language learning English Chinese school and you know we go arbitrarily assigned to you either French or German woman back into first year I really wanted French for no reason really other than I just fancy French but we didn't get a choice it was right here you go even this class unless you had a specific reason like I don't know you have friends family anybody visit the members every summer and you know you could just already speak about French well you might get French than or similar for German you good German cousins so you've got German but most people just got runs in the fitness classes and I got German and like I remember my teacher being so excited about you know like all you're so good to German and you really get a lesson she keep up and to be honest humble heart I didn't really try that hard because it obviously just kind of came naturally and I didn't have to do much work I really enjoy it and I did pick somewhere can cause a good kid at school and works pretty hard quite studious I wasn't like you know Boston my god every night trying to learn the full copy I could delete the page once or twice and it would go and they just kind of it kind of works and I mean I don't know why I really actually like to learn more about the science behind it and what it is about our brains help us learn I think if you've got a good memory and if you've got a quick official name a name that you are more likely to be predisposed to that language learning affinity I don't think it's necessarily true but I think there is more likely that that's a possibility and I think I have a really visual memory I don't know I don't know it's totally photographic but would be bordering on photographic but I can remember doing full cut checks at school as a student and you know it would be she would say the word in German and I can remember right that was the start were dying in the first call I mean I could actually visualize on the page so I think that that helps a lot I don't know what else you know I I actually really like to learn more about the science behind it and how do we learn languages but before I do know is that the more you read in your own language another languages the better your language will be on the easy it'll be to learn other languages so I'm learning Portuguese tonight as well just on Duolingo I'm not doing anything more adventurous than not but it's something that I've been interested in for a while Scott had a colleague who was from Portugal and he would talk to me in Portuguese and then I could understand what you saying I can reply to really frustrate me so I'm trying to do Portuguese on dealing with the site and it's fascinating because there are so many connections with Spanish but then the pronunciations really different and sometimes appear random words like I was doing the animals one and hunt looked at it for awhile and but to fly can often light but don't know what is important is I just have a gas and just hit the spot and some like money put aside which is but you're fine Spanish and it's no it's bullet that which is like totally different and it fascinates me I'm like right linguistically then we're just going to let that come from because you would assume it would be more similar to the Spanish and it's not or like words like milk it's late chance Bonner so alley C. H. eat nine kind of opposite leaks but in Portuguese it's lit TCI but spot with a team instead of a C. age so there's obviously kind of something happening linguistically there that I don't know the history all of our flight that's come to be that way but you can see the connections across the two languages are least icon but maybe that is just my brain but yeah I think it is it is really fascinating and I think I remember like being away on holiday and heating other people speaking I don't know let's see cool ash I like being really annoying I can understand them because you start to forget that the actually there are languages that you have no idea how they work because when you know a lot of the month languages you know Italian I don't speak it I could probably work because most of what's been said or if there's something that indirect wholly work but you know something like Polish or other eastern European oranges I would have no clue it feels like I get really annoyed to like all I don't know that is this is really frustrating so I think when you're talking about that kind of frustration and not hurdle in trying to get to the next bet I think the key there is actually just being surrounded by it twenty four seven and I think living in the country is pretty much the only thing or living with somebody who speaks a language you can talk to you in that language all the time even even then you're not totally immersed in it because that he was not in that language you know you're not eating all the time and I think for me my Spanish is my strongest language it does go through peaks and troughs you know they'll be times when it's better than others and not could be because of other factors like they've got a lot going on %HESITATION stressed I've not really been invested much time in it my brain's not really in the right place it might not be to halt the actually then I can start spending time on again so I'm watching a Los fantasies on Netflix right nine because thought is you know an amazing we'd say immerse yourself in the language I listen to Spanish music so I go back to the CD's I ball I was living abroad and you know I was able to go to like a snack or a good thing glass and see what was in the charts and buy stock on a listen to that and sing it and not help this well and then you're just reading in the language as well but obviously the research for me is part of keeping my language alive as well because it helps me to keep it there so it's a bit like playing a musical instrument or exercise we are if you don't use that then you do you lose it it does disappear you know hence why teaching German for me was quite a lot of fun last year because I haven't used since seventeen years so going back to that was a real challenge but it was also really interesting because it actually brought back a lawful I knew already and just was kind of lurking in the back of my brain but I couldn't quite remember that a lot of that I was having to do you on the hoof when I was googling things before it's cute worker what they mean so I knew that they were simply I'm sorry I'm not doing any German this year so that's Beverly I can focus on Spanish and French I kind of feel like a sense of mourning for like how to get my Spanish was when I was living in Spain because you can't replicate out here it's impossible and I got to the point where you know I'd be in the shower and that kind of you know we have you have like your daily thoughts in the shower late night with any state stay or whatever it is you're thinking about it I'm sure it's not just me the house that I would be thinking in Spanish or you know I've been dreaming in Spanish because you're literally immersed in it and it doesn't take long for that to come back you know I can have a conversation with our friends from on the phone in Spanish and it's the it again or you know I'm if I'm watching a lot of Netflix in Spanish than it does start coming back you start thinking about it more so yeah I think if I was going to give advice for like high %HESITATION to be sure language on to that next step is just trying to merge yourself in it still reads listen and converse city con but that's obviously be difficult when you're not in the environment I wonder but it's not it's not it's not L. his friend that's you he mentioned maximum members telling me that it's as if you're brand styles to languages away in the order in which you burn them soon our English will be first and then for me it will be friends snacks because that's what I didn't scale and I did it for GCSE I was okay because I work I worked really hard to let and it's going to be so you know that was me working super hard it can deal somewhat at United's can read no okay that does multiple choice questions probably help because you got a chance to get in something right but it's the oral and the last thing I think because as you say it's an honor student it's really talks I understand better it's Spanish for awhile because I was listening to you did you language Spanish classes for him but I it's it's just even just great stories Senate it's really fun to listen to you so if you didn't you may get a short Spanish you either way I think it's really useful to take kids and it's just reading reading some stories and they're trying to get a big channels different accents from all the different faces so my lesson is getting ready to get it but then I get obsessed with one of my find another podcast naked obsessed on the Selena state because I'm a nurse so I have to do things you know and ridiculous to see signs and it is the same as generating about less than Irish because marriage is very beginner but I was trying to listen to it just because you get used to the signage that and then you only know how where does that's unique and then you know you sort of get it but it thank you say you see the connections because even with Irish there are some very big similarities with artwork and the rates of some birds and things you know they're quite similar actually transformation compartmentalized in concert times when I've been in space in west from and I'm trying to talk to her mom and what comes it is French I haven't yes French since I was nineteen where is not French coming home is because it's the next language and then there are times when I'm trying to do make shooting go Irish on a little come this is Spanish I can't reach it you know and it's really really interesting high brand works you know hi IT service operates the languages and the different parts here shrews memory banks you know so yeah it be ready counselor mark I thought yeah and I think I see Israeli just to jump in on that like I was talking about this the school actually not long ago because so are two year olds it's obviously just a speech is starting to develop really quickly it seems out of no where but you know I was trying to say to sculpt the actually I think it's a lot I don't know I I mean a current speak as an expert in child speech acquisition of course well for me it feels like when you're learning a foreign language like they've been listening to English or whatever language it is you know they've been listening to their mother tongue since they were in the room you know since they could hear me all and that kind of insight into that image and vitamin and they've been listening to that since they were born every single day but they can't produce the same amount of stuff so they can understand the law but they can't necessarily could you stop themselves and it's the skills of perception in production are obviously two different things and I think that's what you're talking about we are you know a word columns I always think those moments are quite interesting because you're under pressure a lot moment yeah you're not it's not that you're reading attacks in trying to work it will okay see this word but let the what could that mean in this context you're in this stressful situation where you're trying to produce the words so much and that your bodies in this high alert type panic state linguistically shopping for this word in your brain and something comes out and hunt really thought about things being filed in a certain hardware but for me it's interesting because Spanish was the most recent language that I learned so I started with German and I did French and then I did Spanish I did all city and then I dropped Germanic capped off the Spanish and French but then obviously Spanish because I invested so much more time in and spend more time there and you know research to academically and whatnot and it's obviously become the stronger but then going into the school setting and having to teach predominantly French to start with was really daunting and people are probably thinking will fire you wanted you could degree in French but yet that I haven't used it in like eleven years or something hunt being used on a French but it's amazing what is actually the %HESITATION what you've retained and what comes back to you know find out with the German this year because you know I haven't haven't used German I dropped it first you need and you know I haven't been to Germany since then or it's still there it's in the back when I did actually sometime my friend ditions in German are actually like sometimes stronger than the Spanish because I did all those basic full cap stuff at school so we did all the animals we did all the colors and we did all so all those kind of boycott basics are still the leading German and sometimes it's not it should be like I think one of the kids asked me for like ten pin bowling was an insect contractually know that Spanish because we didn't do hobbies because we skirt suit or we maybe did it but we touched on it quickly and then we moved on and so the obvious ones I maybe know all the more kind of specific ones I may be doing or if I've never been tent in billing in Spain which I haven't I don't know why C. ten pin bowling in Spanish because I've never had to use it and the kids can put you on the spot you know they'll be like how to say this I am I often just say if I don't know you may think she's on the shelf one got one free night which I don't know every single word or %HESITATION sometimes style I would admit I don't know and I'll just be like you know you're going to come with the word for unicorn is like what is the unicorns or German enterprise that is thank you call for a night you got a device in your pocket house the whole of the internet and I know but they still want to ask me those moments of like when you're trying to find the words I either it comes out in their own language or you make this massive full path for you see a false friend and it's not actually like I always tell the story I tell the kids as well as school like when I was working in the skill in Spain and it was like one of my first days there and you know I was meeting colleagues in the staff room and hears me like freshly graduated from undergrad like twenty one or something twenty two maybe and talking to this older teacher and she's like all S. three S. thing weakens the bottle each day we need to respond as people and you maybe know that this already they love to talk about their ailments a love to talk about it what's not going so well that's a big study type it's like also the weather like we love to talk with the winner let's start with your health so she's like a spring wheat was the product I was like wow that's like a lot of information considered I'm just meeting you you're telling me that you're constipated and like what you obviously feel they can talk openly to that's great and then my friend said yeah you realize that because the bottom means stuff not like blog topic called thank okay right that makes more sense she's not telling me about her bowel movements just tell me that she's got a cold right okay I can get on board with that and you know I'll never forget that words never because that was my first encounter with it and I made this like horrendous mistake or like the time I told my E. slot me in Spain that my great grandmother had broken her a lot %HESITATION instead of her head because I said good window instead of cut it on we still isn't anything alike in English they don't really send out like in Spanish but that's what can I do and I think it's not no well %HESITATION I also ask the cockroach is that of a spoon you never forget those moments you know that's how we learned to make mistakes and we we learn from them and I think like having the confidence to try even though you maybe aren't the best I think doctrines for so much and that's why I try and tell the kids at school from there all about us about trying to speak in another language and language you're going to say something stupid like I've done and I tell them my mistakes I'm trying to ease at them that they were never totally totally fluent like we don't know every single word in English even as native English speakers so I think it's just yeah but being open to embracing your mistakes and it's a constant learning process because language is evolving all the time as well and we seem not like with the pandemic like look at all the card today that we are using that meant nothing or made something totally different and you know the word blockchain will be like a trigger for us all for decades to come I think I think language learning it's something that we we struggle with in this country years native English speakers team get on board with sometimes and I know sometimes I see that you can schools where off what's the point you know writes I don't speak French was point me learning package I cannot speak English and you know I think actually it's one of the most important things that we can study and learn because it's crucial to our species are culture communication whether it is just your own language and I think that is the other side of actually learning other languages teaches you about your own language and make sure the flax and not be becomes but what we're talking about right being a different person in another language and I think that is a key part of that was language learners we've probably all had the experience of trying to talk another language and struggling to get %HESITATION we are across and that can feel really strange but then you have to kind of discover who you are you know it's really interesting I didn't I didn't be read and I'm talking about this I think it's fascinating that obviously is something that we reflect on the law at work and it feels like an uphill battle sometimes trying to teach languages and an uncle phone contacts because there is a lot of resistance to it and people find it hard that's the other thing people find a high read more no sadly not part of our schooling system from early enough in any sort of meaningful way hopefully that is changing in Scotland for the one plus to you but it's a long road I think to get there would you like to receive updates thanks and special offers straight to your inbox and visit audio visual cultures tower presto com to sign up to our mailing list thank you for all the sites there's a lot here in the next year we grew as this all of my interviews is because that is only scratching the surface on your show me yes we can expand on search you're always welcome back again this is not your podcasts is that that's mine it's been a real joy %HESITATION I spend reading of the actually date to talk about a lot of things because again on the other side of that as a language learner ands and destroys it could just mumbling stream very slowly let's let me get here encouragement like caught you know as well I think that's really important so I hope that she's %HESITATION anybody else he's last name because I think it is fascinating that sent us some fascinating area of culture and I agree you know I think it's something that we're very robust shop actually in this country and starring other people's languages and opens up so much cheer left experience I think even if it's just mysterious she compared it race music actually impacting you right learnt some music when I was a teenager and I was always better at the scenery of the naxal playing at that and I think it's very similar with language right I understand the scenery behind it I understand how the language works signed the comics is at work I can explain it all to you I can expand right this is highest sentence structure works and Irish can I tell you an example sentence gives me house on artistic you're at all right so it's really great and said here the other side of the box as well and also you know Hyatt and schools and see your other interests you Roger now there's things that you do this year I'm not standing ready I'll shoot you net I do want to keep anymore you've been so generous with your time but you want to point people to where we can find you because you've got a really lovely blog and cheer practice on some of the solutions are you happy sad just point people towards where we can read more of your stuff yes of course so yeah I have my blog which little bit neglected by I'm hoping to revive that and especially with the the new projects on the front on the loan that I know I'm hoping to give myself an enforced %HESITATION right saying that line of some sort for that to the blog astonished in Philly %HESITATION dot wordpress dot com you know I've got a kid a mixture of stuff on there it's not just Spanish cinema stuff there are kind of reviews of films I falls or thought some films I've watched or study and or come across in my typing working in Spanish cinema but there's also stuff on the %HESITATION up by being a PhD candidate of course it is a blog post on the department's E. vicerex finance on my advice which is quite a popular post I think is probably my most visited cities of posts so yeah there's a mixture of stuff on there on Twitter you'll find me are you an actionable and then I'm also on Instagram and I'm trying to remember my handle is off the top of my head I think it's Dr underscore teacher underscore mom is a private account well it's only private because I post some pictures of the kids on there never their faces or anything so I'm happy for people to follow me there as well it's just it might not be very exciting from an academic perspective it's more my mom life on my mornings you know sometimes the odd things thrown in that a bright and academia or teaching hours once I was posting this account from trying to meet regardless but nicer so there are some random things on there and I think that's it is it or I guess by email as well Shawna dot noble at Durham dot AC dot UK is the academic one I use most of the time so yeah you'll find me there and I'm happy for people to follow up and see what I'm saying and engage in dialogue and whatever that might be wonderful thank you so much and thank you for your time thank you for your amazing very end thank you for being an awesome given I thank you for being a Michael Katz thank in a long time coming out than I was when trying to like start the site for a while so I'm really delighted that we manage to see make the most of my child free afternoon yeah having a kids catch up first and then the card in this it's just been such a jolly and my Cup feels soul fool contributor so yeah I'm just delighted on I'd be equally clients come back and chat more another day so yeah let's do that we should do some maybe topic isn't spending ages since I've done that's what you made in China but it hasn't happened since it would be ready costs that may be reaching a gardenia vests or you know I'm so excited I haven't seen it since we went to the cinema to see and if they get to see it again stamina holds up thank you the kids should do like a virtual viewing together and then in afterwards that would be cool the sun right thanks units are okay thank you Paula

Audiovisual Cultures episode 106 – Cinemallennials with Dave Lewis

This episode features a joyful conversation with Dave Lewis talking about making the Cinemallennials podcast, his love of movies and history, and his Irish-American heritage. We go into why Cinemallennials focuses on both millennials and the classical era of Hollywood film-making and what is gained from keeping older films alive, including forming better understandings of more contemporary works of cinema, for example Denis Villeneuve’s Dune (2021). We also talk about the importance of unearthing erased film histories with mention of early African-American film pioneer Oscar Micheaux.
Recorded using Zoom on 2 November 2021.
Music: commonGround by airtone (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
hello and welcome to another episode of audio visual cultures the podcast that hooks and pokes in the different areas of audio visual media and the creative industries I'm Paula Blair and I'm really excited to introduce you to my cast D. Esalen yes makes a similar deals podcast which you should absolutely check right Dibbs website where you can find his home movies and podcasts Angie cheap thanks as in the show notes where ever you're accessing this episode please do you go and check that all right Steve is seeing really great work to promote cine and media literacy so please go and give him all the support you can Steve has also been kind enough to help me cast on cinema landing Elsa please see subscribe wherever you access your podcast C. don't miss what for me was a richly enjoyable conversation bites it happened one night said Frank Capra film from nineteen thirty four a massive Sanchi S. while T. our patrons over at Petri on dot com forward slash AV cultures and all our wonderful listeners for keeping us going there will be more information on ways to support artificial cultures at the end finally settling in for this really joyous maybe conversation with their David S. host of Senna millennials podcast you're very welcome to the official cultures thank you for having me I really appreciate you having me on yeah I've been really looking forward to this I really enjoyed staying on your podcast representing the older millennial content and we'll explain your podcast and the minute I think just generally it's alright if I ask you hi E. J. N. and whereabouts are we talking to you from and that sort of stuff yeah I'm doing well I'm from New Jersey in Union County New Jersey closer to New York %HESITATION around a forty minute train ride away from the Big Apple crafts city if he a lot of film reviews and you have what comes across to me as a particular and trashed and classical era holy way it's it's not fair to say I was wondering if you'd be happy C. chest and judges yourself and tell us about your interests and why you're so drawn to the types of films a year Jontay and that sort of stuff yeah my name is Dave Lewis signed host %HESITATION and %HESITATION producer creator extraordinary whatever you wanna call it it's such a weird thing to like have a title for %HESITATION when you do everything now but yes so I am the creator of Semenya's podcast where myself and another millennial watch a classic found so that ranges from eighteen ninety to nineteen sixty nine because that is you know with the academic quote on quote quote out or you're out of the classic era for filmmaking I've always just been fascinated with history basically what we do is we go into we watch the movies the very first time and then we see how it relates to our society today are millennial experiences whether be culturally popular culturally socially politically economically what have you we really want to try to understand the people of the past within the lines of our present and future and I think it's really important that we look at that stuff because all of the different things that we are going through right now whether it be racial issues other P. economic issues classicist issues there are a lot of things that we can learn from the past in order to create a better future and I've just always been fascinated with history ever since I was a little kid %HESITATION my mom got me a Fisher price castle where you can have a cannon ball shoot out in a trebuchet catapult and have the little clicking kind of as a drawbridge in the nights and everything and that really really made me fascinated with history and I think film really came into a creation point like %HESITATION kind of a amalgamation of those two and which is why I was inspired to cream similar deals we learned a lot from our history and learn a lot of things through film about history yes there's a lot of inaccuracies within historical filmmaking but what we really try to do is to look at the humanity of that really focus on the way of the future and someone else is a perfect fit for that really I think it's a rainy Accern idea for a podcast because it's both a combination of the period that you're looking at switch it anyway it's quite a big area of cinema but in another sense in terms of sort of leisure our history it's so tiny and it's still in a state of becoming it settles so that's really interesting but then also the generation that you focus on because you know you're not liking it tends ads are jammed seeds you know at the same time it's specifically millennials sons that ranges from the older ones like me from the at the stadium %HESITATION people up to the late nineteen nineties and stuff so that combination I'm thinking these older films that as if some educator having taught a lot of you know younger people coming even after me and the sense is that %HESITATION those of some suggest boring and they're nonsense you know so I'm I'm just seven said it just a probe a little bit more what kind of things are you learning from not from this combination of those two things together yeah it's it's fastening like the other idea that that I had with some money has just that I was noticing like watching Marvel movies or whatever is big right now Star Wars and then especially right now June there is a massive massive influence of older sounds coming to the sounds that are coming out today and there are a lot of people that there's this culture this some called you're on YouTube of covering found and breaking down are saying we do explain the ending explained of things and I find this really fascinating because people want to know everything they have this deep deep hunger to know everything because partly people want to you know feel better are more superior than other people and in that way I wanted to get that group but at the same time I wanted to get the group that we will find it boring they find it exhausting all its black and white so that's not gonna be interesting but there's a lot of things that you can play with within black and white within shadows I think the shadow plays like the thing that's the most important thing about that is you're able to unlock something with a a restriction of not having color with the restriction of having to write around saying this in order to make it more relevant to that person or read more relevant to that culture and that time without specifically and explicitly saying those things like we talk about the podcast but he's code I think it's so fascinating to see where people come from where myself and other money has come from what they're like saying I've never watched a classroom before but I understood that because of the different references behind it and I understood the simplicity of it because it wasn't so specific but at the same time like we talked about in our I'm sorry that it happened one night there are references where I myself am not gonna understand at all that other people might reference might understand like the older generations and I think with the millennial generation's wanting to know more that's where I was like okay maybe more and more and now there's a big film culture on Twitter and YouTube people want to know more and more and they want to see more educated within sound and I thought it was a way for not only myself to learn more about classical filmmaking or phone majors the masters of the past if you well I thought it was a really cool idea to talk to people about it to see and almost on the same line because that sounds a little pretentious but bring people decide Hey this stuff is amazing because of how revolutionary it was and how still relevant it is tags and I think it's really it's a great opportunity to bust some misconceptions I think as well because the more you take memory Rafael and I think we've both top seed mutual friend of ours ours Henriques fights now the cabinet of Dr Caligari and what strikes me about that sound is just a reminder is that those are the silent films they're not necessarily black and white because they use a lot of color filters here there's lots of police and park pinks and greens that are used in the US and so they're expressionist in more ways than one it's not just long shadows and things are actually quite vibrant and hi there expressing the internals evenings of characters and so on it's a really lovely opportunity for you to get someone by your side and for each of you to learn not to gather it's quite a joyous thing to lessen safe for me I'm so glad to get that fact and it's funny you say that it's joyous because the majority of the people that I've talked to so far within twenty something episodes everyone's love their movie everyone's love the vibrancy of everyone's loved the different acting techniques that they had back then would there be a silent or a talkie it's something that's like so fasting to see like once they understand like oh wow this is art this is a true form of art and expression and it's been something that's around for a hundred years not just the last twenty or thirty years or forty years now that's more things are coming up within forty years now you know especially the things that we grew up with four years plus almost fifty years so now it's definitely something that has brought me a lot of joy into having a lot of people really dig deep into things that they were never seen before and I enjoy listening to yes I think because I think a lot of the films that he caught fire our fans that I may be watched as a younger person because I was just curious about cinema and then I ended up studying it formally so I watched a lot of the times as well in my film studies courses %HESITATION hands my own research and teaching it remains to somebody like me to watch his sons for the joy of them as well as for what you can learn from them so I enjoy it on those two novels that's exactly what I was gone for so thank you so much and words I was wondering how do you choose your person that you did way because I know that you have some people come back and do them repeatedly I suppose with all of us to start with an indie pop past you start to you know restart with your friends and that kind of stuff and people you bump and say on the internet like maybe but and here are you looking for he shared ideal cast do you think my ideal gas would be someone I don't know I think it's I I like talking with family and friends because I think it's so interesting to see where their %HESITATION perspective start from it and with I don't know would be interesting to see if I can get somebody whether it be like academics like yourself or maybe somebody that's been involved with filmmaking or like an actor or an actress of the really cool to have if they're like doing a period piece and they want to go back or maybe something like along the lines of I think it would have been great to have somebody that was a part of manc talk about change I think that would have been awesome to say because I feel like especially with Citizen Kane Citizen Kane is something that everyone knows about rose bud whether people know it or not and especially with names and how it was it was about the creation of the story there so many like different versions of the creation of the story with their long tails asset which now has been proved false which is the whole movie that's that's the whole movie is based off but now it's interesting to see like how people really interactive film and how they go from saying %HESITATION yeah it's just a movie too wow it's saying a lot about society and especially how it so real relevant to our world today but yeah I think somebody will that would be a part of something whether it be like movies like bank or %HESITATION the other side of the window I don't know why I am referencing or someone else here twice %HESITATION he's been on my brain a lot %HESITATION for some reason but %HESITATION no I think somebody like that would be really really cool to have well never say never hopefully %HESITATION yeah that would be really great to say that I'm thinking it's all about you saying references this is something I used to tell my students as somebody who is say teaching usually first year from Saudi students a lot I noticed that you know every year maybe just get a bit more reticent to just be there at university %HESITATION and there's a lot of factors involved in that and in the U. K. I don't rating I can't speak for the aspect you know there's reasons behind that I need at the moment %HESITATION arrange the structures and that sort of stuff and %HESITATION I used to tell my students you know it's not even just staying well academically you actually start to understand references and shows like family guy a lot more pay attention to what I'm telling you and you'll enjoy it more because you'll get it you go oh that's from that made me understand this million attack from rival and that was something that came up in our episodes that's coming up as well is is and chances as you say of some sort %HESITATION coming out each day you will understand them more because those directors there from disco love going to the cemetery R. cinephiles I know what you're doing and they love what they're doing so you'll understand some more if you just watch widely right I feel like that's where a lot of especially the big directors today now like some my favorite directors are you need on news and %HESITATION Christopher Nolan and basically they often I say this a lot of a Christopher Nolan he basically takes a lot from Hitchcock yeah with the attention that he builds within the film whether P. Dunkirk where you have the constant ticking of the mechanical movement of a watch no I love that effect because I'm in the big lots guys well %HESITATION ology guys well but it really builds that tension and then with you need to live he uses a lot of the stuff from science fiction of the past but is able to fully realize the world I've been obsessed with dune for the last couple years building up because I've read the first two Bucks to run really really struggling to get there but I think what he was able to do was he was able to build a world of all %HESITATION you know George Lucas and Mike he's able to build the world even though George Lucas is you know it people don't differ on if that's a classic or not because that's the whole like kind of ideas people say oh a classic is just the thing that like you know everybody revers rather than the academic sense which is the layman you know I go by but on the way that he's able to build and build and build this kind of tension and he kind of reminds me of older film directors not even but before long you can also say his cock as well because of his stuff from that the signer a lot of people don't know that you talked it silences swelling even today %HESITATION he did an adaptation of plough and the stars which is really ran into me as someone that worked in higher studies and I was really interested in %HESITATION saying that but anyway I think basically what we see a lot with those two directors and other direct like when Tarantino is probably a great example even though I'm not a fan is %HESITATION that they're using the techniques and they're using the ideas of the past and are influenced by the past and they want to elevate their stuff by using the old masters and by using the old masters they elevate their own projects as well in definitely it's quite great sales to show people that are at least introduce it to them and for them to to get up and run was set by themselves you know that's a great thing to pass on to people would you like to receive updates thanks and special offers straight to your inbox then visit audio visual cultures dot wordpress dot com to sign up to your mailing list yeah I wanted to ask you how you teach to use the phones you've mentioned a few limitations already you've got last time period so we're looking at quite as she mentions classicism in the sense of periodization select right at the time he gets up and you're looking for the moment as far as I know %HESITATION specifically Hollywood scare which is a bit gray in the very early years but a lot of the films that we go right back to the eighteen nineties are probably going to be really difficult to access any rise I mean you need that limitation I think you need a limitation but I just wondered about your experience working with and not and it just got me thinking Kian uprights there is a distinction I think an important distinction between Hollywood and yes our American sentiment they're very different things actually and I was wondering what your thoughts were on that and what impact that has maybe on shaping your podcasts or is it something you might address at some point you know just what do you think about that yeah I am I thought about it to certain degree because I know you know in the early eighteen nineties obviously it was dominated by Edison which is my area of where I live and it is dominated by %HESITATION Addison and a couple other early ones until Addison actually forced people out to go to Hollywood by literal gun point actually I'm not himself of course why would he do that he has a bunch of cronies that day I was in was not a great person and everybody thinks he is generally there is an absolute distinction between American Hollywood sounds and it is very difficult because what is said ninety percent or up to ninety percent above of silent films are completely lost so often it is very hard so when I take the phones originally I just picked I think was a hundred or something films of what are deemed to be the best of the best classics are the most well known classics as well as some things that I knew personally from things that I wanted to find out from whether it be European filmmaking whether B. E. S. judgment yeah E. or a and a half a dozen half again I can remember my gosh the Italian director Fellini at every company name yes only thank you %HESITATION Fellini and then some of the French directors this file that I really really interesting never really got into %HESITATION because I understood that some of their stuff is kind of a little difficult to get into if you don't understand the whole culture and you know being American I don't think I'm a regular if you're an American and a lot of ways but some ways I am I think that what I was trying to do is let's look at like all the things that are deemed to be as the classics where I looked at the AFI lists the BFI lists not wanting to have a good diversification as well as introduce other not so long well known classics like on the list I have %HESITATION I have the response by Oscar Michaud who is a African American director who is one of the first African American directors I can't remember the title the sound I think it's the unconquerable or something like that %HESITATION where she responds to D. W. Griffith's birth nation where a lot of people think that this is like you know D. W. Griffith stays the great you know introduction of epic cinema when in actuality there are people in Italy in France doing a lot more than he was way before December Griffiths even came to the stage and that we're doing way less problematic stuff and I wanted to introduce Oscar me shall I wanted to introduce other people that might not be able to be on the pedestal of what Hollywood and other people think as like the great filmmakers and I want people to look into European filmmaking because there's a lot of great stuff as well as I'm trying to now look at other phones outside of Europe outside of Hollywood outside America in order to have a big diversification when I do have people that are from other places that want to talk about their personal and cultural experiences going to the cinema so mainly we have phones that are known as the benchmark for a lot of stuff so what every citizen came in with like we talked about for me you know Frank Capra's kind of lexicon of the are %HESITATION filmography of americana or like we talked about Capricorn with it's a wonderful life which is one of my favorite films of all time and then you had the great British directors like this guy behind me David lean %HESITATION Lawrence of Arabia which is another great favorite some of mine it's all across the board I wanted to understand what is the best things are what a lot of people like scholars like yourself for you know academic saying this is the best as well as the same thing as what a lot of people say is the best like people that are outside of the cell making world news I wanted to understand and I wanted to like educate myself as well as help other people educate themselves through listening to and participating and going back to the idea of American town versus Hollywood there's a lot of you know D. I. Y. and corn corn punk type of influences are there's a lot of DIY and punk type of directors that are doing stuff that not many people know about some trying to delve deeper into those in order to see like if I can add anything on and then I have course you added it happened one night so I'm always open to suggestions whether it be you know anything in the world it doesn't matter weather be like you know a small thing or something that's obviously why didn't I think of that what am I doing why didn't I just think of that movie so it's a whole thing across the board it gets me thinking a lot of by curating your own films being in a way that's been on my mind about it anyway because again our our mutual friends larceny son and Garen and I over at mysterium picks for him you know where they've they find a desk you know they find a hard drive for C. three hundred pounds on them and so that's what their podcast is about it is it's curated for them as their family hearing and what you've done and the limitations that you've sacked and that's something that for me and they show it I know that my show is it doesn't have that many she know I'm quite broad and sprawling because those are my research in Trastevere where where's that where things stepping over each other I just feel like there's really good crimes here for a really fascinating research projects where it's right I want to make a podcast debate the staying and so in Q. reading a script the film so I'm gonna watch to talk them three you know I I just %HESITATION something ready fascinating about that that's just bring a light yeah macos participating in that and other people's head that way as well which is quite nice yeah it's I mean it's funny you say it's like kind of like a research project which I mean that I think that's a perfect example of what it is because %HESITATION I went to school for history I'm trained ademas historian because you know that's not my field and I want to sound too pretentious in there I'm not gonna call myself %HESITATION missile historian but %HESITATION you know I did study anyway anyway you are to no sales the story no one but no I am I studied history went to school for history because as I said before was a lifelong passion and I really do think that film is a good way of introducing not exactly educating because obviously you know there's too much Hollywood stuff like the last tool which is in the army %HESITATION but now which is actually funny like to go on a little little tangent armor medieval representations of armor are better in the first half of the cinema rather than what is going on today unfortunately but I think it's a great way to really see what people are into and see what they're not into and then see how they can relate it back to our world tangy and how to understand what we're doing wrong or what we did do wrong in the past whether it be through art or social movements and how we can fix that today and I think through filmmaking that introduces a lot of topics that are can be often difficult and can really make people not make people but can really make them feel comfortable enough to talk about those issues I think I'm not I was wondering if you have some examples of factors jokes that come picky to mines create from Sentinel any elsewhere that sort of thing has really happens and Ian your cast a pretty dull guy something even arsed something like that is really shiny oh gosh that's so relatable to see the recession we've just seen one ten years ago or something like that like do you have some examples that you kids aren't semesters to words yeah the main one the main examples that I thought of was all about eat and how when it's apparently clear coat it there's a lot of references to queer coding within that I myself did not know any of that from that world I heard a little here and there but my cousin Kelly who inside you know she's very interested in that kind of period and then %HESITATION but not that kind within that there's issues and within those issues but in the period and how %HESITATION there's a lot of different references to clear %HESITATION ideas and representation within that film and I had no idea about that because I I you know I always heard about all about eve being this like on Twitter there's a big old Hollywood community and with it being so kind of like I'm looking to DVD box right now with how impactful it is within that community and I was like okay well all I can see it this way and somebody sees it as another way really fascinates me because you know I myself I'm straight says hat person you know I don't understand everything that's going on within that community I try to educate myself more more which is why one of the reasons why I picked all of that is because I wanted to know about that and why Kelly picked all about eve %HESITATION because of its representation in a time where that representation could not make sense in a lot of places and now when you can look back even further not to a film that we've covered %HESITATION on similar deals but there's films from the twenties and thirties and even our earlier that you have representations of queer people I know G. T. Q. plus people that are coded in a way as to run around the Hays code and other restrictions set up time so that's another one on another one and talk with that is %HESITATION some like it hot is another great one that we really talked about gender politics and the representation of gender on the screen and you know you can trans gender issues as well so that was really fascinating there's a couple films that we really talk about I mean we talk about happened one night with %HESITATION classicism and economic strife between the classes and how we really see what America was at post depression or during that depression up post freshen during the depression and how people were trying to travel across country for work they were having this depressed but jolly positivity at the same time when the scene that they're on the bus and then you also have gender politics and that within our %HESITATION Peter tries to hail a cab and you have very sexist but what some people could say as empowering to the female characters in the story is the whole almond hedge my dress up just to reveal man I get the car right away he's my sexuality as a power kind of grab %HESITATION in a way so yeah those are a couple examples that I could really think of right now especially how can I forget this one citizen Kane as well I know I keep talking about it but you know the ideas of especially right now billionaire's having all this power people like Charles foster Kane having all this power and how you can clearly relate to a lot of major political and economic figures today how do you treat the world around them when in actuality a lot of it was down to childhood trauma and issues that they weren't you know loved enough or they weren't you know that kind of thing where we really have to look at everybody from a human perspective whereas you know a lot of people can deny this as well but we need to look at like what happened and why they are the way that they are today maybe we can empathize maybe we shouldn't empathize at all so there's a lot of different issues there that we can really delve into yeah tellingly the medium %HESITATION kill a silent just based at one time I think no no definitely not we need a lot we need we need to there's a lot of issues going around with that media moguls and how they control the media or who who controls the media really and how different points of view and perspectives are pushed out rather than held against an iron door so they don't get pushed out we'd love for you to be part of the conversation with AP cultures called on Instagram Facebook and Twitter and we also have discord I mean you say you go back in history and you talk quite a bit about that and then %HESITATION and I think it you've already answered this question gives you you've said to your your interest and some quite dove tails without minutes remaining so I mean what was that attracted G. T. ng film reviews and writing some reviews as well as costing from northeast not sort of work it was just something that I was I've just been always passionate about %HESITATION writing really kind of came as an accident when I was working at %HESITATION actually I went to an event at the American Irish Historical Society in New York I'm very involved with %HESITATION the actual unity in New York especially the new York Catholic association and %HESITATION I actually pointed out it was twenty sixteen so is the year of %HESITATION you know the hundredth anniversary of the nineteen sixteen star rising in Dublin and %HESITATION I was just there you know as a friend to support my friend who is %HESITATION that kind of she ran the offense at the American Irish Historical Society I was just pointing out to somebody a couple that didn't really know about Irish history because I study that a lot my grandfather really got me into it when I was a young kid %HESITATION talking about the different you know people of the past with the B. Patrick Pierce or Tomasz McDonough or you know the signatories are even people little later Tomasz mix we need people like those %HESITATION figures of the past during the Irish revolutionary period and then I just point out this is a copy of the nineteen sixteen Easter Rising proclamation like a legit copy of it and then somebody noticed that Hey this kid knows what he's talking about so I started working for a mini truck McConnell she %HESITATION is from Donegal which is where my family's from in Ireland and %HESITATION which is not too far from where you're from I just found it interesting and I found the history so like I was so passionate about it and I started working within that field and she had connections with an Irish America magazine so I started working there %HESITATION as an editor and writer assistant editor writer covering all across the board of history the Gaelic athletic association's events that covered events meet a podcast for them %HESITATION where I wanted to make this deep dive into history and how it is still relevant within the Irish American kind of culture today %HESITATION which unfortunately is a lot of older people %HESITATION rather than younger people being passionate about it there's a lot of younger people only to see Patrick Stanley it's you get drunk your crazy for a guy and that's about it not really knowing where their families from or the history of it you know people inappropriately saying things about the irate and things like that which yeah it's too much of an issue %HESITATION ignorance lies on those kind of histories and I think it's something that I just kind of fell into because it was a passion for me there was a film critic there called ka hor of Dougherty who really really pushed me into going into film reviewing %HESITATION she actually had a lot of connections within New York kind of film screening circles so he actually got me a %HESITATION an invitation to %HESITATION the Stan and Ollie and all the screening and ever since I was a kid I watched on March the when soldiers are based in Thailand and that that has such a head likes to massive impact on my life %HESITATION every single year I get a nutcracker because of that movie my parents gave me a cracker because I thought the soldiers in the movie were real the whole story is that for those that don't now stand Ali laurel hardy %HESITATION play %HESITATION toy makers and sans workshop they were asked to create six hundred soldiers and a foot high instead they made a hundred soldiers at six foot high they defend the land of toy land from %HESITATION the boogeyman and %HESITATION I thought they were real such a call can you please can you please give me M. long story short my parents you know Santa Claus got me a nutcracker that's probably about this tall I'm about three or four feet and ever since then you know I've been obsessed and watch it every year so there you go early Hollywood's influence a young young age yeah so from there I started doing my own things on YouTube they are not very good there's one that is okay decently I would probably need to re edit it it's about how Lawrence of Arabia really sets up people's intrigue with showing his death at the beginning of the movie and then later on you're gonna see the whole arc of his life within the military and his experiences in the desert and you see all the different perspectives of all the people that worked with him throughout the film and that really builds intrigue to start later twenty forty nine and you know things from there and it's just been growing I'd like three hundred seventeen subscribers as of right now and never did I think that I was gonna get that far yeah it's I mean I just I've always enjoyed I think the first film that probably son Peters was Toy Story and that from there was probably after that the first live action film last Sunday there's a Star Wars and %HESITATION I got so excited that apparently I was screaming crying and going nuts in a theater singing with me was the coolest thing in the world that I almost got my and and like four five nine because it's my brother kicked out of the theater so it's always been there and it's just like with this kind of steady build into something that I've always been passionate about history as I sat I always wanted to know what the why and how about a lot of people in who they were and and that and you know I just going to deep dives on wikipedia is and then go into the kind of academic resources and things like that so it's something that just has been a slow build over my whole life I mean I remember watching you know the Oscars when the lord of the rings trilogy %HESITATION came out that was something that really really changed my whole world about filmmaking and thinking about film and watching behind behind the scenes of those movies it was something that just you know developed a long lifelong passion for film and wanted to know why the why the how and who behind the scenes I really can appreciate that curiosity I have a very similar curiosity as well let's just say end up starting from quite formally those are all things that I've really always encouraged some students said today as well %HESITATION so it is ready cartons me that someone right there does that because it can be quite difficult to capture the students of the subjects should be that carried us and check to make those things up I've always said that even just credit sequences are gold mines of information my gosh yeah like a it notes interviews like I look at those a line like we eat that person did this one of my favorite like phone taxes that some of the greatest films of all time written by like the scene two or three people he had like I think it's Robert bolted Lawrence of Arabia he was a part of it's a wonderful life he was a part of the on so many other great films that he did I know I only need to but when you look up Robert ball and see what the credits you Dan it's amazing but no one knows his name because of you know the house un American activities kind of idea %HESITATION event that happened and how a lot of communists and leftists were completely shunned from Hollywood including him I mean you had another great example is Dalton Trumbo and how he did Spartacus and all these other great sounds but you have to find the little details within those stories and that's how you find it through the credits through wouldn't eat different Matt paintings in the background of Star Wars or the special effects artist with more the rings any circus you know how these things all connect one of the great examples of old Hollywood is Conrad vite people don't talk about him and now he's one of the greatest actors film actors of all time look at his demography the cabinet of Dr Caligari the man who laughs still me his face is still making an influence on our popular culture today nearly almost I think he's almost you know it would have been close to his hundredth birthday or something like that by now he also did a casa Blanka she is so super influential within our society in popular culture today in what is known as the you know upper echelon of filmmaking and storytelling I think that's really fascinating how there's still so many names that have not been talked about enough within some meeting in you know in a way I I hope to bring those people little bit more to light even though we are talking about those bigger kind of people for the majority of the time it's great I think anything that can redress the %HESITATION reassures that have happened because there were a lot more women involved in filmmaking and people realize similarity years most film editors are women a lot of screen writers for women but there their names were changed her masculine I used a word they just aren't included in the crowd at seems to always look at what's missing as well as with fire I thank ray and you talk about women I mean some of the earliest like we wouldn't have the %HESITATION the color version of %HESITATION the way I still do not add a trip to the moon we wouldn't have that because it was all women hand cleaning every single frame that film that's why it still colorized today and then you also have you know a form more updated reference you know talk about Lawrence Arabia Andy Coates who worked until what was a couple years ago before she unfortunately passed she was working on so much influential sounds I mean she is the one that basically created the famous cut most famous cut one of most famous transitions of all time with Lawrence of Arabia where he has the match he blows it out and you just see the beautiful sunrise across this vast desert wasteland there were so many especially I mean when you look at even earlier in the nineteen tens nineteen twenties nineteen thirties a lot of famous directors especially comedy directors were female and it's really really fascinating to see how people want to have that focus today there's another %HESITATION northern Irish %HESITATION my god I can't member's name film kind of historian director that did a whole series about women and stuff and I think it's on criterion %HESITATION mark cousins yeah markup that's done talking about yeah that's on talking on mark cousins great great series on that I started watching that %HESITATION a couple months ago and I was like oh my god they're just so much good history here and there's so much good kind of representation here more people should know about it Kitty here do I feel like we should we should chat again because I thought I'd love to hear more about your experience as an Irish American personally this is something that's come up in the podcast a few times you know where I've found and I've had a cast on and it turns out they have a wealth of Irish history Souchez Donovan but also carry roots he is a film historian and he's %HESITATION from the asset and that he's he left and Belfast for a long time and he taught me a film studies actually here's one of my lectures at queen's high school and he's just written masses and masses and masses backseat just he spent for my tastes and the machine he's written loads by RD horror and RT at American horror he said he's a huge fan of Bela Lugosi and he's right back has traces of the state but he's also written quite a lot of fights Irish American cinema show he might be somebody in assets and and the king and say he's one of those people he's a he's a take make sure you know I think he's got Cherokee and them but he's also got Irish in him and you know he's already been there and one person so Gary's pretty fascinating yeah I'd love to it really keep in touch and they can stop it mark have covers you the diaspora is is so interesting I mean I'm technically yes I asked for it in a way nice while living in England %HESITATION and it's also really kills me to hear that you're from all star specifically yeah my family's from down low and so one of the %HESITATION way way you know isolated places and it's actually great grandparents that come from Ireland and %HESITATION my grandfather was just always super passionate about and telling me about it and then you know I started I went to study gone twenty thirteen and %HESITATION %HESITATION yeah twenty thirteen I absolutely you know love the place want to learn Irish %HESITATION I know a little bit of Irish myself just always this fascinating history and you know to see the sports and how intertwined it was within the culture and you know being someone that's been you know part of the G. A. community for the last almost nine ten years which is insane to think about it's a really interesting to see especially within you know the context of America and to see how there's almost this kind of like secret world within America within Ireland and people that have absolutely no connection to Ireland or any Celtic or %HESITATION Gaelic type of representation really fascinates me and how they just cling on to win we had %HESITATION I live in a pretty urban area and we had a lot of you know African Americans we had Hispanic Americans we had a lot of kids because I I started a %HESITATION hurling club at my university and we had a lot of like we'd probably the most diverse team and it was so fascinating to see like how these people just so attracted diverse cultures without even you know noting that they're all part of the whole lineage of you know what is it four thousand years history within politics societal issues and things like that that are baked in within that culture that are peaking within their sports as well so it's really really fascinating Z. the Irish American experience over here and how to see it and within the lines of the GAA but also within the minds of as a growing up I like really was interested in my history kind of prescribed and on my or Scottish miles so you know I was very interested in those people's on in the relation to British history medieval history as well so it was something that just like was something that's you know I'd be so passionate about and I just want to delve deeper I've I I talked at the Irish consulate things like that so like I did that kind of stuff and I wanted to do like branch out to more things I can sound because it was again it was something that I was always super passionate about and some that I just loved and wanted to like learn more about and educate myself and you know I was already doing the reviews so I was %HESITATION doing stuff all all along and I just wanted to know more and help other people no more because you know as a kid you're you're somebody that and I'm sure you do the same thing you watch older son how many times did you get made fun of for watching older phone L. and like it I mean we you talk about the next generation have you talk about that and like I I know I think I saw somewhere on your one of your social media to get far skate around and things so you know how it felt when people lie like put you down on stuff and you know whether it be for me it was like a lot of my our stuff as well as because you know I live in a town that was mostly Italian Americans or convert to keep their kids and things like that and they were very fiercely in right very rightly proud of their heritage well you know that could be also a whole conversation about %HESITATION about different ideas about nationalism and things like that our cultural nationalism or whatever but growing up liking twenty years ago lord of the rings and fast way to eighteen you know fifteen to eighteen years later everyone's obsessed the game of thrones it's like come on guys you gotta you gotta catch up on the cool stuff here but %HESITATION you know it it's something that I wanted to help other people to realize this is something that has clearly you know made it Denton impact within our current generation of filmmakers and actors why was that a thing why are these references coming up now and how are these were and where did these references come from so I want to educate people I want to have people know more about film and I want to have conversations with people that would have never looked at this thing before and really say to them like this is something good you're missing out on it let's get into it and see how it relates to us so we can be more relevant to you and so it's just a friendly and so that I don't forget to say C. H. and if you ever get to go back to Ireland and do you ever get to see travel more around all star and she check out the %HESITATION Sir American folk park yep you will laugh at I've heard of life heard a lot about it working with the Irish America I think they actually have like a kind of a deal with them I have never been said Northern Ireland never been there I'm sorry I'm saying the north because all my friends and I'm like I gotta stop doing that I got I got I have to get out of the the whole kind and because a lot of them are obviously you know directly tied to a lot of different movements yeah I definitely need to go live hi friends and Jerry as well so I definitely need to like take a trip out there anyway I mean I'm going right through there anyway from Dublin to go to Donegal so I definitely need to check out a lot more stuff and it's something that %HESITATION you know I need to delve into more of definitely because I do love the medieval parts I love the nineteen twenties no I I have I'm hesitant to dealing with like more of the sixties through you know the ninety stuff because it is often it is very hard and very very difficult there are a couple films you know that I'm like like I put off watching hunger for a long time as like stuff I don't that's very intense especially with somebody that has that kind of connections and has close personal some people that I now within family had this personal like kind of story so it's something that's very fascinating to me as someone that is removed from that history with and because our family came over here in the nineteen twenties so yeah I just definitely want to learn more and like educate myself and again watching films like I I saw %HESITATION the navy is film already who is it yeah that means I think it was called with them I'm a guy came into the main actors name but %HESITATION I saw that premiere at the American premiere there and it was just really interesting to see how it block was run and how all that stuff was like really fascinating so and that's why I like I I found your work so fascinating because I want to see how those experiences are expressed through filmmaking because you know some I have books and nice things that are you know some of them are biased some of them are not because they are historical books and you know they try to be unbiased as much as they can you know I want to look at multiple perspectives rather than one perspective that I'm clearly being around to constantly with the GAA and other places as well so it's really fascinating to see all the perspectives and to see where people came from and why people are doing things especially now with and and this is getting a talking point within the next couple weeks or months with Kenneth Branagh as Belfast found unlike very hesitant on that film I think it's amazing that Kenneth Branagh is going back to his roots of being from Belfast in Northern Ireland I think it's really fasting because I had no idea that he was I was like why are you kidding like this guy's supposed to be like the English and the English because of his connections Shakespeare when he's really not liking I think there's a B. B. C. kind of thing that he didn't very early on I was like that then the price on yeah exactly yep yep that's lazy exactly like wow this is so strange and he's been a patron of the lyric theatre in Belfast for many many years he's never really gone away he has kept a hand on the knee does keep going back you know he's never really been behind the door I think it was when he was a teenager or something or when he went to England for university you know you get a crop K. thank you for having the socks and especially when the conflict with some so and he changed pretty quickly but that's what happens a lot back then I'd almost forgotten about that some yes some great looking for it's like minutes I know exactly what you mean because it's painful and yet it's still a mystery you know it's very ambivalent feeling I have and especially spending so many years studying what type of phone my PhD studies were you know they were the love of my life and yet they nearly killed me you know it was very strange and your apps that they have it's really refreshing to hear you talking about this multi stage because it's very much a quite literal history see no they're going very very slippery but you know what if you if you ever wanna watch any of those kinds of films and you want it to something else like this were re recorded chat about the need be so welcome not that lovely wonderful I'd love to see that you have for chassis very welcome back so before I forget this is well hello dear listeners where they can find more about you where the contestants and the millennials plug all your stuff yeah my %HESITATION my website is D. Liu movie review dot com I know it's a lot D. A. L. E. W. movie review dot com you can find all the podcasts I've done whether the Irish America similar deals my you tube channel please subscribe to my YouTube channel I would be more than glad if anyone subscribe even if it's just one person I'm just trying to get my voice out there trying to get you know the ideas that I think are very important to the world and more people should listen to put across in those %HESITATION videos and I think it's just something that I want to have a bigger community of people that I can really delve into about filmmaking about films relationship with history and history strong relationship found and you can find similar deals on pretty much every podcast provider every podcast kind of platform adobe Spotify Google apple podcasts you can find it on anchor you can find it pretty much anywhere I would be so glad to see people in a really talking about more more classic films and I really appreciate you having me on thank you so much I love this conversation now I'm so glad you asked I really enjoyed chatting to you always enjoyed chatting to dance and I hope that this is the second of many many many times I hope they enjoy your company okay too thank you so much it's so nice to say that